May 1975

GOD, MAN AND MIRACLES   …..             2

PROFIT IN PROBLEMS   …             3

THE WONDER OF IT ALL   ……..             5

WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING   ……………             7

UFOs INTERNATIONAL   ………..             8

ON UNDERSTANDING   ….             9

Poet’s corner   ………….             10

VALIDITIES   …………….                 10

UFO WATCH   ………….                 11

CONSIDER THE CONCEPT   …..             11

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR   ……             15

Book reviews   ……             16

BULLETIN BOARD   ………..             17

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ASST. EDITOR …………….  kerttu campbell

Assoc. editor ……………  margaret little

circulation manager …….  margaret little





Published by ‘Understanding’, a non-profit organization

Contributions are U.S. Income Tax Deductible






VOLUME XX                               MAY 1975                                                   NUMBER 4

Dedicated to the propagation of a better understanding among all the peoples of the earth, and of those who are not of earth.


There are far too many of us humans who go through life waiting and praying for miracles. Perhaps this is because miracles are the foundation of faith in almost every religion.

During the earthly ministry of Jesus of Nazareth, the constant cry of the people was, “Show us a miracle and we will believe.” The fact remains, however, that although Jesus did perform hundreds of miracles before crowds of people, very few actually believed in his divine origin, and many of those who did believe, saw him as a menace to their existing beliefs and way of life. Nevertheless, the miracle is the customary and accepted method of inducing belief in any given religion. The word “miracle” is defined in our dictionaries as being, “An effect in the physical world, which surpasses all known human or natural powers, and must therefore be ascribed to a superhuman agency.” From force of habit, therefore, We are inclined to believe that all miracles must proceed directly from God. Jesus, although he performed many acts which were, and still are, considered as miracles, repeatedly warned against the human habit of attributing Deity to all who performed apparent miracles since, as He pointed out, Satan can, and sometimes does perform apparent miracles, and so in fact can any person who has sufficient faith in God, and in his own ability to exercise his God-given power.

God never intended that man should sit idly by, waiting for Divine intervention to solve his problems. God has endowed man with all the

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necessary power, and has given him all the necessary tools to mould a successful and happy life, a world brotherhood of man, and to make of the planet Earth, one of the brightest gems in the stellar universe. There is no excuse for man to spend his life waiting for his ship to come in, for times to get better, or for God to send him a miracle. God has given man all of the tools to do his own work, and to create his own miracles. He is always ready to help man when such help is necessary, but is reluctant to do for man those things which man is perfectly cap-able of doing for himself. One of the best illustrations of this fact is the well-known story of the new minister who took over an old church which had not been used for several years. The Parsonage grounds and the church yard were overgrown with weeds, there were piles of mouldy rubbish in many places, and an air of neglect and decay were every-where. The minister, however, rolled up his sleeves and went to work. He pulled out the weeds, tilled the soil and applied fertilizer. He planted a beautiful flower garden where the worst of the weeds had been, and then repainted and repaired all of the buildings so that everything was fresh and new and beautiful. When the Bishop made his first inspection tour of the renewed church and grounds, he remarked to the minister on the wonderful job that had been done, and added, “It just goes to show what a great work God and man can do when they work together.” “That’s true, Bishop,” the minister replied, “but you should have seen how it looked when God was taking care of it all by himself!”

The moral is that the planet Earth is the garden of Eden upon which God put man to take charge of it, to till it, to dress it and to make of it a place where the glory of God can become manifest. If we now sit back upon our haunches, waiting for God to do the job by himself, we are shirking the principal duty we have been given, and we are bound to be disappointed by the results.


You are bigger than any of your problems! You have the resources within you, to meet any challenge regardless of its size or difficulty.

Too often we equate problems with lack, loss, or limitation. But that is not always, if ever, the case. There can be gain in pain. A blow today can be a blessing tomorrow. And in every loss there can be a lesson.

If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Edison proved this in his “Battle of the Bulb.” He fought the problem of filaments until he fin-ally lighted up the world. Robert Fulton, Harvey Firestone, and Henry Ford became firsts because they did not allow problems to mean defeat, failure, or frustration.

As you know, the history of America is the story of men and women

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becoming great by overcoming great problems. From Columbus to the “cosmonauts” we have been a country of conquerors. We have always proved ourselves to be bigger than our problems.

Learn to make headway through your headaches. Switch from negative to positive thinking about your problems. You may discover a truth in the trouble with which you are now contending. Look for the treasure in the tragedy.

There can be prolific profit in problems. Here are seven ways they can actually work for you:

1.         Problems can make you stronger mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. As you know, every school boy needs plenty of problems in arithmetic, if he is to grow in that subject. The more problems you have, the more you will be able to develop your intelligence, imagination, ingenuity, and other faculties.

A serious health problem need not mean the end. It can indeed be a godsend. It might work as a sort of rudder in your life and alert you to the need for more rest, relaxation, or regular hours.

An emotional problem associated with sickness, the loss of loved ones, or the breaking up of a family is not pleasant to think about, yet such trials can work toward helping us face the realities of life.

2.         Increase your understanding of the needs of others. You can read all of the books on psychology ever published, but there is nothing like personal problems to make you sensitive to the needs of others. If you had a tough time in your childhood, you will better understand what boys and girls are going through today.

3.         Your problems can reveal your hidden power and potential. It is surprising what anyone of us can do in an emergency or time of crisis. A teen-age boy once lifted a 300-pound gate that had fallen on a man.

One big problem we all face is that of earning a living. Without this challenge life for most of us would be dull and drab. We might never take the time to develop our talent and potential.

The problem of earning a living compels us to discover and develop our abilities. To keep the wolf away from the door is just one reason why we go to school and then work. We also face the psychological problem of self-fulfillment. Often it is this challenge, from within our-selves, or perhaps from others, which makes us strive to become all we are capable of becoming.

4.         Problems can catapult you to fame and fortune. Ford found fame figuring out the fabulous flivver to meet the problem of fast, low-cost transportation for the masses. Clarence Darrow, distinguished attorney for the defense, made his mark solving intricate legal problems. Why are Marconi and Morse among the immortals in communica

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tions? Why are the names of DeMille, Disney, and D. W. Griffith among the most distinguished in the history of movie-making? Why were Shakespeare, Shaw, and Shelly such great lights in the literary world? The answer in all cases is problems, problems, and more problems.

The men most remembered in American History are the men who met and mastered problems.

5.         Your problems can furnish fun and fascination. Your problems can even be an endless source of pleasure. Did you ever play a game such as bridge or badminton, in which you faced no real challenge? Either you had no real competition, or perhaps it was a game in which no skill was required. You then found the game uninteresting, perhaps even tiring and frustrating. You gained nothing because the game required you to give nothing.

6.         Problems can release you from ruts and routines. No one relishes the problem of unemployment. Yet it can have its values. Losing your job may put you on the path to occupational perfection.

Unemployment might awaken one person to the need for personality improvement or better health habits. It might cause another individual to change careers completely.

7.         Problems can provide you with a philosophy of life. Out of your trials and tribulations, headaches and heartaches can come, not only your progress and prosperity, but your philosophy of life. Try to see every problem that comes your way as opportunity rather than opposition-as opulence rather than oppression.

Every problem that crosses your path has its purpose. That purpose, in brief, is to propel you toward perfection. Start taking a positive point of view toward problems. It will be good for you in terms of your morale, mental health, and more money.



Too much these days are we concerned with man-made crises-inflation, pollution, war, crime, and the like. So, lest we forget “the wonder of it all” we offer these treasures of divinity for your contemplation’


“The human brain works like the heart, ceaselessly pulsing, day and night, from childhood to old age. In its three pounds of tissue are recorded and stored billions upon billions of memories, habits, instincts, abilities, desires, hopes, fears. Here are patterns and sounds and inconceivably delicate calculations and brutishly crude urgencies: the sound of a whisper heard 30 years ago, the delight never experienced but incessantly imagined, the complex structure of stresses in a bridge, the exact pressure of a single finger on a sin-

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gle string, the development of 10,000 different games of chess, the precise curve of a lip, a hill, an equation or a flying ball, tones and shades and glooms

and raptures, the faces of countless strangers, the scent of one garden, prayers, inventions, poems, jokes, tunes, sums, problems unsolved, victories long past, the fear of Hell and the love of God, the vision of a blade of grass and the vision of the sky filled with stars.”

– (Richard Highet)


Scientists say that there are approximately one octillion atoms in the trillions of cells that make up the average human body. Just to get an idea of how many atoms that is, try writing out a one and following it with 27 zeros. That is an octillion atoms, the number you have available to work for you at this moment.

Our modern scientists tell us that a single drop of water contains enough latent energy to blow up a ten-story building. This energy, existence of which has been discovered by modern scientists, is the same kind of spiritual energy that was known to Elijah, Elisha and Jesus, and used by them to perform miracles.


Light is not only a mystery in itself, it behaves mysteriously, and has mysterious properties. It breaks all the “rules” which science has at-tempted to lay down for it.

Its speed is constant, “c”, which can neither be increased nor de-creased by bodies emitting light. When caught in a “particle-trap,” it proves itself to be composed of particles. When caught in a “wave-trap,” it contradicts the particle theory and proves itself to be a wave formation. It moves unerringly in a straight line, yet can be “piped” round corners, and it is believed, bends toward celestial bodies. It is one and indivisible, yet diffuses in the spectrum. Light pervades all space, emanating from an untold host of star-clusters and galaxies. It conveys images from every part of the universe to every other part. The fantastic possibilities of the Laser open up fresh vistas, for the Laser-light is perfectly coherent, striking unerringly through any object, and is more intense than any light known in nature.


Astronomers have recently disclosed the inspiring and thrilling empty space in the Nebula of the constellation of Orion. It is a heavenly cavern “so gigantic that the mind of man cannot comprehend it, and so brilliantly beautiful that words cannot adequately describe it.”

By use of gigantic lenses and long exposures of photographic plates, which in turn can be magnified, astronomers can peer into the depths of interstellar space and glimpse the vastness of the infinite.

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that will come to us as fulfillment of our particular life pattern.



Free Push From The Wind

(By Editor, Harry E. Elliott, Daily Courier, Grants Pass, Oregon, Feb. 12, 1975)

There’s little doubt that we’re hung up on speed. Whatever we do, we want to do it in a hurry, at least insofar as it applies to traveling from one point to another.

Thus we hurl our jets into the sky, skimming along at 650 miles an hour and seeing nothing, so we can get there, hurry around in cars or buses and then fly home.

The curse of the whole thing is, of course, that we use non-returnable fuels to make the speed possible, and in so doing we cost ourselves a pile of money, too.

But what if, for some things at least, we turned away from the cult of quickness? Such a plan currently is being studied by the University of Michigan in the area of transoceanic freight hauling, at least.

The U.S. Maritime Administration has granted the university some $18,000 to study the concept of returning to the wind for ocean-going power, pondering such ideas as a seven-masted clipper with computer-directed machinery to hoist, reef and furl the nylon-anddacron sails and swing metal yardarms into the wind.

The idea isn’t so tar-fetched as it might seem. The wind across the seas is abundant-usually-and it is free. Auxiliary engines could fill in when the seas were becalmed.

Looking into the past, courtesy of a National Geographic Society article, we can see that if we rejected the idea of just getting everywhere in a hurry, we could save precious fuel and a lot of cost in using sailing ships.

The clippers of the middle 1800s were able to hit a top speed of 22 knots, or slightly more than 25 statute miles an hour. Sailing 24 hours a day, that’s about 600 miles-and that was relying on manpower to set and tend the sails. Computers could make even better use of the avail-able motive thrust, moving quicker and more positively.

But even if the average speeds came out less, a little rough calculation shows that a 15-knot average would take a ship from New York to the French coast in about 81/2 days, while a 10-knot average would only stretch it out to 121/2 days.

We can conceive of few situations where a boatload of pig iron, or door knobs or TV sets or whatever would need to reach the opposing

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shore any quicker than that.

And applications of modern materials and technology to the ship-building process should make them as safe as any craft that ventures onto the deep.

It’s a thought certainly worth pursuing. The savings in fuel, even if it weren’t irreplaceable, would have to be noteworthy, and in our present energy crisis, we simply cannot afford to ignore a bounty such as the wind-a free push from here to there.


Sighting in Pavia, Italy

Dr. Marco Marianti of Bologna, Italy, has reported a sighting in Pavia, Italy. The full text is published in the February 1975 issue of UFO Contact of Denmark.

About 30 persons in Pavia, a town of some 90,000 population, saw a “glowing dome” at 10:40 P.M., July 10, 1974. At about the same time several persons in the nearby town of Alexandria saw a “spheric light” flying. A policeman of Pavia, Guido Ragni, 25, his sister, Giovanna, 15, and his mother saw the “dome” rather near, some tens of meters.

“At 10:40 P.M. the witness Giovanna Ragni sees the ‘glowing dome’ coming from the North with flashing lights, color, reddish; it looks like it is going to land near her house (she was sitting outside with two friends). Giovanna alarms her brother, Guido, who immediately runs by car with Giovanna and her mother. They see the ‘glowing dome’ in a corn field, but immediately the UFO takes off, glowing with yellow light and with ‘jets of light’ from the bottom. The corn field is burning. The policeman fears a big conflagration and alarms the local firemen, but the owner of the field is able to stop the fire.”

The owner of the field said that he had inundated the field the day previously and could not understand how a fire could have started.

A group of special military police investigated and found a clear print in the soil, a disc of about 60 cm diameter. Witnesses said it looked like the print of “a leg of the dome.”

Captain Prestamburgo, head of the special police, has sent a thick documentary report of the sighting to his superior. The report contains photographs, interviews with several witnesses, and a description of the dome: 30 meters in diameter with an antenna on the top, the antenna having an oblique arm at its end, capped by a “ball.” The police captain concluded that “a mysterious object actually landed in that field.”

Sighting in Ireland

(Evening Herald, Ireland, Feb. 18, 1974, reported in Xenolog *93)

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Two Rathcoole girls, (Yolanda Birmingham and Barbara Mooney), claimed to have seen a whirring UFO in the sky near their home around 9 P.M. last night. Both girls, aged 19, described the object as blue with white light radiating from it. Both were very frightened as they thought the object was coming towards them.

The girls at first thought the object to be a helicopter, with light flashing overhead. Initially it was only a dot in the distance but it be-came much bigger as it came toward them.

The girls were transfixed for a few agonizing seconds and then they ran to the door of the Mooney household and burst in. The mother of Barbara said the girls were obviously very frightened, and they were not the type to make up such a story. The Gardai at Rathcoole said that they had not heard of any reports of this object being seen in the area. Balconnel aerodrome, which is nearby, said that there were no helicopters or other aircraft in the vicinity at 9 P.M.

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(This excerpt is from an article by Elsie Craig, in Discovery, Oct. 1970)

The Bible urges us, “With all thy getting, get Understanding,” and again, “Understanding is the well-spring of Life to him that hath it.”

When we find ourselves advised by various scriptures in the world to acquire a certain quality, we ask ourselves what is the real meaning of the word by which that quality is designated. Understanding? It is not merely comprehension, it is not even identical with sympathy . . . It certainly is not simply the power of “putting oneself in another’s place,” for that implies taking oneself along, and what we require in real under-standing is to leave our own reactions, and enter into those of others.

One of the implications of the word Understanding is a “firm stance,” the setting of our feet upon ground so firm, so true, so fundamental, that it is a standing place common to us all, a level from which we may be able to perceive our common relationship, each to each. Usually it is our differences that are most easily noticed by our physical and emotional organs of perception, but if we can find our oneness, our identity – that is the place of Understanding. Let us also observe, in passing, that this level is not to be found by stepping downward, but upwards, or inwards, to our place of Origin.

When, then, is ground common to us all? . . . one designation is “Consciousness,” Supreme Consciousness, which is beyond relativity, beyond all ideas of difference. . . . Then we perceive that the ideas of “You” and “I” arise only in a place of relativity, and that we are but One Self, playing for the moment many different parts in a great Act of Self-manifestation.

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We realize that we are indeed only different in name, in the same way that the space enclosed in a ring, or the space enclosed by a room, are not different sorts of space, but just Space. We name it differently, “ring-space” . . . “room-space” . . . and thus for our own convenience differentiate or measure it in our minds; but let the ring, and the room, vanish, and what remains – Space – unchanged . . . So do we name qualities by different names – Love, Joy, Beauty – but in reality they are all aspects of the ONE, relatively perceived by our senses. Or we name people-John, Mary, the King, a beggar-when we could with truth call all these by one generic name-ATMAN or CHRIST.

Now we have found a place of Understanding, which is always also a starting place of service, because now we realize that in the joy, or in the pain, of everything “I Am.” We know that perfection or salvation, or Nirvana, can never eventually be the lot of one, until it is also the lot of all, because we are not separate, but merely aspects in a self-expression of the ONE ….

Poet’s corner


I wonder who you were before

You are the You I see,

And yet again, whom you may choose

In some future time, to be.

For yesterday was real enough,

And tomorrow, yet to come,

Shall be as real in its own way

As any previous sum.

Space of itself, is infinite,

Without beginning, without end,

Countless millions of stars and suns

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Within voids and vortices blend.

And Mat of Time, itself, you say?

Past, Present, Future, in linear line

Pursue their three dimensional way along

These lives of yours and mine.

But over all and overhead

And all about us, look

And seek to know the Why of things,

Like pages in a book …

Whose lines upon a printed page

In singular purpose flow

In pursuit of absolute reality.


For you and me, we were, we are

And shall yet someday become

More than the that which we have been

Along some distant drum . . .

Some distant drum, whose muffled tones

Beyond these present senses, roll,

Approaching, in spiraling continuums

The eternal validity of the Soul.



Invisible eyes

Surround the silent night.

Invisible ears

Listen to the heartbeat

Of a sleeping world.



If ours should be the only planet sustaining an intellectual, emotional and spiritual life-in other words, if we and our lowlier companions are the only sentient being in the universe, then too much has gone into the making of too little and none of it makes sense. On the other hand, if we can show that life is most probably widespread throughout creation, with potentialities at least as great as we possess, then the whole picture changes and we can look upon ourselves as citizens of the universe and no longer as lonely souls wailing at the edge of darkness.


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Bugs For Sale

(Matthew J. Seiden in Baltimore Sun)

In Tokyo bugs have become the most common house pet, and the source of a booming bug-breeding business. The success of the bizarre industry is based on the fact that in overcrowded, highly industrialized Japan, most people simply do not have room in their tiny homes for the traditional dog or cat….

As the idea of keeping insects as pets caught on, it became apparent that the natural supply of wild bugs in Japan’s polluted cities could not keep up with the growing demand. Eight years ago a department store decided to open a rooftop “insect park.” Trees and grass were planted, and millions of grasshoppers, beetles and other bugs were imported from the countryside and let loose in the screened-in area. Children were supplied with nets, and allowed to roam and catch insects, for which they paid dearly as they left.

The idea became an instant sensation and soon pet shops all over Japan were selling insects to pet-starved children. Prices range from 504 to $3 depending upon size, sex and variety. Sales also include cages, exercise wheels and books on insect care.

Japanese parents and children, who raise insects, say it is just like keeping any other kind of pet.

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‘Galaxy’ of UFOs in Arizona

(The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, Feb, 16, 1975, by John Schroeder)

CHILDS – Residents of this tiny, isolated central Arizona settlement say they have observed a rash of unidentified flying objects since mid-January.

“They’re not imagining things,” says Cliff Johnson, Superintendent of the Arizona Public Service Company’s hydroelectric generator station. Childs is in a deep, rugged Verde River Canyon, 28 miles south of Camp Verde.

Members of four of the five families employed by APS, who live in the canyon, said they have seen strange objects on numerous occasions, always at night. One of the strangest events occurred on the night of January 13th. Mrs. Jack Soulage gave this account:

A cigar-shaped object “about the size of a railroad freight car” was

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seen hovering above the canyon rim about a mile away. It had lights-pale green, white and red-and appeared to be rotating counter-clockwise.

As it was hovering, a smaller object about the size of a headlight, with a pale orange glow, emerged from underneath the first object and descended partially into the canyon, apparently landing near a power line. A third object, “like a cigarette glow” came from the second object and followed the power line down to the river, crossed to an island and appeared to land, about 300 yards away from the watchers.

A light, resembling a bright fluorescent glow, appeared on the object. The light appeared to spin around twice and “lit up the whole canyon like daylight.” The light went out and the two objects departed. The second object, viewed through field glasses appeared to have a dome. Mrs. Soulages said that later in the night she saw the “mother

ship” again. This time it moved down the canyon and “came straight ‘ over my head” making a “humming sound like a refrigerator.”

Mrs. Clarence Hale said she and others have seen the mother-ship as many as five times, for durations of between three and five minutes. The sightings occur almost nightly, say Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Soulages who spend nearly every evening from 7 to 10 outdoors watching, often joined by others in the community.

“If they saw them (objects) in front of the mountains, you certainly have to rule out satellites or other astronomical phenomena,” said Raymond Jordan, a photogrammetrist at the U.S. Geological Survey Center of Astrogeology in Flagstaff, Arizona.

Apparently the objects have had no effect on the power lines.

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Frozen Animal Tissues

(Daily Courier, Grants Pass, Oregon, Jan. 11, 1975)

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) – A collection of frozen bits of animal tissue may result someday in new bands of wooly mastodons roaming the earth and flocks of once extinct birds zooming the skies.

This is the dream of the United States Animal Bank, Inc. which al-ready has collected and frozen tissues of more than 1,000 species. Frank Hodgson said that he founded the bank three years ago ‘in hopes that biologists will someday figure out how to culture fresh cells from the frozen genes of endangered or extinct species. If that can be done, he says the revived genetic line could be transplanted into the germ cells of living species to produce fetuses and eventually offspring genetically identical to the extinct animal.

Hodgson, a former Idaho attorney, said a cherished dream is to one day obtain bits of extinct mammoth or mastodon, occasionally found

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frozen in Siberian tundra. He said the Soviet Academy of Sciences wrote him agreeing to preserve for him some tissue from the next ex-ample found of these big ancestors of modern elephants.

The bank has branches in San Francisco, Seattle and San Diego where specimens are stored.

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Sawdust: Potential Protein Food

(Houston (Texas) Post, Jan. 1, 1975)

TUCSON, Ariz. (AP)- Strict clean air laws are posing problems for lumber mills-what to do with an estimated 45 million tons of sawdust they used to burn annually.

One possible answer comes from the University of Arizona, where sawdust is being used to grow yeast-a high protein organism-at fantastic rates.

Researchers hope their work will lead to large-scale growing of yeast for use in human food and animal feed as a protein supplement. Basically, sulphuric acid and steam are added to sawdust in a pressurized container, and a small amount of yeast is added to the mixture. On this growth medium, chemically converted into sugar, yeast multi-plies rapidly, researchers explain.

It’s part of research on what scientists call single cell protein, according to Dr. Donald White, the chemical engineer who heads the two-year project.

He explained that the more than 200 tons of sawdust a day generated by the Kaibab mills at Fredonia, Arizona, could be converted into enough yeast protein to give almost one million persons a fifth of their daily protein needs.

For now the research is limited to the conversion process, but White plans to ask the National Science Foundation for funds to keep the project going.

Within two years he hopes to begin feeding trials with laboratory animals.

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Factories in Space

(DAILY COURIER, Grants Pass, Oregon, Dec. 5, 1974)

Full-fledged manufacturing plants located in space stations were envisioned-in fact “guaranteed” by the year 2030-at Wednesday’s Rotary Club meeting as a visitor from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration spoke.

Gary Moen, space science specialist from the Ames Research Center, NASA, in California, told how space stations would be utilized, even before this deadline, for the manufacture of medicines, particularly the

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10 most used vaccines. He said the Skylab experiments prove the feasibility of such manufacture.

In addition, Moen noted, the crystals that are required for micro-miniaturization in computers and other modern electronic items, can be grown many times better in weightless space than on the earth’s surface.

Moen, a friend of astronaut Owen Garriott, showed a “home movie” that Garriott had filmed during his two months aboard Skylab, showing the problems and the entertainment value of weightlessness.

Moen also noted that the Pioneer II, which has just passed Jupiter safely and now is headed toward a rendezvous with Saturn, might be redirected to fly between Saturn’s rings and the planet, rather than just past both.

Moen concluded that “we are looking at earth and the planets to find the origin and their evolution of the solar system, of life, to find what changes are taking place.”

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Contemporary Architecture

(GRIT NEWS, Williamsport, PA, Oct. 20, 1974)

Visitors to Geneva, Switzerland usually expect to find mountain chalets or quaint buildings housing industrious watchmakers.

However, if they wander down one of many side streets they will see what appears to be a giant flying saucer wedged between two buildings. Actually, it is just a new look in contemporary architecture, and the unusual structure serves a down-to-earth purpose as an emergency medical clinic.

Constructed on three concrete stilts, the building permits sheltered parking on the ground level. Rows of wide windows around the rotunda surround office’s and provide a bright, cheerful waiting room for patients.

If the unusual structure gets gasps from visitors and even Swiss citizens, imagine the reaction of any creatures arriving from outer space. A glimpse of a structure resembling one of their crafts, neatly caught between two buildings, with cars speeding to and fro underneath’ it, might discourage any alien from landing

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“Dear friend we are sea and land. It is not our purpose to become each other-it is to recognize each other-to learn to see the other and honor him for what he is-each the other’s opposite and complement.”


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Daniel W. Fry, Esqr.,

Founder & Editor


Dear Brother:

I have gone through a couple of copies of your Understanding Magazine, lent by a friend.

I know of no words to commend you for the noble start taken.

The world in its present turmoil of political and economic chaos, as well as of its moral and spiritual bankruptcy, needs such a service organized systematically. In an age of fast deteriorating conditions of food, drink, dress-ways and talk-habits, with steady erosion of natural sympathy and fellow-feeling, your Magazine is a happy augury of a new turn of things.

The so-called education which is mammonish and soul-killing injures more the hearts and delicate feelings of your learners than it caters to their real needs. Besides, modern politics under whatever class-title it may move, in spite of its bold pretensions for equality of men, has virtually succeeded in dividing men more than ever, by fostering greed, rivalry, hatred, perjury, blasphemy and the like, working out, as it were, an evil destiny for the common people everywhere.

Your efforts loom like an oasis in a widening desert of dying human virtues.

May God give you long life and divine light and strength in your generous efforts.

With loving regards,


N. C. Sen Majumder, Calcutta, India

January 27, 1975

Dr. Dan Fry and Officers of Understanding:

To be included in the list of wonderful people serving Understanding as Directors came as a great surprise. It is an honor extended to me by the Electors which I deeply appreciate and thank you for it.

Because I was a college graduate, I assumed that I was educated! But coming into Understanding, years ago, opened up entirely new vistas of thought and experiences, and with many close sightings of UFOs, has changed my life. I am indebted to Understanding for the real start in my education.


Norman W. Weis

(Buffalo, N. Y. Unit #37)

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Book reviews

Dream Telepathy

(DREAM TELEPATHY. By Montague Ullman and Stanley Krippner, with Alan Vaughan. Foreword by Gardner Murphy. New York: Macmillan, 1973. 300 pages. $8.95.)

“To sleep: perchance to dream.” These words, written nearly 400 years ago by William Shakespeare have in recent times come to have a scientific and often practical meaning due to the extensive research projects at sleep laboratories across the country. These experiments, under the capable direction of leading scientists and researchers have enabled laymen to learn many hidden secrets concerning dream sleep and its relation to nocturnal telepathic transmissions.

Now, for the first time, a book has been written which presents and analyzes the results of these scientifically controlled experiments in dream sleep telepathy. In vivid detail, the work explains the research of Drs. Montague Ullman and Stanley Krippner, who heads the research team at the Dream Laboratory (a division of Maimonides Medical Center) located in Brooklyn, New York.

“A foreword by Dr. Gardner Murphy, one of the leading proponents of experimental parapsychology-21 photographs and a section reporting the reactions of other prominent professionals in the areas of psychology and dream sleep” also add greatly in setting the pace for this work. The information provided by this text is both scientific and scholarly. Even so, the book is very readable with a clear and concise form. The authors use a straightforward, sober, objective style which adds clarity and smoothness to the general context of the book. Quite successfully, these researchers have performed the duties of writers and scientists in picturing an accurate and clear account of the varied aspects of dream sleep research.


Of Advance Institute For Psychical Studies

University, Mississippi 38677

MAY 1975                                    19


Tonopah Entertains Visitors

Visitors at the Tonopah Center of Understanding, Inc. were nine members of our Inglewood Unit #15 (Calif.) who arrived Saturday afternoon and stayed over until Monday morning. Visiting were Lee and Barbara Yates and son Jeffrey, Clarence and Betty Gahlbeck, Wanda Brown, Martha Barton, Idean Maness and Walter Nelson.

“Ohs” and “Ahs” filled the space of the sunny rotunda where a painting by Myra Merrick hangs. More Ohs and Ahs as the visitors enthused over the paintings of Rev. Dr. Enid S. Smith, who gave the property to Understanding, Inc.

After a self-served supper, the group visited the Frys for an evening of mind-expanding talk.

Sunday morning there was a tour of the grounds, explanation of the Solar Energy plant, of the construction of the pyramid (the base of which is now solidifying), the garden and the library. Several of the group exercised muscles on rakes, trimmed shrubbery and- burned tumbleweeds.

The cathedral chimes of the First Church of Understanding rang out at two o’clock and Pastor Fry delivered a sermon to the visitors and local attendees that would have done the finest pulpit proud. An innovation in church services followed, as it does each Sunday, the Pastor leaves the pulpit and joins the congregation for discussion of the sermon topic. This Sunday’s discussion lasted well into the dinner hour.

Members and some of the guests at the services enjoyed a pot-luck dinner at the Center with the Frys. Martha Barton made herself popular by interpreting handwriting for all present. Clarence Gahlbeck and Barbara Yates tried out the Home Masseur machine.

On leaving Monday morning the group declared they wanted to re-turn to spend more time helping put the Center into readiness for a real gathering of the members at a formal opening. They were encouraged to do just that. (Any others so minded to assist in this task are cordially invited to come spend time with us.)

20                                                  UNDERSTANDING

There are in-door sleeping accommodations for ten persons and as the weather turns to summer, ample space for sleeping bags on the fifty-five acres.

 ♦  ♦  ♦ 

Your Donations

Your donations are always most welcome as they are needed to further the work of Understanding, Inc. And, as you give surely you personally receive a deep satisfaction in promoting “a better understanding all peoples of earth, and of those not of earth.”

Now you are to receive something tangible as well. Thanks to the generosity of Mrs. Angela Kilsby, of San Francisco, we can offer all donors a copy of EN-DON, the Ageless Wisdom, by the late Colonel Arthur J. Burks.

Will we be hearing from you?



U.F.O. MANUAL       50c U.S.         75c CDA.       $1.00 OV RSS PPD.

Michael J. Campione, 2202 New Albany, Cinnaminson, N.J. 08077

 ♦  ♦  ♦ 

UNDERSTAND your mental-spiritual side better. LIFE IS AS YOU GIVE IT by Louis Conde-Lahissa, explains attainment of Happiness, Health; Mind Development; Handicaps; Employer-Employee Cooperation; constructive Suggestion; Thought Vibrations; New Era; Selected Gems. (155 pages clothbound, $3.25 postpaid.) Non-sectarian. IDEAL GIFT. Ellen Gibbs, 2803 No. Victoria, Peoria, III. 61604.

  ♦  ♦  ♦ 

OCCULT-PSYCHIC SCIENCE DIRECTORY. THE Sourcebook you have been looking for! Products, services, periodicals, organizations!

Order this fascinating guide now for $2.00. Be on our mailing list to re-ceive other unusual material. CARA’S, P. 0. Box 20272, Houston, Texas 77025.

 ♦  ♦  ♦ 

PREPARE-MONTHLY OPPORTUNITY NEWSLETTER. For Living, Practical, Personal Solutions in Our Times. Money Back Guarantee. Sample Copy $1.00. Twelve Issues $11.50. Box 1889-U, Seattle 98111.

 ♦  ♦  ♦ 


by Dr. Daniel W. Fry

To Men of Earth &

White Sands Incident

(softbound)     $3.00

Atoms, Galaxies and Understanding

(hardbound)   $3.00

(softbound)     $2.00

Steps to the Stars

(softbound)     $2.00

Atlantean Fire Crystals &

Physical Basis of ESP

(Cassette Tape-90 min.) $3.50

Merlin Publishing Company

Star Rte #588F, Tonopah, AZ 85354

Please include postage-20c a volume



Advertise Your Books,

Activities, etc.,

In Understanding Magazine


$8 per quarter page per month

Three months: $16.50

Six months: $33.00

One Year: $66.00

These rates are for additional insert of the same copy. The charge for a change is $3.00 per quarter page. other rates, please write.

Copy limit, 20 lines to quarter

I.M.F. INC. Invites You

To the RAINBOW FESTIVAL ’75 Honolulu, Hawaii

June 3 through 10, 1975

Our Theme is:


And it will blend the occult, meta-physical, esoteric and spiritual.

Further information:

Linda Lee McMahon

Rainbow Festival Coordinator

P. 0. Box 15668 Honolulu, Hawaii 96815




10 Issues        $4.00

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