P.O. Box #206                             Merlin, Ore.                                                 97532

ABSTRACT OF MINUTES OF ANNUAL MEETING, November 1, 1969 at Merlin; Ore.

The Annual Meeting of UNDERSTANDING, INC. was called to order by President Daniel W. Fry at the home of the C. E. Campbells,

Roll Call indicated 21 persons present; including representation of 7 Units; in person or by proxy.

Minutes of the 1968 Meeting were read and approved.

The Treasurer’s Report (appended) was read and accepted.

Reports were given on Membership and Organization.: Subscriptions; Friendship by Mail as well as from individual Units.

Under Old Business it was reported that only 3 answers (favorable) were received in answer to 125 questionnaires proposing an increase in Membership fees.

Under New Business the first report concerned the Federal Tax Exemption Status given to UNDERSTANDING  Inc, in June 1969, retroactive to October 1, 1968 the start of our fiscal year. All donations to UNDERSTANDING, INC. since that date are now tax exempt on personal tax returns.

Mrs. Nilma Thompson; instrumental in the construction of the INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL  CENTER  OF UNDERSTANDING (ICCU) announced that she plans to donate to UNDERSTANDING, INC. 7½ acres of land., which includes the present building site. Future plans include an apartment cooperative, park, printing press and radio station She thanked all who have already contributed to the building with their enthusiasm; dedication and donations.

A motion was made to have the Corresponding Secretary write all Units for contributions to the ICCU; and to explain the project to them.

A motion was made to have Mrs. Wilma Thompson appointed Project Manager and Administrator of the ICCU, and to be responsible for all activities and maintenance.

A vote of appreciation was given to those who have privately financed the ICCU to date.

A motion was passed that an appeal be made for Donations for “Furniture and Fixtures” such objects to be the property of UNDERSTANDING, INC. and depreciated for tax purposes.

A motion was passed that donations be solicited for a “Building Fund”, monies to be held in trust for the purchase of the ICCU building, at a price not to exceed the actual cost, with consideration of a transfer of title to UNDERSTANDING, INC. by a mortgage, terms to be worked out by the parties concerned.

Annual Meeting         -2-       November 1,1969

Motions were passed to establish the policy of UNDERSTANDING, INC. relative to grants requested and received from foundations; as well as to rules and regulations concerning any future grants which may be made by UNDERSTANDING, INC. to others. The Board of Directors is to establish the details of policy.

A motion was made and defeated that the Annual Membership fee be increased to Five Dollars and include the UNDERSTANDING MAGAZINE with individual Subscriptions to be Three Dollars a year. Units were to keep One Dollar of the Membership fee. Thus motion is now being referred to the: Units for consideration and vote.

A report was made that the application for non-profit postage rates for the UNDERSTANDING MAGAZINE was originally denied. We are awaiting the answer to our appeal of the ruling.

UNDERSTANDING, INC. has received a letter from Bishop Imeh Emmanuel of Lagos, Nigeria, stating that four members of his group plan to visit the U.S. The group would like invitations from all Understanding Units. Since proposed arrival date was January 1970 and since the American Embassy requires guarantees from UNDERSTANDING that we will be responsible for their food and accommodation for the 2-4 month tour, though the group will have some funds, it was decided to write asking for a postponement of the visit until we could check with all Units as to accommodations and possible lecture engagements.

Rev. Arthur Peters offered to donate to UNDERSTANDING, INC. a prepared study program of teachings, which includes initiations and degrees. Because of its organizational nature the study plan was referred to the Board of Directors for review and subsequent vote by member units. The list of newly elected officer of UNDERSTANDING, INC. is appended.

President Daniel Fry’s message reflected the enthusiasm of those present for an upsurge of interest in the activities of UNDERSTANDING, INC. in the coming year, with the INTERNATIONAL CULTURAL CENTER OF UNDERSTANDING as its base of operations.

The meeting adjourned at 5 :10 P.M.

(From the Annual Meeting Minutes of Recording Secretary Mrs. Florence Bohnert.)