If a question strikes you, ask it here


  How is “Alan”, the name of Daniel’s supposed alien, pronounced?

It sounds like “a-lawn”.  Daniel wrote it as “Alan” or “Aylan”, but when he says the name in interviews, it sounds like “alawn”.  Below is an excerpt from a Long John Nebel Interview:


 Are there any Units of Understanding still operating anywhere in the world?

Quite a few people ask if there are any meetings of Understanding, the organization that Daniel started, but the answer is no.  As mentioned in the brief bigraphy on wikipedia, Understanding effectively folded in 1979 and Daniel published a few newsletters after that, but it died with him.  The “Understanding Headquarters” in Merlin, Oregon, although still owned by one of Daniel’s daughters, is now a hairstylist/three business strip mall.  The Cultural Understanding Center in Merlin is a Baptist Church and the Cultural Center near Tonopah Arizona is now made up of private residences (see the last FAQ on this page).  To my knowledge, the Understanding organization does not exist in any form.


 How much for <some old book> mentioned in an Understanding newsletter?

Every couple of weeks, I get a request to purchase a book that is mentioned in an Understanding newsletter. For example, books by other early contactees, like Orfeo Angelucci, Buck Neslon, Hal Wilcox or Dino Kraspedon. Daniel Fry Dot Com does not sell those books. If you want books listed in Understanding, then search places like Abebooks.com or Albris.com.


Did Daniel visit the Findhorn community in Scotland, run by Peter Caddy?

Apparently he did, according to Peter Caddy’s biography called “In Perfect Timing”, he mentions Daniel:

Dorothy, Naomi and I hastened back to Edinburgh to catch the last day of Lady Mayo’s conference, since we had heard that Dan Fry and his wife, friends of Naomi, had arrived there. (Naomi had cabled an invitation to them in the States on behalf of Lady Mayo, before we had left Scotland.) Dr. Daniel Fry was the American space scientist who became famous when he wrote a book titled The White Sands Incident, describing the landing of a spacecraft within a few feat of him in New Mexico. According to this account, Dan was asked to enter the craft and was taken on a trip of 3000 miles to New York and back in a few minutes; it was three years before he could bring himself to write about it. Dan now spent his time touring the world and sharing his experiences, to bring home to mankind the existence of life on other planets and the desire of our space brothers to help humankind through a time of crisis.

The Edinburgh Ecumenical and International Convention 1965, to give Lady Mayo’s conference its full title, was a curious gathering of church ministers, vegetarians, ufologists and healers brought together to rise above their petty differences and help to ‘render null and void Atomic Warfare’.

Dan Fry, his wife and a friend came back to Findhorn with us: they were our first residential visitors and we managed to squeeze them into Naomi’s caravan.

In Perfect Timing, Peter Caddy

Thanks to Andy who pointed out the quote.

It is also mentioned in Understanding that Daniel went to the 1965 Ecumenical conference in Edinburgh, Scotland.


 What has happened to the Understanding Tonopah buildings?

Here is a report from our on-the-spot researcher, CosmicGuy:

ut of the pics I took, I’d say only a few really show very much, as I was not able to get onto the property for closeups. The entire area from Indian School Road on back is fenced off with either barb-wire or heavy (and rusty) pipe railing surrounding it. It is very clear that this is private property and not open to visitors.

I did manage to stop a gentleman on horseback and chat with him for a few minutes. He knew very little about the history of the place and referred to it as “the round-houses”, as he only moved to Tonopah 4 years ago. He said there is a family living in the main remaining structure (closest to Indian School), and that is the 2 B/R home with the garage-sized guest house right next to it. Everything is now also rather overgrown and surrounded with trees and shrubs.

The house almost straight back from that is the 3 B/R house (with a less-pronounced, smoother dome) and someone is living in there also.  You can see in the old photos that there was a large white cross standing between these two houses, but that is gone. The windmill is also gone.  Toward the front of the property, there are two round concrete pads where the Administration Bldg. and another bldg. next to it once stood. The people on the property sell rock, so there were mounds of rock piled on the pads.

Both of the “dome” houses still seem to have the original roofing.

There really is not a lot to see out there, but those two structures still remain, as the only evidence of the old Understanding Center.

There are also some smaller old structures and a couple of trailers scattered around, and various materials and debris, and there are also some newer homes further out to the north and east of the main buildings.

from “Cosmic Guy”

Here is an overhead shot of the location:

Here is a Google Street view of one of the remaining buildings:


And he took some great pictures:


Compare it to the old pictures in the April 1974 issue of Understanding.  Note, the hand-drawn map doesn’t show the 356th avenue and seems to be a bit inaccurate as to the exact location of the buildings relative to each other.


 How can I contact you Sean?

I’m a pretty busy guy, but if you think it’s important, then use the contact page.


 Can I use a graphic/text/etc. off of this website?

Copyright is discussed in two places on this site, on the Daniel’s Writings page and on the Contact page.


 In the Spanish translation of the White Sands Incident there are two chapters not included in English anywhere else on your site?  They are “How do they communicate with us from outer space?” and “Logical answers to many questions asked about UFOS”.

Congrats to one of our Spanish speaking readers, Lani, who noticed this.  The answer is because the 1966 version of White Sands Incident contains those chapters but is not on the website because so much of the content is a duplication.  The ’66 version of WSI has three chapters in it “How Do They Communicate with Us from Outer Space” (Chapter 6), “Logical Answers to the Many Questions about U.F.O’s” (Chapter 7) and “What Other Say” (Chapter 8).  One of these days I will add that book to the Writing page!