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For, 1960

EDITORIAL   …………….             2

WORLD REPORT   …………..             2

TEEN-AGE PAGE   …………..             8


SPACE AND ESP WRITERS   ….             11

THE NEW AWAKENING (Part IV)   …………….             11

LETTER TO THE EDITOR   ……..             14

POET’S CORNER   ………….             15


BULLETIN BOARD   ………..             17

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asst. editor …………..   hope troxell

asst. editor ………  cleve twitchell

circulation manager …………  john root

cover design by ………..  ralph huffman

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Published monthly by ‘Understanding,’ a non-profit organization




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VOLUME V                                  DECEMBER 1960                                    NUMBER 12

Dedicated to the propagation of a better understanding among all the peoples of the earth, and of those who are not of the earth.

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TWENTY FOUR HOURS from the time of this writing, the national elections will have become history, and the people of the United States will know who is to be their next president.

For several months we have been exposed to a continuous barrage of argument, counterargument and exhortation. We have heard many glowing promises, and many statements of purpose.

If twenty percent of these promises and purposes are fulfilled, we will have the greatest and most successful administration which has ever been elected by the American people.

When the ballots have been counted and the result is made known, one man will have had placed upon his shoulders, the greatest responsibility which has ever been carried by a single human being.

However low the prestige of the United States may have fallen in other countries, the free world still looks to us for assistance and guidance. Every word and every act of the new president will be examined and considered in minute detail by the leaders, and by the people of other countries. It must constantly be remembered that in the present state of world tension, a single mistake of judgment or a single hasty act may bring total destruction to the major part of the world, and death to hundreds of millions of people.

On the other hand, if sufficiently wise and careful decisions are made and carried out, this danger may pass from the world in the next four years. It is our sincere hope and prayer that the next president, whomever he may be, will adopt understanding as his primary goal, just as our present chief executive did in his acceptance speech four years ago.

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‘Flying Saucers’ Seen Doing Acrobatics Over Del Norte

From The Humboldt Times, Eureka, Calif., Nov. 1, 1960)

CRESCENT CITY-At least seven Crescent City adults and six children were treated to an unusual sight early Sunday evening when six “flying saucers” performed aerial acrobatics overhead.

The saucers were first sighted by Roy Ezell, 16, who summoned his parents. After viewing the saucers for a few minutes, they called other neighbors who joined the watchers. One of the spectators was Fred Boulden, flight service specialist for the Federal Aviation Agency in Crescent City. He described the objects as being similar to the Echo satellite, but either being lower in altitude or larger, and “certainly brighter.” Also, he said, they were moving faster than the satellite, and in the opposite direction at times. According to Boulden, the objects were six in number, three traveling together in a southeast direction, two to the southwest and one, which he described as acting like a patrol aircraft, going in middle between the two formations and lower than either.

The patrol “saucer”, he said, was a bright pink, Boulden attributing this to the setting sun. The other five were brilliant gold in color. He contacted FAA officials in Crescent City who in turn contacted Requa Radar Base, then Kingsley Air Force Base in Klamath Falls.

Mrs. Boulden also said that the UFO’s resembled the Echo, but glowed much brighter and had no green tint. She said they did not continue to progress in one direction, but retraced their course several times, and at other times would appear to hover. Upon departure, the six objects rapidly disappeared over the Western horizon. She added that there was no sound and no jet stream, and the formation the craft kept was fairly regular.

Requa Air Base said last night that no radar track had been made of the objects inasmuch as the station was not attended during the period the objects were reported.

An officer at Kingsley Air Force Base said that reports of the sighting have been filed with the Commander of the Air Defense Command, USAF, Washington, D.C., the assistant chief of staff, intelligence, USAF, Washington, D.C.; the Office of Information Services, USAF, Washington, D.C. and the commander of the Air Technical Intelligence Center at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio.

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Life On the Other Planets

(From “As I See It”, column in The Pasadena Star-News by Russ Leadabrand, Oct. 28, 1960)

SCIENCE HAS FINALLY gotten around to admitting thinking the kind of thoughts that science fiction fans have been thinking for 30 years. Scientists are wondering now if there is life on other planets.

And if there is, how are we going to contact it, what are we going to do about it?

It seems a little hasty in some respects. It seems sort of shabby to be dickering with people from Mars and Venus when he can’t get along with our neighbors here on earth.

What if we do land on Mars one of these days?

Let’s leave the Russians out of it-a pretty ridiculous thing to do, to be sure-but it makes the story simpler.

What if we do land on Mars? Say we do.

SAY THE PLACE IS LARDED with gold or platinum or uranium or beaver or buffalo or something we want dearly.

And say there are people there. And say that they are behind us technologically.

We will make treaties and take their land and the gold and uranium and beaver?

You think not ?

Maybe we’ll trade for the buffalo and platinum.

Trade them hula hoops and harmonicas and beads. Useful things. EVEN IF OUR CAPRICIOUS rockets can get out to Mars and Venus, the United Nations, or whoever is playing god here at home, ought to make a rule.

No landing on planets where there is life. We are not ready for it.

It is okay to land on the moon, where, most scientists agree, there is no life.

But no planets where we can corrupt or contaminate.

Radio contact?


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But if they want us to ride an Atlas into Mars City, let’s tell them that we are too ugly or too big or too anything. But let’s not go.

This is a hard thing to write for a person who read his first science fiction magazine in the 1930s and who has been waiting for space travel and atomic energy ever since.

Part of the big dream was the Contact with the Aliens.

Maybe they would be bug-eyed monsters who would run off with all our pretty maidens.

Or maybe they would be pretty maidens who would run off with all the science fiction readers.

First contact sounded like a lot of fun in those days.

BUT NOT TODAY. Not when we can’t get along with the Russians (and vice versa), when we can’t keep the Africans at peace, when we can’t live among ourselves without crime and discrimination.

If we meet up with these Martians or Venusians, maybe they will be superior in intelligence.

If so, they will see through our evil ways in short order. They might quarantine us, or serve us up as a ragout of long pig.

If we are superior to them, they will inevitably end up with the common cold, measles, venereal diseases, and detergent hands.

We are not ready for the people of another world.

And lord knows, they are not ready for us.

‘U. S. Could Keep Man on Mars’

DALLAS, TEX., (AP)-Dr. Wernher Von Braun said Monday the United States could put a man on Mars and keep him alive longer than a native in the tropics could exist in the Arctic.

The Army missile expert said ability to live on Mars may become increasingly important.

“Man has learned to live and multiply so proficiently that, if he keeps it up for another 500 years, he won’t have a place to sleep because there’ll be ‘standing room only’ on this planet,” said von Braun.

V2 Rocket Maker Has Guilty Feeling

WASHINGTON (UPI) -Dr. Wernher von Braun admits to a feeling of guilt because of his role in development of the V2 rocket, Germany’s vengeance weapon of World War II.

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This recalls a remark by Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer, director of the wartime atomic bomb laboratory at Los Alamos, N. M. Oppenheimer said he and the other nuclear physicists who worked on the bomb had known sin.

The feeling expressed by both men illustrates the moral dilemma with which a scientist is confronted when his country seeks to recruit his talents for the development of weapons.

New ‘Scopes May Find Other Worlds

PHILADELPHIA (UPI) -Radio telescopes now being built have a 50-50 chance of locating another world, a naval researcher states.

So far, no outside intelligence has attempted to communicate with the Earth, Herbert Freidman, superintendent of the Atmosphere and Astrophysics Division of the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, said.

But, he told the fall dinner of the Metallurgical Society of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, radio telescopes with a 100-foot diameter are under construction. They may be able to communicate with another civilization if there is one, he said.

Seven Out of 10 Patients Aren’t Sick, Says Doctor

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A Mayo Clinic physician reported yesterday that 70 per cent of his patients turn out to be people who have no need of pills, prescriptions or surgery.

There is nothing really wrong with them, said Dr. Edward H. Hynearson. But they are his most dissatisfied patients-more so than the ones who must be told that they have cancer, heart trouble, gallstones, he added.

What they have is functional disease-temporary shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, pain in the chest or stomach, headache, and a dozen other complaints for which examination and laboratory tests can find no physical cause.

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India Scientists See Truth in Yogi Claims

(From the Los Angeles Times)

NEW DELHI-Indian research scientists say they have been able to establish that some of the claims made on behalf of Yoga through the ages are demonstrably true.

They maintain that data they collected in the course of a study shows there is something to the belief that mastery of Yoga will result in extraordinary physical and mental powers.

They found, among other things, that a meditating Yogi can do with much less oxygen than an ordinary person and that he can render himself immune to external stimuli like noise and pain.

The scientists say they were also able to establish that a Yogi can exercise control over certain involuntary functions of the body normally controlled by the autonomic nervous system.

The study was conducted by Dr. B. K. Anand, professor of physiology in the All India Institute of Medical Sciences. He was assisted by some of India’s top physiologists.

JPL to Probe Life on Moon, Planets

(From Pasadena, Calif., Independent)

Scientists of Caltech Jet Propulsion Laboratory yesterday outlined a huge 10-year space program aimed at finding out if life exists on other planets.

The program consists of hard and soft landings on the moon, roving explorations and returns from the moon, possible landings on Mars and Venus, possible shots into deep space past Mercury or Jupiter at angles out of the plane of the earth’s orbit.

Dr. William H. Pickering, director of JPL, who led off the discussion before 600 industrialists during an all-day meeting at the Huntington Sheraton Hotel, said JPL is spending $50 million this fiscal year on its lunar and planetary programs. This, he added, represents about 50 per cent of JPL’s present $65 (sic.) million yearly budget.

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Milky Way Intelligent Life Likely

NEW YORK (UPI) -In warily approaching the delightful question of whether there could be other intelligible creatures besides human beings in the universe, a distinguished astronomer-astrophysicist ran up some estimates.

Dr. Otto Struve estimated that in our own galaxy, the Milky Way, there are probably 50 billion stars which possess planets. But if you consider the galaxies beyond the Milky Way-all the observable universe you get into astronomical numbers difficult to express, say, said Struve, such numbers as 10 followed by 20 or 21 zeros.

Going on from there, he hazarded that the physical conditions on a planet which revolves around any star of the same type as our sun and at the approximate distances of earth and Mars, must be similar throughout the universe.

Astronomers believe any star of the type of the sun maintains approximately the same type as our sun and at the same size for about 10 billion years, he said. This means to biologists that these intervals are sufficient to permit living organisms to develop on the planets.

Struve was now at the crux, and he said it was impossible to say positively there were intelligent living beings on any of the many billions of planets. Then, hedging somewhat, he added it was probable that a good many of the Milky Way’s planets support intelligent forms of life.

Tell Secrets on Saucers, Expert Says

Leonard Stringfield, Cincinnati’s flying saucer expert, believes the United States could take the space spotlight away from Russia by opening up secret files on unidentified flying objects.

“It could be the start of co-operation among all governments of the world,” he says. “If all governments would pool their information on UFOs and work in unison on this, it would help to ease world tensions.”

Stringfield, advertising manager for DuBois Chemicals, Inc., believes the UFOs are from outer space and that they are controlled by intelligent beings who are observing earth.

“I don’t believe there is any hostile intent,” he said. “I believe they have been using planets in our solar system for bases, even the moon. Astronomers for years have observed shifting spots on the moon.”

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Stringfield said he believes U. S. Air Force secret files contain evidence or “near evidence” that the objects are from outer space, but that officials afraid it would cause panic if released.

Foreign governments, too, have such evidence, he said, but are keeping it secret for the same reason.

Stringfield, who heads Cincinnati’s Unidentified Flying Object Society, became interested in unidentified flying objects in 1945 while in the Air Force. He said he saw a formation of them from a bomber.

Since then he has served as a spotter for the Air Defense Command, published a magazine about the objects, and written a book on them.

(Cincinnati Post & Times Star, June 4, 1960. Credit: Dorothy Lefler, Cincinnati, Ohio.)

Meteor Flashes Over Okanagan

KAMLOOPS, B. C.-A flaming meteor sped across the southern interior of British Columbia Tuesday night. It was seen in most parts of the Okanagan and the southern Cariboo at 10:45 p.m. P.D.T.

Lieut. Ronald Derbyshire, director of the United States Air Force radar station at nearby Mount Lolo, said the meteor was traveling at a tremendous speed in the tropopause, 65,000 feet up.

He said the body was close enough to the earth to glow, but not close enough to burn up. Gordon Stinson of Penticton saw the meteor from Salmon Arm. He said it was yellowish and appeared very low, breaking up as it moved. (The Edmonton Journal, May 25, 1960.)

Floating Object Seen

FORT HOPE, ONT. (ENS)-Many citizens watched a curious foreign object floating in the sky early Thursday P.M. as it traveled slowly east. The object had an opaque appearance with the sun shining on it, and would appear to have come down between Pt. Hope and Coboug. (Peterborough Examiner, July 8, 1960.)

Astronomers See Triangular Object

MADRID, May 23 (Reuters)-A mysterious triangular object was sighted Sunday by astronomers at an observatory at Palma on the Spanish island of Majorca, it was announced today.

The object spun on its own axis without deviating from its path and appeared about the size of a quarter moon. It was seen for 2 mins. early

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Sunday a.m. The observatory said it couldn’t have been the Soviet spaceship since it was traveling ESE to WNW.  (The previous four items were reprinted from “Saucers, Space and Science.”)

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Where Are the Stars Tonight?

Evolution is defined as a “development” or “unfoldment.” Since Man’s inception on this planet he has been what we call evolving. The outcome of this evolution is usually a cycle of progression as far as can be determined. The various motives that cause Man to progress can be determined and explained, but purpose remains hidden somewhere in the mute heavens, and in Man’s mind. Purpose can be determined in certain events, but not always explained,

Man asks, “Where are the stars tonight?” Where is Man? He is on a planet that is in a stellar system within a galaxy that is-where? He is somewhere; yet in the middle of nowhere.

Consider the various movements of the Earth through space: The earth rotates on its axis at approximately 1,000 miles per hour; every 26,000 years it completes a precession of equinox; the Earth rotates around the sun every 365 days; the sun moves in an orbit around the galaxy with Earth at abut 200 miles per second. There are other motions of the Earth through space considering the galaxy’s motion, and the affect of the moon’s orbit on the earth’s orbit. Our Earth’s multiple emotions do not exactly make it a stable viewpoint from which to view the universe. Our frame of reference is always changing; `there’ becomes `here’ when we get there. Motion seems to be dual: an object must move through both time and space. Here is where I want to introduce an interesting concept.

Suppose an object moves through space but not through time, we would then have teleportation, or if we reversed this movement we would have time travel. In Extra-Sensory Perception, we find a device that seems capable of both of these aforementioned motions; the mind. Telepathy traverses space in a no-time relation thus eliminating various communication barriers, or precognition spans time in a no-space relation. The implications of this leads into a study of mind and environment.


Alhambra, Calif.

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WHEN WE CONSIDER the importance of the spiritual values and recognize them as essential to happy successful living, not only for our own betterment but for mankind as a whole, it poses such questions as “What can I do? Where do I fit into the picture? Where do my best talents lie?” So what can the average Mr. and Mrs. John Doe and family do about this situation? We certainly don’t need more churches or more religious doctrines, and all can’t “go out and preach the gospel” in a literal sense. But there is a way we all can spiritually obey this command. We can live the higher spiritual laws which will give us power and dominion over our lives and indirectly we will affect the lives of those we contact, and they will feel the power of our faith and love and desire to know our secret. The ultimate spiritual goal of each of us should be to master himself. The starting point is in the mundane affairs of human life. Each individual is a projection center of vibrations. The quality of these projected vibrations is determined by the different kinds of thoughts and emotions entertained by the individual. The spiritual attitudes of mind and heart are a matter of choice. Each person has the right to choose how he reacts to any situation he meets in life. The purpose of life is for learning. If we refuse to learn, we become victims of our own transgressions. Men can choose to react positively or negatively. Negative reactions break the law; positive reactions keep the law. Spiritual education will teach men how to keep the law of life. One can choose to be master or slave to his own thoughts and feelings. Most people are slaves to them because they have never taken the trouble to examine themselves and their reactions. For instance, a friend of mine was used to complaining about traffic. He was always bawling out some driver for cutting in front of him. When I explained to him how he was sending out these negative vibrations, and how harmful they were to him and the chain reaction they might cause, he began to reverse himself and bless instead of curse the drivers that irritated him so much. After practicing this a while, he found that the traffic moved much more smoothly for him. But more important, he had the personal satisfaction of knowing he was not contributing to or creating a chain reaction of negation.

The law of life is that everything produces after its own kind. It is an impersonal law that works for good and evil alike. Every vibration sent out comes back multiplied. Negation not only disturbs the peace and

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harmony of the immediate surroundings but usually starts a chain reaction that touches many lives if not checked at its point of origin. Each individual who desires to improve conditions for himself and others can resolve right now to become an oasis of life by counteracting all the negatives that touch his life. This may be difficult at times when unpleasant conditions present themselves in our lives. However, if we train ourselves to regard these times as tests wherein we can give thanks for the spiritual growth it will afford, the inclination to complain can be overcome. With just a little contemplative thought, one can see how foolish and useless the complaining habit is. Once this is understood, he can direct his thought energy to finding a solution to the situation, no matter what the problem may be. This way one can become a transmuting station for all the misplaced energy that comes to his attention. When his associates are provoked to negation, he can return these vibrations on the wings of love and UNDERSTANDING, rather than responding in like kind to these undesirable vibrations and creating more in turn.

If your boss is unusually critical and hard to please, do not take it out on your wife and children; be an oasis of life and transmute this energy by projecting love and faith. If the children have been unusually trying, do not take it out on your husband, for it may start a chain of negations that touch many lives. In practicing this way of life, it is well to remember that it is not enough to refrain from saying something, but one must overcome the emotion itself which the pressures of life induce.

Non-resistance can be both negative and positive. Resignation is negative and fruitless. Positive non-resistance is full of faith and hope, knowing that things will work out and a solution will be found.

No man need offer an excuse that he is unable to contribute to the betterment of mankind. Every person with a sincere desire to radiate faith and love within his sphere of influence can play an important part in the redemption of the human race. WAKE UP THE GOD IN YOU AND LIVE and learn HOW TO THINK TO LIVE FOREVER!


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We have many books and pamphlets being distributed over our nation, and some are excellent and a few on the borderline of true inspiration. On the whole, all are worthy of serious investigation and weighing of our

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minds. These things were to come to the New Age in which we live. Those of other earths and our own very heavens are coming to our rescue with great power. It is most evident that they want us to arise from a one world of materialism, to a dual world of both the physical and spirit, even as taught by all the Messiahs.

If we are wise, we will not delay investigation of this world of space and spirit which is being added to our present knowledge. No two persons will be awakened the same way; we simply have to start from where we are, and with the reading and books available. Neither should we judge others in the manner in which they obtain the New Revelations; let each person do his own thinking. The main point is to keep thinking and reading from all sources, be they of the so-called learned or simple believers.

Man’s greatest gift from his Creator and Maker, is thinking, and let us think things through to a conclusion. If we are hazy on any question, such as resurrection into the spirit body, reincarnation, or prayer, we should straighten ourselves out and not stop investigation until we clear up the issue. As indicated in our Bible, “many sleep” and fall back into materialism; it should be known that it is better to think wrongly, than not to think at all. St. Paul thought wrongly for years, but when awakened by the Spirit of Truth, performed many great deeds.

To sum up the situation, keep everlastingly at your investigation.


Morongo Valley, Calif.

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TO THE CONSCIOUSNESS, life may be lived in two ways. Lived in the sense of division, there is the constant swinging between the seeming opposites in life, thereby perpetuating frictional conditions; through endless cycles of division until understanding is born. The other way of life is the living in balance within the opposites in life. Upon first thought one might say, “Why that is simple-just strike a balance in all things”. Well, it might seem to be a simple matter, but balance is not attained by “taking thought”. Man’s judgment based upon knowledge alone is not an accurate measuring stick. The key is given only when through the spirit of Love, consciousness is sustained in Equilibrium.

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The appearing opposites are not destroyed; they are both, yet neither. Being and becoming are lived as One.

It can be said that in everyday conversation when we make a statement which pertains to something that is, “is” means that which one is aware of at the moment, as it is. That would be true of any man who lives and in whatever way he expresses himself. The question is, what meaning does it really have? Is that which takes place just something on the surface of everyday living-or, does it have within it that something which makes for real joy and understanding.

All happenings come and go with beginnings and endings, but if they come to pass without the recognition of the meaning within them, it means little. Since God IS, then that IS-NESS permeates everything equally. There is nothing else. When man believes himself apart from God, he is lost in the complexity of things and is enveloped in a maze of self-centeredness. Unaware of the unity of all things within their Ever-present Source, he struggles desperately in the search for more and more knowledge in the realm of “that which comes to pass”. The attention is focused on relative facts in the belief that they are accurate.

It has been found through constant experimenting that what appears at one time as a fact may be different under changing conditions. Everything that is seen changes constantly through related existence. Only “living essence” remains true, with TOTALITY an ever-present, ever-available fact.

Living in the sense of temporal things, one clings to appearances, believing them to be true, thereby living in the husks of surface events. Only within the center or essence of things can the Truth be lived-spontaneous living. Only within the point of Equilibrium, the sustaining ISNESS can the true consciousness be born-the LIVING CHRIST, the PURE FABRIC OF GOD’S WORD.

The ultimate in life can be said to be the completion of incompletion, the end of separateness-living wholly in God. A question recently asked was this: “Is the sustaining IS-NESS reached through thinking or through feeling? Also “How does it express itself to or as one’s consciousness”?

The true consciousness is not attained by controlled thinking. Those who would accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative have an incomplete picture, consequently do not understand the true Principle governing the spontaneous action of life. Man’s speculative thoughts, whether positive or negative, dance their ghostly dances upon the pendulum of

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time-the measure of man’s separate existence. Pure thought is the product of pure being, not the creator of it. The same is true of feeling. Emotions experienced in various degrees of exultation or depression have in themselves no lasting quality. Like thoughts, pure feeling is the “fruit of the Spirit”. It is the living substance of the Word.

There is a vast difference between thinking based upon relative knowledge and that which is pure intuition. The one is often mistaken for the other until otherwise understood. The former based upon conditioned relative existence therefore is limited to the scope of its illusory conception. Pure intuition is the language of the universe and instantly available to those who have touched the well-springs of that eternal existence. It matters not whether communication takes place within the distance of one mile or a thousand. It is not dependent upon time or space. That which gives intuition or true knowledge is also the cohesive property which links all parts within the integrated whole. This holds true for all fields of endeavor, as well as in all nature. “Center” with “center” can meet with a resulting chain reaction-clasping of hands with the universe.

In self-consciousness, man thinks, moves and has being in the realm of personal desires and shifting conditions. He uses the material at hand, creating and re-creating; forming and re-forming in the image of his own conceptions. His life consists mostly of creating from that which already exists as acquired relative facts, which in themselves have no real spirit. In the present cycle, man has reached the height of his own creation. He has gone as far as he knows; he hangs on the abyss of his unknowing and is faced with stark realism. He must either accept and live the Truth or face the consequences of sowing and reaping.

In the writings of George Van Tassel it is made clear, the difference between the explosion of plutonium and U235 (the Uranium mother element) and the explosion of the hydrogen element: “The explosion of an atom of inert substance and that of a living substance are two different things . . . the element hydrogen is a living substance . . . in the composition of your physical being, in the air you breathe, in the water you drink”.

There may be relatively little danger in the juggling of inert substance which in itself is devoid of inherent power to act, for the effect may be governed by the force applied. With living substance it is different. Man shall not control living substance for his own selfish ends-and live! He can only bring it forth safely as he lives in conscious union with all else,

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for he is the living, vital substance in all and of all living things. With that he shall not tamper!

There is much emphasis placed upon the proposed use of atomic power for peaceful purposes. Atomic power is still not the answer as long as man uses that power for what he determines to be either good or evil because it is the product of applied or manipulated force. Within the structure of all living substance is the power of free and spontaneous action. To interfere with that is to produce an effect that is devastating. There is no water deep enough to hide the poisonous residue that results from such action.

Wrong action can never be righted through its effects. It has been rightly said that the greatest power does not lie in the atom or hydrogen bomb, but within man himself. Oh man, heed those words of wisdom!

The present state of unrest in the world of affairs points to a condition that lies deeper than political implications, forced aggression or cold war tactics. Peace can never become a living reality by force, through superior power or any other device so conceived. The real issue deals with the attempt on the part of humanity to reach its peak of maturity. The world is in the throes of the labor pains which precede the New Birth or Wakened Consciousness.

All nations seem to be divided into two parts; the East versus the West. For centuries the former has lived under the influence of the “passive” phase of being, while the West has built a “positive” Tower of Babel. On the surface it appears as two conflicting forces at work, but Esoterically speaking, that is not actually true.

What is taking place may prove to be the “Saving Grace” through the working of the Law to turn the tide of extremes. Within the Law of “being” is the Fulfilling Principle which enables each to return to its Source rather than to continue to what would appear as total destruction on the part of the one or to complete disintegration one part of the other. Peace lies not in “passivity” alone. Neither does it lie in the power of “positive” action alone. It is the product of balanced interchange where it consists of both yet neither. Peace IS!

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Dear Editor:

In the relatively short time that Understanding has been in existence, I honestly feel that it is the greatest mutual feeling of good will ever to be

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generated and organized. Peoples from all environments, localities, and positions are assembling to promote the understanding movement.

We have progressed organizationally very fast; now we can combine our talents and conquer our serious problems resulting in world peace. Many of us are looking for the fast pace of accomplishment that seems impatient as we interpret time.

Our Earth has been plagued with problems such as political, spiritual, and mental since our existence. Many facets glitter on the subjects, each seemingly more important to each individual. Only by combining our re sources can we surmount and survive these obstacles. Possibly each unit could establish a minimum median level by converting dormant, potential talent into positive kinetic activity. Since knowledge is acquired through experience, age is no barrier, but a definite and profitable source of experience. Greater participation by each member will formulate an excellent scheme to help ourselves.

Yours for Mutual Understanding, I remain,


JR. Santa Cruz Unit No. 9

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If I believed I was a child of God

And all His Powers dwelt in me,

The farthest star I’d reach in thought

And secrets of the Universe portrayed would be.

I’d know that lovely distant star

Was home to Beings much like me,

Each one a beloved child of God,

Who dwells in peace and harmony.

And so upon our planet Earth

We too must live His laws.

And turn from hate and fear and strife

For we are a child of God


Inglewood, Unit No. 15

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REPRESENTATIVES AND MEMBERS Of 17 Understanding Units gathered at Berkeley, Calif. on the last weekend of October for the annual national meeting of Understanding, an occasion which virtually all who were present agreed was a most memorable and inspiring event.

The leaders of Understanding were the guests of magnificent Williams College, a beautiful old institution set the Berkeley hills. Host was Dr. John W. Hopkins, president of the college and also president of the Berkeley Unit of Understanding.

The two-day session included the reading of numerous reports on Understanding’s activities during the past year, election of a nine-member board of directors to head Understanding, Inc., the first meeting of the new board and a workshop session at which unit members exchanged ideas about study group and discussion activities within their units.

The members voted their 17 units officially into Understanding, Inc., which was approved by the state of California on Sept. 22, 1960. These units are El Monte, San Mateo, Oakland, Long Beach, Santa Cruz, San Francisco, Pasadena, Inglewood, Chico, Berkeley, Cambrian Park, San Jose, Torrance, Marin County and Monterey County, all California; Eugene, Ore., and Reno, Nev. The units which were not represented at the meeting are declaring themselves in the corporation by mail, as are all members who were not present. It is a legal requirement that all members and units in the old association officially declare themselves in the now non-profit corporation.

Elected to the board of directors were Daniel W. Fry of El Monte Unit No. 1, John W. Root of Inglewood Unit No. 15, Harry McDonald of Pasadena Unit No. 12, Cleve Twitchell of El Monte Unit No. 1, Dr. John W. Hopkins of Berkeley Unit No. 17, Isaphene McGuire of Santa Cruz Unit No. 9, Richard Dachner of San Francisco Unit No. 11, Wayne Aho, a national member, and Paul Weast of Buffalo (N.Y.) Unit No. 37.

Four of the directors are from the area south of Fresno, Calif. and west of the Rocky Mountains, wherein is maintained Understanding Headquarters. Three of them are from the area north of Fresno and west of the Rocky Mountains. And the final two are from the area east of the Rocky Mountains. This apportionment of directors may be altered in the future if and when the “population” of units and members changes.

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The terms of the nine directors are staggered, so that three directors will be elected each year, all to serve for three years starting next year. Of the original nine, Mr. Fry, Mr. Dachner and Mr. McDonald will serve for three years; Dr. Hopkins, Mrs. McGuire and Mr. Twitchell for two years, and Mr. Root, Mr. Aho and Mr. Weast for one year.

The new board adopted a plan of “departments,” giving each director a specific job. Mr. Fry was elected chairman of the board to preside over all affairs; Mr. McDonald was made vice-chairman, to handle the affairs of the corporation in the absence of the chairman and take charge of the operation of the Understanding Headquarters office; Mrs. McGuire was elected head of the department of spiritual welfare, to work in the realm of spirituality.

Dr. Hopkins will serve as department of education to formulate physical, mindal and spiritual training. Mr. Dachner was made head of the department of oral and corporate expression, in which he will set a high standard for material, lecture subjects and convention procedure. He will be in charge of all Understanding conventions, pageants, meetings and other national get-togethers. Mr. Root will take charge of the department of internal relations, in which he will coordinate and assist units already in existence and work on the formation of new units.

Mr. Twitchell will act as department of public relations, handling newspaper, radio and TV publicity, membership and advertising campaigns and distribution of old issues of UNDERSTANDING magazine. Mr. Aho and Mr. Weast will serve in the department of good will, carrying forth the message of New Age Brotherhood and Fellowship as lecturers.

Additional corporate officers were elected by the new board. They are: Peter Troxell, treasurer; Florence Twitchell, corresponding secretary and membership chairman, and Ethel McDonald, manager of the Understanding Headquarters office.

The board voted to meet once a month, on the first Saturday of each month, alternating between a location inside Los Angeles County and one outside of Los Angeles County. The schedule is to start with a meeting on December 3 in Los Angeles County.

At the workshop session, Bernard and Isaphene McGuire, leaders of Santa Cruz Unit No. 9, told of their highly successful workshop project in that unit. Several small groups meet regularly, with their activities presented to the whole group at various intervals.

DECEMBER • 1960                   19


New Units Form

Understanding magazine is pleased to welcome two new units into Understanding. They are Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Unit No. 44 and Toledo, Ohio Unit No. 45. Further details concerning these units will be reported in a future issue.

Williamson Completes Tour

George Hunt Williamson toured Northern California, Oregon, Washington and Vancouver, B.C., Canada during the month of November speaking for practically all of Understanding’s Units in those areas. Presented were his two lectures, “New Quest for the Holy Grail,” an illustrated talk on findings Williamson made at the Glastonbury Abbey in England, and `Footprints of Prophecy,” a sequel to the “Grail” lecture relating information from the abbey to the famous footprints left on the California desert on Nov. 20, 1952 by the Venusian contact of George Adamski.

Wedding Bells to Ring in Youth Group

Understanding magazine is pleased to report what is believed to be the first engagement to result from an Understanding Unit youth group. Recently announced at Santa Cruz, Calif. was the engagement of Miss Connie Lee Jannusch, daughter of Unit No. 9 recording secretary Connie Jannusch, and Karl H. Schaaf. The two met in the Santa Cruz unit’s youth group. They plan to be married in the spring.

News of the UNITS

BROOKLYN, Unit No. 14, reports that the fall season in the saucer lecture field in the New York area was ushered in by Dan Fry who spoke twice, on Sept. 9 for the New York Saucer Information Bureau where a very intelligent audience appreciated his lecture on the scientific aspects of the inter-planetary information, and then the following night at the home of Marianra Best, president of Unit No. 14, where he presented a talk on “Hidden Meanings.” “His scientific achievements and their recognition through the bestowing of the degree of Doctor of Cosmology by St.

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Andrews Univ. are a matter of pride and joy to members and admirers,” Miss Best reported.

George Van Tassel swept into New York and also Chicago, Philadelphia and Detroit during October and gave a “devastating lecture on ‘things as they are,’ ” the Unit 14 president said.

CHICO, Unit No. 16 reports that an election of officers has been held, with J. L. McGury re-elected president. Other officers elected were Hal Lewtas as vice president; Mrs. H. B. Mitchell as recording secretary; Tony Grieco as corresponding secretary, and Bob Campodonico as treasurer. Several committees also have been formed. The unit has started workshop activity, with small groups meeting to “thrash out” particular subjects.

BERKELEY, Unit No. 17, also has new officers. Dr. John Hopkins, president of Williams College, where the unit meets, is president. Murrill Fagot is vice president, Marie Kinney is recording secretary, Frieda Herron is corresponding secretary and Jane Gaboury is treasurer. Public meetings are held on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month at the college.

DOUGLAS (Ariz.), Unit No. 33, reports that its publicity has gained interest of news media 120 miles away in Tucson, where a TV station has announced itself desirous of interviewing any lecturers available. The unit has presented a copy of Dan Fry’s “The White Sands Incident” to its local library and received publicity in the local newspaper as a result.

BUFFALO (N.Y.), Unit No. 37, has had 22 applications for membership as a result of Dan Fry’s lecture there last summer. President Paul Weast was asked to give a lecture to the student body of a local high school also as a result of Dan’s appearance there. Mr. Weast additionally reports that the whole station staff at the TV station where Dan was interviewed is now reading “The White Sands Incident.” The station is eager to interview other speakers from Understanding.

TWIN CITIES (Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn.), Unit No. 41, a new unit has enjoyed several meetings already, including a lecture by Dana Howard on “The Mystery of Antarctica.” Several members of the unit journeyed to Chicago over the Labor Day weekend to take in the Space Age Convention there.

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