Understanding Volume 22 Number 5
JUNE 1977
poetry EDITOR ………. jacqueline couts
Published by Understanding, a non-profit organization
Contributions are U.S. Income Tax Deductible
TONOPAH, AZ. 85354
Dedicated to the propagation of a better understanding among all the peoples of the earth, and of those who are not of earth.
THERE IS A GREAT DEAL of controversy today; both in politics and in technology, concerning the best method or methods of meeting the constantly increasing need of humanity, or at least of the more highly developed nations, for more and more and more available energy. It has become a habit in political and economic circles, to judge the degree of social advancement of each nation according to its per-capita energy consumption. The mere suggestion that the United States might, at some time in the future, have to get along with less available energy than it has today, is enough to cause shudders of apprehension in all political, economic and technological groups. The President of the United States has recently come before the media with such a horrifying picture of the results of energy shortage that he compared it to a major war, declaring that , since there was no practical way in which we could obtain any significant increase in our present supply, we must take drastic steps to conserve that which we have, even if it means taxing it out of the reach of the average citizen. Fortunately for his peace of mind, and for ours , there is little likelihood that any significant
drop in the total energy available to this country will ever cone about. On the contrary, we will probably continue, throughout any for seeable future, to use more energy each year than we did in the year before. Most of the apprehension concerning available energy in the future centers around our diminishing oil sources and the knowledge that, however much coal we still have in reserve, it can only be burned once and no more will be available.
“Alternate energy sources” has become a political gambit of considerable importance, and it is estimated that during the next five years several billions of dollars will be spent by the Federal government in grants to various research organizations for the purpose of studying such sources. Unfortunately, except for the heating and cooling of buildings, most of the research is being done in advanced areas that are not likely to yield any practical results for several decades, while the existing knowledge; some of which has been available for many years, is largely being ignored, except by those who simply cannot afford to pay the costs of the present energy sources. There is a rapidly increasing use of solar energy by individuals who save money by doing so, yet these methods are discounted by the energy producing concerns as, “Too costly or too inefficient for general public use,” yet it is well known that, in general, large plants or operations are more efficient and less costly per unit of production than very small ones. If an individual can produce usable energy in his own back yard more cheaply than he can buy it from the power companies, it seems as though the methods which make it possible should be examined with a little more care than they are now receiving. Apparently, however, the “Game Plan” of the commercial energy producers is to begin now to prepare for the serious depletion of oil supplies about twenty years
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hence, but not to do anything now that might demonstrate the relative cheapness and availability o al-ternate energy sources, and thereby risk lowering the value of existing investments in the energy business.
The principal sources of useful energy, aside from coal and oil, are usually listed as Solar Energy, Wind Energy (which is a secondary effect of solar energy, resulting from the uneven heating of the earth’s surface), Geothermal Energy (which makes use of the heat of the interior of the earth), Nuclear Energy (which converts to heat a part of the binding energy of the atom when it is fissioned or fused), Tidal Energy (which makes use of the gravitational field of the Moon). Finally there is, of course, Hydro-electric energy which also is a secondary effect of solar energy’s evaporation of water from the oceans, and its subsequent fall back to sea-level.
Of all the various sources of energy available to man the oldest, the most enduring, and the most widely available, is the energy that comes to us from the sun. In terms of quantity it is far greater than all of our other sources combined. Each and every day the sun delivers to the earth energy equal to about one quadrillion, five hundred million kilowatt hours, or an amount equal to five hundred thousand kilowatt hours for every single human being on earth today. It is also a quantity of energy greater than that contained in all of the known reserves of coal and oil in the world. Not only does this inconceivably huge quantity of energy reach the earth every day, but it has done so for at least four billion years and, barring cosmic accident, will continue to do so for at least three billion years into the future.
Until a few years ago when Nuclear Energy made its debut on earth, all of the useful energy that man had ever acquired had come, directly or indirectly, from the sun.
The sailing ships which, for thousands of
years carried men and their cargoes to all parts of the earth, were propelled entirely by wind energy which, as we have mentioned, is simply one of the many by-products of solar energy. In the Netherlands, and in other parts of the world, corn and wheat were ground into flour, and water was pumped by the same means, centuries before man learned to make use of fossil fuels or electric energy.
The fossil fuels (coal and oil) are themselves simply accumulations of solar energy, stored in the earth by the organic processes that took place during one period of its evolution. Although the process of accumulation and storage went on for many thousands of years, the total amount of energy so stored was probably little more than that which reaches the earth directly from the sun every day.
From an historical standpoint, it is only recently that man has adopted fossil fuels as his principal energy source, and he knows very well that they will soon be gone. Yet during his brief period of use, man has become so accustomed to and so dependent upon them that it is difficult for him to envision any possibility of existence without them. The habit of dependency has grown so strong that man actually seeks, consciously or unconsciously, to find excuses to avoid or to delay the development of the natural and perpetual energy sources, even though he knows that eventually he must and that the longer he delays the more difficult and traumatic the change will be. It has become a common saying that the competitive application of solar energy is twenty years in the future. Personally, your editor has grown a little weary of hearing this often repeated statement, especially since he first heard it more than twenty years ago, and even then there were several applications of solar energy which could readily have been adapted to public as well as to individual use, in open and successful competition with any other energy source.
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The most often heard objection to the use of solar energy for the generation of electrical energy is that the sun shines only during the daytime and therefore , if it is to be used to provide electrical power, half of the energy must be stored in some way so that it will be available for use at night and, as yet, we have no very efficient or economical way of storing electrical energy; therefore, the use of solar energy to generate electricity must await the discovery and development of some such means of storage. If solar energy were to replace all other means of generating electrical energy, this objection might well be a valid one, but when applied to generating plants that are only supplementary in nature, it is pure nonsense.
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(In our next issue we will discuss some of the ways in which solar energy is here and now, ready to serve man in more ways than he has yet envisioned.)
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By Juliana Lewis
ART IS NOT EXCLUSIVE to any particular country of any period of time. It is as old as the human race and as much a part of him as his daily bread. It is universal, but it is not like a universal language which could be understood by everyone in every corner of the world.
For instance, flamencos may be sublime music to Latins and so much unpleasant noise to the Dutch. A painting by Picasso may set one person to trembling with admiration while to the next it may appear as nothing more than a combination of gaudy colors. Arab music may make the average Arabian close his eyes in rapture, but it may sound to an Englishman like a dozen alley-cats fighting it out on the backyard fence.
An interesting story in an ancient Chinese script concerning this subject of art tells of an old and dying painter named Lao-Kung. His pupils, gathered about him, asked, “Master as a parting blessing, tell us what the highest purpose may be to which mortal man may aspire?” Lao-Kung looked at the picture that he loved best. It was a blade of grass, hastily jotted down with the strokes of his brush, but his blade of grass lived and breathed and contained the spirit of every blade of grass that had ever grown since the beginning of time. “There,” the old man said, “is my answer. I have made myself the equal of the Gods, for I too have touched the hem of Eternity.” According to Lao-Kung, then, art is something produced by the man who is allowed to touch the hem of Eternity.
Author Henrik Van Loon gives another answer to the question. He says that man, even in his proudest moments, is a puny and helpless creature when he compares himself to the Gods. For the Gods speak unto him through creation. Man tries to answer he tries to vindicate himself, and that answer is really what we call art. Or another way of putting it, he believes that art is man’s way of expressing his innermost feelings, and whether it be through music or shoe making, it is still art. This idea is expressed in the following fable from the Middle Ages.
There were two penitent sinners who approached the image of the Madonna to ask her a favor, but who were conscious of the fact that they had really nothing to offer in return for her blessing.
Therefore one of them, a poor musician who had no other possession than his old fiddle, played her his liveliest tune and behold! his prayer was answered. But when it was the turn of the shoemaker, he felt that his pilgrimage had been in vain, for all he could do was to offer to make the Queen of Heaven a -air of dainty little slippers so that she might go well shod
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to her next dance, for it was a well-known fact that the angels in Heaven dance whenever they are happy and that sometimes our good Lady takes part in their festivities. “But what, ” so this cobbler asked himself, is a new pair of slippers compared to that music which I have just heard? “
Nevertheless, he made her the most beautiful slippers he could and behold! he too found favor in our Lady’s eyes, for his golden slippers had been his own particular way of expressing his innermost emotions.
A specific answer, then, to what is art? could give rise to discussions as futile as those of Medieval scholars who thought nothing of spending a dozen years debating the exact number of angels that could balance themselves on the point of a needle. So I will close with only one further definition: Art is, like genius, good technique, plus something else. And you will recognize that “something else” when you hear it or see it.
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Ladbroke & Co., Ltd. , one of Britain’s noted book-making firms, lowered the odds against a visit from 100 to 1 to 40 to 1 after a rash of bets poured in from Southern California. Source: Los Angeles Times.
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Some researchers claim the ancient Sumerians first introduced writing as a form of communication. Pictograph cuneiform, or pictures conveying messages, were drawn on wedge-shaped blocks of wood or stone and delivered to the door of the recipient.
Source: All the Law That Professional Writers Should Know, ” Abundant Life Institute, page 2.
Poets corner
By Louise Kidder Sparrow
All Energy is One and the Same,
Everyone and everything partakes of it; Its various forms are as myriad as the stars,
The animate and inanimate alike
ALL are sharers in the same bounty!
Since this truth is fair and unquestioned
We shall rejoice in the well-being of each,
For each is a part of the Whole and of its glory,
There is no cause for heartless competition
Can we be jealous of our own selves?
Can we be jealous of the lightning?
Of flowers, trees, oceans, crystals, earth’s wonders?
They are all, including our Fellowmen, part of us,
In diverse forms; vital Energy is One.
“Love your neighbor as your very self!”
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To love we too must be lovable.
–No one will ask of us the impossible–
What we love not in others we love not in ourselves;
Cruelty and selfishness arid callous greed,
None car love hypocrisy and vice!
Hence our first concern will rightly be
To cultivate desirable attributes,
Those admired in human beings, animals and plants,
Thus will pervasive Energy, God-given
Move with divine power and beauty!
Our senses are sometimes distracting
Instead of feeling a kinship, we may note
A pretty face, or the pattern of a modish gown:
Time and space vanish when spirit meets spirit…
We are ofttimes closer when apart,
By Dr. Ron
In our life odyssey, each of us develops our own philosophies of life. I recently found some beautiful concepts, like poetry, coupling the east and the west. 8y sharing these with you now, you will have a deeper appreciation of both the sources and the concepts. St. Teresa and St. John of the Cross are truly Christian Mystics. And to those who understand the Hindu Bhagavad Gita, it is deeply mystical too. This may, at first glance, seem to be a strange coupling. Simply, then, let me now share commonalities of love, joy and prayer.
A Sharing: St. John of the Cross says that “it is love alone that unites the soul with God.” and St. Teresa says “What matters is not to think so much, but to love much.” She adds “The love of God must not
be built by our own imagination, but must be tried by works.” These same ideas are also in the spirit of the Bhagavad Gita, The vision of God is the grace of God; but the grace of God is the re-ward of the love of man.
A Sharing: Al! true love is love of Eternity and the inner light, of being is revealed only when the clouds of being disappear. In the Gita it says, Even as all the waters flow into the ocean, but the ocean never overflows; even so the sage feels desires but he is ever one in his infinite peace.” Man can only find peace in the infinite, not the finite. This is so clearly expressed by St. John of the Cross: “When you set your heart in many things, you cease to throw yourself in the All.” If we desire anything for its finite pleasure, we shall miss its infinite joy. In the Gita, simply, “Leave all things behind.” St. John tells us how we are able to leave all things behind and not to look back: “It is not to leave a vacuum in the soul, but to desire the highest in all with the fire of burning love.”
A Sharing: When describing the state of man who has found joy in God., the Gita says “When in recollection, he withdraws all his senses from the attractions of the pleasure of sense, even as a tortoise withdraws ail its limbs, then his is a serene wisdom.” St. Teresa uses the same imaging when she describes the prayer of recollection: “I think I read somewhere that the soul is like a tortoise or sea-urchin which retreats into itself. Who ever said this no doubt understood what he was talking about.”
A Sharing: A spirit of tolerance is basic to St. Teresa when she suggested that her nuns avoid too much zeal. “There is no reason why we should want everyone to follow our own path.” This same sense of harmony is found again and again in the Gita, “In any way, that men love me, in the same way they find my love.” and “Even those who in faith war ship other gods, because of their love, they worship me.”
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A Sharing St. John of the Cross says “in order to be All. do not desire to be anything. In order to know l All, do not desire to know anything. In order to find the joy of All, do not desire to enjoy anything.” The he sense of being is the sense of Brahaman, God, in the Gita. To be, to know and to find joy – correspond to the Hindu “Being, Consciousness and Joy.”
A Sharing: Prayer is a means to describe inner union. It’s interesting to compare this concept of the Gita with a passage by St. Peter of Alcantara, the teacher of St. Teresa: “In meditation, we consider carefully divine things and we pass from one to another, so that the heart may feel love. It is as though we should strike a flint and draw a spark of fire. But in contemplation, the spark is struck.” The love we were seeking is really here. The soul enjoys silence and peace, not by many reasonings but by simply contemplating the truth.”
These concepts are in themselves meditation: themes. They are purposely presented in duality to show the universality of mystical thoughts. I’d like to suggest that you “mentally” re move ail the references and then you will see the real beauty of these sharings and this real universal ness. Each one of us can be a mystic, even in today’s word if we truly seek perfection and seek union with God. My blessings to you in your odyssey of life!
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A woman was filling out an accident report. She had dented the fender of a parked car, while trying to park her own. One question on the report was: “What could the operator of the other vehicle have done to avoid the accident?” She wrote: “He could have parked somewhere else.”
For those readers who love to try new recipes the book, Beyond the Staff of Life, Kief Adler, a Naturgraph publication, P. 0. Box 1075, Happy Camp, Ca., 96039, is just the thing. Beyond the Staff of Life suggests that not only does man not live by bread alone but that he ought to live entirely without it. It is a book of recipes for foods devoid of wheat and milk in any form. For those who are allergic to such foods, this book is just for you. I still like bread and milk!
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A second book some may enjoy and find a real practical way to save on energy is Cyclateral Thinking. editor is Douglas B. Smith. If you’re interested in the benefits of bicycling you can write to UBDC, W20-002, Cambridge, Mass., 02139. And if you just can’t wait to get your hands on the manual you may call 617-494-0150. For $2.50 they will send this provocatively designed book to you. Many practical suggestions are made in its pages. Try it, you may like it.
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In Pursuit of Wisdom, Abraham Kaplan is a book of philosophy beautifully bound and filled with the wisdom of philosophers of all the ages. A truly handsome book and one to meet the intellectual appetite of those seekers of wisdom. It is published by the Glencoe Press, Beverly Hills, Ca. Such matters as differentiation between problems and predicaments, semantics, logic, the theory of knowledge and Metaphysics are to be found within its binding. Those and many, many more. This is a book to be proud of in any collection of worthwhile readings. The author establishes himself as a man of great knowledge and love for life.
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Lord, when we are wrong, make us willing to change. And we are right, make us easy to live with.
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Aleta Lister
This is a problem, Lord. Will you listen in and see what you can do about it?
It stands to reason that if you are Lord of us all, you know beforehand the parable of the strawberry, even though the story itself has come to us from faraway Zen-land. But not to strain the bonds of memory, here it is repeated in its entirety as told in a Buddhist sutra:
A man traveling across a field met a tiger. He fled, the tiger in pursuit. Coming to a precipice, he caught hold of the root of a wild vine and swung himself down over the edge of the abyss. The tiger sniffed at him from above. Trembling, the man looked down the abyss to where, far below, another tiger was waiting to eat him. Only the vine held him.
Two mice, one white and one black, began slowly to gnaw away at the vine. The man saw a luscious strawberry near him. Grasping the vine with one hand, he picked the strawberry with the other. How sweet it tasted!
Are you with me now, Lord, well enough to anticipate what is about to be asked for and why? The fruits of the earth were to have been prepared for our enjoyment. But who could en joy a great big red plastic strawberry? For that is what it has be-come. That parable might not have strained credibility once upon a time, when strawberries were strawberries. But now, like other American successes, the strawberry is just as hollow as we are in danger of becoming, all appearance and nothing luscious inside to savour. And you, Lord, are becoming handicapped with a credibility gap about equal to that of Ivan the Terrible if he’d written the preface to I’M OK -. YOU’RE OK.
Would it be churlish, childish, or merely boring, to draw up a bill of particulars against you? You must have been handling complaints for some time. Perhaps what changes the most with time is the rhetoric.
For a random sampling of what’s not right with your world, let’s look at the facts. How would you react to growing old enough to be entrusted to nursing homes that have come to be called a case of tender loving greed? If you don’t believe that’s the way it is, listen to our Senate investigating committees. How would you like to have the supposedly fair federal health program of Medicare in effect run by a private company of mainly doctors too big to bust with fraud cases probably covered up by the time Health, Education and Welfare gets to them four years and one hundred cases later? One’s greatest crime nowadays evidently is having been born at all, for living long enough will put you into the hands of doctors and officialdom whose in-competence seems to be exceeded only by its indifference. Have you stopped recently to think if the Bushmen of the Kalahari didn’t do it better when they abandoned their elders to the desert with a two or three day supply of food and water?
How about it if you should slip and fall under our ware-housing of the poor: the American prison system? Or suppose you should decide to take a walk through our asphalt jungles. Then come indoors as well as out, through the corridors of our inner-city schools where a sub-culture is being propagated by welfare rolls of eleven and a quarter million unto the fourth generation (small time welfare now referred to, no longer the big time handouts we were speaking of that the luckier in business get). Tired of it-all and want to shoot up? To find a little help from friends, try the halls of our suburban schools as market-place.
Care to sample our entertainments? They are the sickest of all, unless you want to count our sex-mad ads of the TV commercials. Do you prefer a movie making comedian Lenny Bruce look heroic to an ad telling you how many ways you can make it good?
As if we ourselves couldn’t make it bad enough on local TV, then there’s the international news coverage, where we can see at work. the even more savagely stupid and even worse, motivated officialdom of some other countries. Other natives just don’t flaunt it – excuse me, don’t let it all hang out – in the same compulsive way we do it.
But that’s all from the darker side of the collective or national psyche, Lord. May I next confess that it’s my private
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scene which is making me cry foul even louder? If domestic and foreign policy begin to sound like a Gilbert and Sullivan operetta, then my own life might compare to the theater of the absurd. How would you like being thrust into a private world where those nearest and dearest and closest to sharing your own values go back on them, or at least relegate that value sys-tem and you to the back burner in their hierarchy of preferences? Worse still, did I first, am I, betraying those values?
But doesn’t that call for an inquiry into your values, too? If you really meant for us to put things of the spirit first – “Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven, then all else shall be added unto you,” remember – if you mean that, then when are you going to throw a few congenial reinforcements along the stony way? Must it be solitary confinement? Maybe you didn’t make it right, Lord, not to have granted man first sufficient gratification of basic needs for homeostasis so he could move or the way to the spirit’s luxuries? You say that’s what the Garder, of Eden and the apple were all about before we blew: it? Are you trying to say now in reply to me that the spirit in man is like the oil trapped below in the rock: it doesn’t just flow upward and outward, but the rock under pressure moves the oil? That we of your human experiment may need to he put under similar high pressure to move the spirit?
As a matter of fact, I am already out picturing myself as under siege, like Washington at Valley Forge, or like life trying to get nourishment from a rock. Then you come at me with this analogy of what pressure the rock must be subjected to in order to move the oil. But energy calls to energy, just like money calls to money. And you can’t draw blood from a turnip.
How long is the hassle worth while if you don’t strike pay dirt under either set of values, materialistic or spiritual? When day after day you find yourself reaching under the very nose of the tiger to pluck and bite into – a plastic strawberry?
Yes, Lord, you’d better get a wiggle on. That’s what my father used to say to us kids when we were piddling around going nowhere fast, just standing still, so to speak.
You’d better get a wiggle on before we decide you’re the one who can’t cope. In that case, we might give up caring whether or not you care. We might become as invulnerable to your love as we are already to your wrath and to your logic, As a last resort, we might even give up trying to be funny. So why
don’t you mind the store in such a. way that we know some-body is there. Then we’ll do the problem solving, we’ll work out the solutions to our man-made problems, knowing you’re there. We’ll make the apologies instead of demanding them, blaming ourselves and praising you, as it should be.
Because we didn’t ever expect to be handed a lollypop. A bittersweet world, OK, no saccharine asked for as a sweetener. But not a plastic one, where we hollow men might fail to recognize how empty we are without you, or how funny we aren’t, or above all, How Great Thou Art, and how the fire of a real strawberry myth compares to the ashes of a strawberry statement of protest. For Lord, though it is we ourselves who are the little foxes that have spoiled the vine, we haven’t forgotten the taste of the real fruit. Have you?
Bulletin board
There are new residents at the International Cultural Headquarters of Understanding, Inc. They are Ed and Joyce Mehling and Larry, aged 4, and Daniel and Sadie Skultety. The Mehlings are from Indianapolis, Ind. and the Skultetys are from Des Moines, Ia.
Both young couples have chosen to make life at the Understanding, Inc. headquarters their commitment to humanity through service in conformity with Understanding ideals and
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goals. They were a great source of help throughout the convention and somewhat before.
Ed has painted the Center building, the library and the snack bar. And if the paint holds out other houses on the property will also take on a new look. He has worked hard at getting a garden started and before long there will be salad makin’s to reward the effort.
Daniel has taken the responsibility of setting up plans for future development, becoming involved with magazine production and the administrative affairs that have been the task of president and founder, Daniel Fry.
.The Management Committee has given titles to each of the new residents. They are Assistant Directors of the organization. Job descriptions for each will be drawn up and Understanding is expected to move into greater action than it has been able to in the past. New ideal, new energy and new enthusiasm are the back-bone and blood of any effort and Understanding welcomes these young people and their efforts to carry out Alan’s idea for peace on this planet.
The Frys will be traveling from the last week of June through most of the month of July. June 27th will find them at Entibond, Hawthorne, Ca. sponsored by Dr. and Mrs. William Ziegler. June 30th they will be in Beverly Hills, Ca., at the Society for Psychic Research sponsored by Terri Ashbrook. July 7-5-9 the Frys will be at Astara, Upland Hills, Ca. Following that engagement they will be in San Jose, Ca. Contact Heather B. Neville, Campbell, Ca. for detailed information. Tentative plans for other stops are in Sacramento, Sonoma and Spring Valley, California.
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Every person is just as big as the things that annoy or offend them.
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No man’s authority should ever be greater than his responsibility.
There have been, and will yet be, an unusually large number of widely advertised U.F.O. conventions, conferences, symposiums and general get-togethers in the United States and else where this year. Unfortunately, we received notice of the International U.F.O. Convention at Acapulco, Mexico, too late to mention in our notices, but the National U.F.O. Conference, sponsored by the California UFO Research Group will be held at the PSA Hotel San Franciscan, 1213 Market St., San Francisco, Calif., on August 6, 1977.
Fate Magazine also is sponsoring a King Size convention in Chicago, ILL., for June 24-25-26th.
If you are interested in Space Travel, from the Science Fiction or Fantasy angles, there will be held, in Pasadena. Calif., on August 12, 13 and 14, The Seventh Annual Fantasy Faire. There will be personal appearances by many of the top Fantasy and Science Fiction Superstars, plus a number of the best science fiction films. It will be held at the Pasadena Hilton Hotel,’ (150 Los Robles, Pasadena, Calif.) For full information write Fantasy Faire VII, The Fantasy Publishing Co., 1855, West Main St., Alhambra, California, 91801.
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6c per word per insertion;
3 or more insertions same copy, 5c per word.
BEMIS DISTRIBUTORS, P.O. Box 35, Versailles, Ill., 62378, OFFERS – List of 200 UFO Organizations – $2.95. UFO Space News — $1.00. 10 Magazines on UFO Sightings — $5.00. We will furnish names of persons who have ordered UFO material and are interested in forming clubs. 1,000 names, $25.00. 2,000 names 535.00. We have books, slide sets, and tape recordings for sale. Many of these tapes are of extraterrestrial origin, received by Tensor Beam.
AVAILABLE SOON – Cassette Tapes of the ‘Man in Space’ convention lectures. AL WRIGHT, (Project Director for the ‘Space Shuttle.’) – “The Age of Aero-Space Transportation.”
PAT CODY, (Director of Aero-Space Education, Pacific Region, U.S.A.F.) – “Our Aero-Space Heritage.”
DR. RAY BROWN, (H.M.D., Ph. D.) -“Your Health In Space.” DR. DANIEL W. FRY – (President of Understanding, Inc.) – “Preparing to Live in Space.”
DR. MERVIN STRICKLER, (Chief of Aviation Education Pro-grams Div., F.A.A.) – “Russian Aero-Space Education Training.”
All Tapes – S5.25 ca. (Postpaid.) Send orders to ‘Tapes,’ c. c/o Understanding, Inc., Star Route Box 588F, Tonopah, Az. 85354.
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Now you can have a pyramid that you can take anywhere! Lightweight for carrying, easy to set up. Larger than 6 feet square, this powerful energiser can be used for meditation or experiments where you desire. $35.00 (Postpaid) Send to Pyramids, c/o Understanding, Inc., Star Route 588F, Tonopah, Az. 85354.
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Power from the human mind – pyramids – crystals – shapes – vibrations – thought. “Suppressed Incredible Inventions” covers over 200 startling concepts, principles and machines. $7.95 or 20c list. Fry’s, 879-U Park, Perris, Ca. 92370.
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TRANSLATIONS – Danish – German – French – Norwegian Swedish =–P. A. ATTERBOM, Box 206, S-434 01 Kungsback, Sweden.
YEAR BOOKS AVAILABLE Understanding Magazines for 1968-1969-1970-1971 Are now available in convenient Yearbooks. Price: $2.00 per volume, plus 25c for handling. Issues 1958 through 1967 at $1.00 per volume, plus 25c handling. Understanding, Inc. Star Route Box 588F Tonopah, AZ. 85354 |
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SONG OF GOD-Poetic setting of 4,500 year-old Hindu Sacred Book Bhagavad Oita for Modern Americans. Mystic teachings of ancient Yogis. In free-verse, poetry and sonnets. For readers with Christian background.
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Enclosed is $20.00 for ALL FIVE BOOKS.
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