Message to Mankind
Post Office Box 206
Merlin, Ore. 97532, U.S.A.
Will the eternal dream of true Peace and Brotherhood among all the people of the world ever become a reality? The answer to this question will soon be known, for the next few years ahead are extremely critical ones, and depending on the actions of mankind during this time, we will either emerge as a civilization into a new Golden Age or pass into oblivion as a result of self-destruction. The following more specifically outlines the understanding of this great world problem and its solution.
Our civilization is facing a great problem, and during the last few years it has become a critical one. Its existence is not the fault of any race, creed or political faction, but is purely the result of natural tendencies. It is an extremely simple problem, and like most simple things, its importance has been overlooked by too many of our people. Also, like all simple problems, the solution is inherent in the complete understanding of the problem. In order to understand it thoroughly, it is necessary to state it in the simplest possible terms.
There are three types or branches of science which are necessary for the proper development of mankind: the Spiritual Science, the Social Science and the Physical or Material Science.
The spiritual and social sciences must come first. There can be no development of the material science unless there first exists a foundation of the spiritual and social sciences. You can prove this to yourself by considering the difference between man and the animals. The animal has no spiritual or social science and consequently has never developed a material science. A few of the in-sects such as the ant and the bee have developed a rudimentary form of social science to the extent that they are able to live together in large numbers, work together for their mutual welfare, and have a form of discipline which is common to all. As a result of this they also have developed a very limited material science, in that they do erect structures, and store food against a future time of need. The fact, however, that they have no spiritual science has proven an absolute bar to further development with the result that they have not advanced a single step in thousands of years.
Mankind, on the other hand, has, from the very beginning of his development, sensed the fact that there is a Supreme Power and Intelligence which pervades and controls all nature. Man’s attitude toward this power has varied from fear and resentment, to reverence and love, but always he has had the desire to learn more of the nature of this power. Thus the spiritual science had its beginning in the very dawn of human intelligence. With the realization that man could improve the conditions of his life only by co-operation, came the first tribal gatherings which were the beginning of the social science.
From the foundation provided by these two sciences the superstructure of the material science began to emerge, and here begins the problem. The development of the material science, being constantly stimulated by the ever increasing needs and desires of the body, progresses normally according to the square of time. This too, you can prove to yourself if you consider the inventions and material developments which have taken place within the last thirty of our years, compare them with the development of the previous one hundred years and then compare that in turn, with the previous one thousand years. You will see at once that the development of the material science takes place at a rate which is constantly accelerating. The spiritual and social sciences on the other hand, progress normally, only directly with time, and even this rate of progress is not always maintained.
You now have the problem of a huge and massive structure, growing at an ever increasing rate, standing upon, and supported only by a foundation which is growing at a much smaller rate. It is obvious that unless some means are found to stimulate greatly the growth of the foundation, a time will inevitably come when the structure will collapse upon that foundation, bringing ruin and destruction to both.
Our race is now in constant danger of total destruction by an agency which itself has produced. Why should a people be menaced by their own creations? Simply because they have not progressed far enough in the spiritual and social sciences to enable them to determine the uses to which their creations shall be put.
If reduced to the simplest terms, social science is the study of man’s relationship to his fellowman. The spiritual science is the study of man’s relationship to God. The indispensable requirement for progress in either of these sciences is a sincere desire for a better understanding.
The solution to our problem is not as complex as it may seem. We must learn to understand our-selves; we must learn the Laws of the Universe and live by them. When we have achieved this, love follows automatically. That the three sciences must grow proportionately with each other, is a ‘Great Lesson’ and should be the first thing taught to our youth throughout the world. Whether or not mankind surpasses the point of self-destruction will be determined entirely upon how many people truly understand our problem and eagerly work toward its solution. Responsibility of repairing the foundation of our civilization depends and rests upon each individual equally.