Here is where you can find letters sent to Daniel.

The first is one sent by Ronald Reagan in 1968 when he was still Governor (click to enlarge):

Ronald Reagan Letter 1968
Ronald Reagan Letter 1968

And another letter sent by Nixon while he was president-elect (click to enlarge):

Nixon Letter 1968
Nixon Letter 1968

Below is Daniel’s obituary from the local newspaper:

Daniel Fry's Obituary
Daniel Fry’s Obituary in the Alamogordo Daily News from Monday, December 21st, 1992

Below is Daniel’s business card from his days at Crescent:

Daniel's Crescent business card
Daniel’s Crescent business card from Crescent Engineering and Research Corporation as a Superintendent, Experimental Production

Daniel’s business card from his days in Merlin, Oregon:









Below is Daniel’s business cards from his Tonopah Days: