P.O.Box #206
Merlin, Oregon 97532

ABSTRACT OF MINUTES OF ANNUAL Meeting, October 31, 1970 at Merlin, Ore.

The Annual Meeting of Understanding, Inc. was called to order at 1:45 P.M. by President, Dr. Daniel W. Fry, at the International Cultural Center of Understanding, in Merlin.

Roll call indicated 22 persons present, plus proxies from 3 Units and 5 officers.

Minutes of the 1969 Meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer’s Report was read and approved.

Reports were given on Membership and Organization, Subscriptions, Friendship by Mail, as well as from individual Units.

Under Old Business it was reported that Understanding’s application for a non-profit postal rate was twice denied as we do not qualify as an Educational organization. However, our President is planning to start a series of teaching classes which will help us gain this status.

Under New Business discussions were held on how to improve and change the Magazine to make it more interesting, or eye-catching–pictures on the cover, small articles such as quips and jokes (NewAge), recipes for the women a Question and Answer page; also distribution through a magazine distributor such as “48 States” of Grants Pass. The need for an associate editor was also expressed.

Suggested: by Mrs. Wilma Thompson a transfer of the real property of the International Cultural Center of Understanding to Understanding, Inc. However, it was felt that Understanding Inc. was not financially able to do so at the present time.

Dr. Fry mentioned the possibility of additional funds for the corporation in March in return for the sale of a valuable painting for the Douglas Keillers of Sweden.

A motion was made, and passed, that should Understanding, Inc. receive, at any time, an appreciable amount of monies, the Board of Directors should make the decisions as to distribution, unless otherwise stipulated by the donor.

Suggested- resurrection of “sleeting units” as there are only nine active units presently.

Mentioned: the possibility of a now Unit in Tacoma, Wash., and Youth Unit in Klamath Falls, Ore.

Annual Meeting -2- October 31, 1970

Mrs. Tahahlita Fry reported that the 1971 Understanding Convention will be held on 18-19-20 of June at the ICCU. Mrs. Fry is already working on the list of speakers.

Suggested; That Ray and Becki Chenoweth be given recognition and possibly an office in appreciation of their cooperation and publicity given Understanding, Inc.

Correspondence letters were read from Arthur Burks, Esther Ellsworth, Edna Basmajian, Harry May and Georgia Balluck.

Suggested: To send copies of the ”Area Mutual Agreement” (the Proposal) to colleges and universities around the world and to world leaders with personal letters from members of Understanding, Inc. to obtain the opinions of people everywhere on the project;

To contact people in public communications such as TV commentators, or such programs as “60 Minutes” to publicize the Proposal.

Suggested: As an initial venture to obtain reactions from the Sociology Departments of educational institutions, Mrs. Phyllis O’Connor obtain the names and addresses of 50 colleges and universities to be approached.

Suggested: That a number of Proposals be sent the International Directors.

Dr. Fry reported that The Area of Mutual Agreement was accepted in Europe with much enthusiasm, especially by the youth.

The list of newly elected officers of Understanding, Inc. is appended.

President Daniel Fry’s Message stressed that UNDERSTANDING must now takes it’s place in the world and that our people should start working toward this objective.

The Meeting adjourned at 4:45 P.M.

(From the Annual Meeting Minutes of Recording Secretary, Mrs. Clara Bonner.)