Understanding Inc. 1973 Meeting Minutes
October 20, 1973 Merlin, Oregon 97532
The Annual Business Meeting of Understanding, Inc. was called to order at 1:35 P.M. by President Daniel W. Fry, at 560 Pleasant Valley Road, Merlin, Oregon.
Roll call indicated 26 people present, with seven units represented in person or by proxy.
The Invocation was given by K. Campbell (Merlin,-#1).
Minutes of the 1972 Meeting were read and approved.
The Treasurer’s Report (attached) was read and approved. The Treasurer wished it to be known by the membership that because of the generous donations of a few people it has been possible to keep operating.
Reports were given on Membership, Subscriptions, Friendship by Mail, Letters from several individuals, and from two Units: Buffalo, N. Y. #37, and San Bernardino, Calif. #71, were read.
Under Old Business, Dr. D. W. Fry reported that though an attorney had not been consulted, it was his belief that our Charter was legally valid in any state in which we might do business. Mrs. Campbell then made a motion to request specific information from our attorney regarding the transference of business operations (within the confines of our charter’s
requirements) to another state. Seconded and passed.
A report on the results of the contest held by the Understanding Magazine, for proposals to be considered by an international congress “to determine the areas of mutual agreement in the social sciences”, indicated the $100 prize money was paid for the seven essays received. These are appearing in the magazine.
Suggestions to increase interest in and the circulation of the UNDERSTANDING MAGAZINE included an appeal to members and readers of Understanding to submit personal UFO sighting reports, irrespective of the date of the experience. Another suggestion invited members to give subscriptions to colleges and schools, and to send sample issues to their
Acting on Dr. Olin Byerly’s (#26, Eugene, Or.) 1972 suggestion that we actively solicit donations through appeals printed in the Understanding Magazine, members present were invited to offer original ideas for such appeals. Several were written and read, and will be published in the near future. Mr. Thomas Tucker of Portland suggested we include a
donations return envelope to encourage gifts.
Since no progress had been made with the attorney regarding the legality of holding the Annual Meeting during the time of the June Convention, Annual Meetings will continue to be held in October, with locations as announced.
Under New Business, Mrs. Wilma Thompson reported on the International Cultural Center of Understanding (ICCU) building. The building, owned by Mrs. Thompson, is being offered for sale, as its present use is not commensurate with the costs of operation. As assets of Understanding, Inc. (furniture and fixtures-see Balance Sheet for ICCU) are sold, the funds
are returned to Understanding, Inc. for possible reuse at another location.
Understanding, Inc. -2- Minutes 1973 (cont.)
Dr. Daniel Fry reported that Rev. Dr. Enid Smith (87) of Tonopah, Arizona, wishes to transfer the Understanding, Inc. the center she establised in Tonopah, which includes four buildings and 55 acres of land. Certain legal details remain to be consummated. As the situation is finalized the membership will be advised.
Dr. Smith, who has painted and written all her life, is offering to each Unit one of her original water colors, in appreciation of the work they do to promote the goals of Understanding, Inc.
Following a short coffee break, Election of Officers was held. The results are attached on a separate form.
The motion of Coleman Campbell (#1, Merlin) to move the geographic location of Understanding, Inc.’s headquarters to Tonopah, after acceptance of transfer of title from Dr. Smith of land and improvements, was defeated. Headquarters are to remain in Merlin, Ore.
The President’s Message consisted of a commentary on the Israeli-Arab conflict and “coincidence” of the largest UFO sightings flap we have had. Dr. Fry pointed out that when there is a world crisis, there is an increase of strange objects observed in our skies. This will be discussed in a future editorial in the Understansing Magazine.
The Meeting adjourned at 5:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted
(Florence E. Bohnert
Recording Secretary)
Those who stayed after supper heard a most unusual record – a recent gift to Understanding, Inc. — entitled XXenogenesis. The recording is something you must “experience”, for it cannot be adequately described by words – there is nothing like it!
The Sunday morning Workshop was attended by 10, and resulted in some excellent suggestions for Unit activities and projects to promote the goals of understanding. These will be printed and made available soon to Units and those wishing to form units.