Understanding Inc. Meeting Minutes from 1972
OCTOBER 14, 1972
Merlin, Oregon
The Annual Meeting of’ Understanding, Inc. was called to order at 2:00 P.M. by President Daniel W. Fry, at the International Cultural Center of Understanding, in Merlin, Oregon.
Roll call indicated 15 people were present, with nine Units represented by person or proxy.
The Minutes of the 1971 Meeting were read and approved.
The Treasurer‘s Report (attached) was read and approved.
Reports were given on Membership, Subscriptions, Friendship by Mail, as well as from three Units #37 of Buffalo, N. Y.; #80 of San Jose, Calif.; and #71 of San Bernardino, Calif.
Under Old Business, Mr. Harvey Campbell ( Unit #l,. Merlin, Ore.) reported that following the last Annual Meeting, an entertainment committee was organized to help unite the bonds of friendship between Understanding members and the local residents. During the year, events prevented the continuation of this project. However, there is still much interest and the committee has plans to reorganize in the future.
Dr. Daniel W. Fry reported on the status of our State of Oregon Charter. Our attorney, William A. Mansfield, has assured us that the legal process has been accomplished and that the Charter will be issued to our organization in due time.
Mrs. K. Campbell (Unit #1, Merlin, Ore.) reported on the progress of the annual, special enlarged edition of the Understanding Magazine for newsstand distribution. This project must be postponed for the time being as the personnel is not available to produce such an undertaking. It was also mentioned that headquarters will soon issue forms for the units in order to facilitate their reports to local newspapers, radio and TV channels.
Under New Business, it was brought up that since the cost of printing the magazine has increased, a point has been reached when a change in our subscription policy must be made, effective the first of the year. Mrs. Campbell made a motion that the new subscription policy for the Understanding Magazine be as follows: Ten issues a year, instead of
the present twelve issues, and to maintain the present subscription rate of $2.50 a year. The single issue price shall be raised to 30¢ a copy. This motion was seconded and passed.
Suggestions were made in order to stimulate interest in obtaining subscribers. At the present time there is contest going on for articles on the subject of the “Area of Mutual Agreement”.
Minutes of Annual Meeting -2- October 14, 1972
Don Bohnert (Unit #1, Merlin, Ore.) made a motion that for a one year period we should offer a free subscription for each new subscription that is entered. This motion was seconded and passed, and will be announced in the January issue.
Dr. Olin Byorly (Unit #26, Eugene, Ore.) suggested that an appeal for donations be made in the magazine. A request was made for members to send in ideas for written copy and various samples from other publications and organizations so that we can choose the most appropriate.
Dr. Daniel Fry read an article submitted by Valerie and Peter Bohnert (Unit #1, Merlin, Ore.) who are organizing a Youth Page for the Understanding Magazine in which correspondence with other young Understanding members will be encouraged. Letters, ideas, poems and articles by our youth will be printed in this section.
Following a short coffee break, election of officers was held. The results are attached on a separate form.
It was suggested to coincide the date of the Annual Meeting with the Annual Convention, which is held in June. In order to do this, it might be necessary to change our fiscal year. Discussion followed concerning the advantages of more members attending, and the possibility of a larger unit representation. Our attorney will be consulted about the legality of such a change.
The President’s Message consisted of the announcement of his coast-to-coast lecture tour which will begin October 16 and continue through the month of November. Dr. Fry gave a short dissertation on UFOs, our planet spaceship, and our galaxy and the Time-Space Theory.
The Meeting was adjourned at 5:00 P.M.
A movie was shown at the Cultural Center that evening for the benefit of the members who were staying over for the Workshop on Sunday morning. The topic of the Workshop was “The Area of Mutual Agreement”. About thirteen members were in attendance.
Respectfully submitted,
Florence E. Bohnert
Recording Secretary