Did Daniel have a Doctorate?
According to the 1960 August issue of Understanding, Daniel Fry received an honorary degree from the St. Andrews College based in London, England for his work in his book “Steps to the Stars”.
To the left is a photocopy of the actual degree (click to enlarge).
Here is a bit of history about the college “In the late 1950s, Saint Andrew’s was a small and apparently sincere and legitimate seminary in London, England offering master’s and doctoral work in theology and counseling. Later, to raise funds, the seminary offered honorary doctorates to clergy and others who made donations. This evolved into awarding nonresidential degrees for life experience in the name of the Saint Andrew’s Ecumenical Church Foundation Intercollegiate. This further evolved into a worldwide enterprise, again offering degrees entirely based on resumes, called the International Free Protestant Episcopal University. None of these entities survive today.” (e-mail, Dec. 2003, John Bear)
The college/university also advertised in the Aberree, a now defunct newsletter and their ad was:
“ST. ANDREW’S ECUMENICAL UNIVERSITY Intercollegiate Philosophy; theology; divinity; homiletics; psychology; child psychology: psychotherapy; sociology; economics; biochemistry; metaphysics;mental science; homeopathy; languages; literature; and law. Inc. Correspondence. Stonebridge Rd. Tottenham London N. 15, ENGLAND John Dobbs (Adv.) ” A picture of the church to the right shows it in the 1950s.
One interesting data point is that the date on the degree is April 26th, 1960 and yet in the first issue of Understanding in January 1960, it lists Daniel as “Dr. Daniel W. Fry”. The previous issue, December 1959, did not. This suggests that Daniel was expecting the degree.
Did he pay for it? Hard to know for sure, but there are three pieces of evidence that he didn’t, first the 1960Understanding announced it as an “honorary degree”, second, early in it’s existance the College granted “honorary doctorates” and third, Daniel said he never paid for it, quote “I certainly never paid anything for this one, neither was I asked to.” (pg. 75, Alien Base, Timothy Good)
Conclusion: That the institute existed and awarded Daniel a “degree” is certainly not in doubt, however, the question now, is the doctorate valid? The history of the institution makes that claim doubtful.