“WE ARE NOT ALONE” is the theme for this years UFO Convention, sponsored by the Understanding organization.  In this convention we will attempt to explore some of the vital data available to us today concerning the visitors from other worlds.  In this year of 1979, it will have been 32 years ago that a pilot flying over Mt. Rainer, Wash. sighted 7 discs flying in a V formation, and from this encounter the modern age of UFOs was ushered in. Although UFOs have been recorded for many centuries, the sightings and encounters continue and are reported by credible people in great numbers that are astonishing. The coming of the Saucers very possibly might be the most important development in the 20th Century. What we might be witnessing is a step much further into the space age than originally conceived by man.  With mankind’s negligence over the use of his technology and the subsequent breakdown of his environment, the presence of this higher intelligence in our skies may hold the key to the future of our world. This is a serious matter that affects everyone, everywhere! In this convention we have assembled a number of well informed and qualified speakers on the subject of UFOs, they include: Dr. Daniel W. Fry, pioneer UFO contactee & rocket engineer; John Otto, engineer & UFO researcher; William Hamilton, computer programmer & UFO researcher; Erwin E. Stark, psychotronic researcher; Gabriel Green, UFO personality and researcher; Ralph Martine, psychic contactee; Hal Wilcox, UFO contactee; Art Aho, pilot & UFO energy researcher. Selected tape recordings of historical value will be played on UFOsubjects of the last 30 years. Be sure to attend and hear these vital presentations about our interplanetary visitors, their very advanced culture and their intentions concerning us, the people of Earth.


Flying Saucer CONVENTION

Upland, California — Oct. 27, 1979


9:00am Registration

10:00- Opening and introduction

10:10  of speakers.

10:10- “The meaning of White Sands

11:00  Today” – Dr. Daniel W. Fry


11:10- “The Secret Science behind

12:00  the UFOs” – William Hamilton

12:00- Lunch – Visit exhibits and

1:15    hear UFO tape recordings.

1:15-   “Beyond Time and Space”

2:00    -Erwin E. Stark


2:10-   “Contact Outer Space”

3:00    – John Otto Break

3:10-   “UFO Energy- Power for the 4:00            Space Age” -Art Aho


4:10-   “UFOs and Higher Realms”

5:00    -Ralph Martine

5:00-   Dinner hour – Visit exhibits

7:00    and hear UFO tapes.

7:00-   “Flying Saucers -A great hope 7:50    for Mankind” -Gabriel Green


8:00-   “Answer the Door -A UFO

8:50    contact story” -Hal Wilcox


9:00-   “Man -The Savior of planet  j

10:00  Earth” -Dr. Daniel W. Fry

10:00 Close


800 West Arrow Highway, Upland, Ca.


$6.50 per person by pre-registration for the day. $7.50 per person at the box office.


Lunch & Dinner available at Astara Center by pre-registration ONLY. Lunch -$3.00, or bring your own.

Dinner -$6.00 or dine at popular restraunts nearby. All Astara dinners are health food style.


Limited accommodations available at Astara Center by pre-registration ONLY. Rates $9.00 per person, double occupancy. Numerous motels nearby.


Name: Address City State Number of persons _ @ $6.50 each.

Lunches_ @ $3.00 each.

Number of persons   for

Dinners           @ $6.00 each. accommodations @ $9.00 each.

(Must be received by Oct. 21st., ’79.)


From Los Angeles, take Interstate 10 East to the Euclid Ave. offramp. Take Euclid to 4th signal and turn left on to Arrow Highway. Proceed to first stop sign. The Astara Center will be on your left side at San Antonio Ave. Plenty of free parking available. Motor homes and camping units welcome – no hookups available.

Send your pre-registration forms to:


Yucca Valley, Calif.   92284

For more information write, or phone:

(714) 963-7694; 363-7358 or

(213) 371-3005

Understanding_LogoUNDERSTANDING, is a non-profit, tax exempt organization dedicated to bringing about a greater degree of understanding among all the peoples of Earth, so that they may live in harmony. And to prepare them for the space-age and their inevitable meeting with other races from space.   Understanding was founded in 1954 by rocket scientist, Dr. Daniel W. Fry. Understanding operates the International Cultural Center in Tonopah, Ariz., and publishes “Understanding” magazine.