For October, 1969


TEIPAU   …………..             3

UNDERSTANDING THE BLIND   …………             5



UFOS INTERNATIONAL   ………..             9

book reviews   ……             13

Poet’s corner   ………….             15

WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING   ……………             16

bulletin board   ………..             17

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asst. editor ……………   kerttu campbell

circulation manager ……..  edna basmajian

staff artist …………..  gus tanasale

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Published by ‘Understanding’, a non-profit corporation



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VOLUME XIV                              OCTOBER, 1969                                       NUMBER 10

Dedicated to the propagation of a better understanding among all the peoples of the earth, and of those who are not of earth.


On Thursday August 28th ground was broken for the new International Cultural Center of Understanding at Merlin, Ore. State Representative Sidney Bazett swung the shovel, while County Commissioners,. Joe Barker and: Kenneth Jackson, and Mayor James Brownell of Grants, Pass were on hand to lend their moral support and to wish Godspeed to the work.

The Center is a rather large scale project, consisting of an auditorium with a capacity of up to 300 persons, a large kitchen for banquets, etc., living quarters and eventually, class rooms, healing facilities, etc. It is planned that the radio broadcasting station for which Understanding has waited so long will become a part of this large new center. The site has 43 acres of ground with 800 feet of frontage on the Merlin-Galice Highway and more than 1200 feet of frontage on Rainbow Drive. A number of beautiful homes of various sizes will be built for those who wish to live near the Center.

The auditorium, kitchen and living quarters are now being built, and are rising rapidly. The construction is, at the present time, being financed entirely by Mrs. W. E. Thomson and Tahahlita Fry, but in a

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project of this size, some additional financing will have to be found before all the plans can be put into effect.

If any of our readers, or their friends, should be interested in becoming part of this project, a post card to P.O. Box 206, Merlin, Ore. (97532) will bring full information.

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STRANGE circumstances stranded me, during World War II, on a tiny, unnamed South Pacific Island. Thanks to survival training I had no difficulty finding food among the lush vegetation.

But life is lonesome for an outcast and if I were to spend the rest of my life on the island, I must establish human contacts. The natives were simple and apparently kindly people; but strangely fearful of me. The reason for this attitude was revealed later.

Events led to friendship with Molu, a native boy. By comparing words for common objects, we both became bilingual, even to the point of exchanging abstract thoughts.

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Although clothing was a bare minimum, one item was universal. Suspended from a thong around the neck of each person was a pendant string of exactly fifteen beads. The color of the beads at first seemed random, but closer observation revealed pattern characteristics.

First, all the little children had mostly white beads, and always the white beads were at the bottom of the string; also, the older the child, the fewer the white beads. One color often predominated among the beads, but with different colors dominant for different children. Second, no adult ever wore a white bead.

Early attempts to learn something of the custom always met with the frustrating answer: Teipau. After establishing intellectual liaison with Molu, many of our long talks were of Teipau.

Teipau is a term of many correlated meanings. Basically it is a person’s Spirit, Soul, or True Self. Also it is reputation in the community; and a pronouncement of his philosophy of life. Why?

When a baby is born the mother carefully stretches the severed umbilical cord and dries it in the sun. On the seventh day when it has become a very tough cord, fifteen white beads are strung on it. The ends are tied with the “sacred knots,” the bottom knot being tied into the end bead and the upper one with a loop through which the neck-thong is passed.

In the presence of all the relatives, the cord with its beads is placed. around the baby’s neck, amid incantation and joyful predictions for the baby’s future. Now the baby has a Soul! To let a baby go through life without Teipau is simply unthinkable-leaving him a human animal. (This is why the people feared me on arrival. I was without Teipau.)

These simple people would be incapable of understanding about chromosomes, but intuitively they sense the importance of lineage. By preserving the umbilical cord as the concealed core of the Teipau, one carries for life, the symbol of attachment-reminding mother and child of their mutual responsibilities.

Birthdays are auspicious. At the first ore, the baby’s relatives gather for feasting and dancing. The event is climaxed by the first change of Teipau. After discussing the baby’s disposition and probable trend of development, they agree on the color of the bead which indicates this quality. A white bead is removed from the bottom end of the Teipau and the new colored one put on at the top. This event is.

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repeated. annually, sometimes with change of color as the child reveals more of its ways of thought and behavior.

When six colored beads occupy the Teipau, the boy or girl is given some say-so as to the choice of color, to indicate his desires and ambitions.

Generally, increasing age, developing character and mature understanding allow more freedom of choice of Teipau. At age fifteen, when the last of the white beads is shed, the boy becomes a man or the girl a woman, and they assume virtually full responsibility for their Teipau. This responsibility they take seriously for a frivolous or ignoble choice will be displayed for all to see for the next fifteen years. For instance, I saw near the bottom of the Teipau of an aesthetic, intelligent man, a black bead meaning “all-a-time full-belly,” thus advertising him as a glutton. He was fervently awaiting the event of shedding that bead.

Importantly, the choice of Teipau is subject to ratification by the Elders of the village, and in rare instances their judgment may be imposed. One particularly comely woman, apparently in her twenties, who was liked by all the children but given the cold shoulder by the elder people, had in her Teipau, a most beautiful bead. It was jade green veined with red.

When I asked Molu about this he said the color combination marks one who, has killed in jealousy. She had murdered her husband. The tribal ‘council condemned her to put the “kill-in-jealousy” bead on her Teipau. Thus, no matter if she were to go to another tribe, the warning would be there for all strangers to see. The three beads above it, were those for “generosity,” “love of friends,” and “want children.” If her Teipau continued to build favorably, as the dreadful sign moved down and down, she would be forgiven, although the records of the shameful act holds for the fifteen years.

Come to think of it, the Teipau custom has some merits. When a youth wearing the purple bead at the top of his Teipau meets a girl also wearing the purple (want husband) bead, what is simpler? Especially if she shows him her supply of white beads, made with love and hope. As they embrace, their Teipau meet and mingle-surely as symbolic as any of our marriage ceremonies.

Also there is appeal in the philosophy of everyone starting life with a “clean sheet,” all white beads, held by the Mother bond. Teipau is

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built on one’s character and foresight, of open record. No place for four-flushers here.

When a person of the community dies, the beads of his Teipau are put into a little pouch as a treasured remembrance. Their order no longer matters. The cord is burned.

-Carl A. Taylor

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EARNEST C. Campbell is 90, reasonably healthy, generally happy, and Blind. After the passing of his wife, a few years ago, he found it necessary to become increasingly self-sufficient. So, he took up typing to keep in touch with his widely scattered friends and family, which includes great grandchildren.

In addition to personal letters he has written many chapters of the experiences of his long life which have been favorably accepted by many.

With his typewriter, radio and Talking Books for the Blind (records) that include Newsweek and the Reader’s Digest, Gramp, as he is affectionately called, is very much a part of the world in which he lives.

Having lived in a world of darkness for almost ten years, he offers this article that we may better understand the Blind.

Facts About the Blind

When anyone loses his vision after middle age he feels he has suffered a tremendous loss. This need not follow.

When I was losing my sight some very good advice was given to me by a blind man of middle age. This he said, “Do not give up, just pull yourself together, and go on from there.” This advice I have followed with great satisfaction to myself.

This man was one of the most self-sufficient blind people I have known. He had his home to look after, did his own cooking, and looked after himself in every way. He had a good tenor voice and often entertained his friends, and once sang over the radio in San Francisco. I also know a blind couple who toured the United States. He played the accordion, she the piano, and they sang.

The blind do not wish pity or sympathy, they merely want to be accepted on a par with the sighted. Because they have lost their vision

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does not mean they are less intelligent, nor that their brains are less active than those of the sighted. Having lost their sight their other senses become more acute. They develop, as it were, a sixth sense and are well aware of all that goes on about them. Sometimes a blind person in a group of sighted will feel that people are talking around him, ignoring him, as if he did not comprehend. Many of the blind are somewhat sensitive to their affliction.

On the whole the blind accept life as it is, are not downcast, nor do they feel sorry for themselves.

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Does anyone really know the true meaning of brotherhood? Would you understand how it might possibly effect the whole of mankind? If one would think carefully of his own family unit and the feeling that exists between parent and child, brother and brother, or the closeness one feels for some favorite aunt, uncle, or grandparent. This is the feeling that should exist between all peoples.

One of the Ten Commandments is “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” Another is “Honor thy father and thy mother.” When Christ was talking to a group of people and attention was called to the presence of His Mother, Mary, He said “Who is my mother? and who are my brethren?” and he stretched forth His hand toward his disciples, and said “Behold my mother and my brethren! For whomsoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and my sister, and my mother.” Might not you ask the same question of yourselves? “Who is my brother?”

The many nations and races of people on this earth today could very well ask “who is my brother?” Mankind has more, much more to give than hate, war, greed, envy and the fight for supremacy of power over one another. It is a well-known fact that the power of family unity can overcome most any unhealthy environment where true love and brotherhood reign. It is well to note that where this environment exists, there is always a closeness and a tie that will not allow pettishness, greed, hate and envy to exist. Love is a great leveler of all false concepts, of the need of superiority over others. Mankind must soon realize the need for humbleness and love among each other, nations, and races.

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He must let all mankind, all races, into the family of humanity, of which he is a part.

As an example of brotherhood, we might go back to the time this country was first settled. There were many nationalities in this early colonization. With love and brotherhood they all worked together in community projects, building, worshipping God, and helping one another. Everything that was done was done for the good of all.

With time this all changed. Slowly, God began to be less and less remembered. Neighbor turned against neighbor, brother against brother, race against race, and the unity of brotherhood faded. We are a great country but think how much greater we could be if we were truly united in brotherhood in God’s laws and love of all humanity.

Man has come a long way in the climb up the ladder of knowledge, but he has forgotten to bring with him, in many cases, wisdom, humanity and humbleness. He has forgotten to make God an integral part of his knowledge. Man has reached far in his search for advanced knowledge but he has forgotten the meaning of brotherhood of nations and people. The main desire of man in this present civilization is superiority, one over another. Each race and nation thinks it is the only one who is right. Again man might ask “‘Who are my brethren?”

With the combined scientific knowledge in all fields of endeavor, all nations and races contributing toward the good of the whole, while at. the same time letting the attributes of spiritual love and brotherhood, become most prominent, mankind could create the greatest civilization that has ever been known.

Man has also forgotten that whatever he does, good or bad, affects others as well. Whatever one nation does affects other nations. No nation or race can stand alone without the spirit of God to lead it.

So in man’s search for wisdom, let him first seek humbleness, humanity and spiritual knowledge. Let him say to all races, all nations, “Brother, the Christ in me sees the Christ in you.” Let us work together for the good of all. Let the Spirit of our Father shine forth that we may indeed be brothers together, in and by the will of God.

-Mrs Mary Miller

What have you done today to “promote a better understanding among all peoples of earth, and of those not of earth?”

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(This article, appearing in the San Francisco Chronicle of June 30,. 1969, was written by Karl Meyer of the London Post Service. It was sent to us with this comment: “This is of special interest to me because one of my best friends plays the piano exactly the same way. I also have a portrait, drawn by a woman who has the same type of gift in art.”)

Mrs. Rosemary Brown is a widow in her 40’s who lives in the London suburb of Balham. She has very little musical training. Every day, with her two children off to school, Mrs. Brown sits in her parlor and “empties her mind.”

Music comes flooding in-music astonishing in its variety-which Mrs. Brown faithfully plunks out on an ancient upright piano. Mrs. Brown records the notes and adds to a pile of 400 compositions, which will soon include two symphonies in the manner of Beethoven, a string quartet in the style of Schubert, and a piano work in the complicated likeness of Liszt.

How does Mrs. Brown do it?

She believes that the spirits of the great composers appear in her home and dictate the music to her. This may sound absolutely balmy, but what about the music? The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)-was sufficiently impressed to devote a long program to Mrs. Brown’s unusual gifts.

Richard Rodney Bennet, a leading British composer, contends that it would take years of training to learn how to fake so many styles — training which Mrs. Brown manifestly does not have.

Concert pianist, Denis Matthews, who judges the music to be pastiches of famous compositions, offers the neutralistic explanation that Mrs. Brown has greater musical abilities than she realizes and that her clairvoyant trances are simply the way in which inspiration reaches her.

When I visited Mrs. Brown she replied: “How can it come into my sub-conscious mind if it isn’t in my subconscious to begin with? … I haven’t grown up knowing music through records or concerts . ..”

Independent investigation seems to have established Mrs. Brown’s veracity about her musical abilities, or lack of them. She has had a total of three years of piano instruction.

It was in 1964, three years after the death of her husband, that Mrs.

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Brown had her first spectral encounter. “I went to the piano and found that my hands were taken over, and lovely music began coming out … They dictated music to me, and I had to learn to mark the notes-when I couldn’t hear whether it was a C or a D, they would tell me what. number it was on the scale.”

Mrs. Brown is a spiritualist, and firmly believes she is in communion with Beethoven.

Why have the spirits chosen her? Mrs. Brown asserts: “If they had communicated through someone with musical gifts, it would have seemed likely that the recipient was simply composing imitations himself. My very lack of training seems to be my merit-I couldn’t compose these pieces myself.”

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Sightings in Newfoundland

(Saucers, Space & Science, No. 56, 1969, 17 Shetland St., Willowdale, Ont., Canada)

On November 26, 1968, at Bishop’s Falls, some older children watched. a bright silvery object hovering over the woods … They ran to a nearby car and told the occupants who also saw the object.

Four residents of Corner Brook claim they saw a strange light hovering over the Blomidon Country Club, December 30, 1968 the object hovered over the ground, had a mirrored sphere with a flashing white light on the bottom. On top were two perpendicular sections which appeared like six-foot, flame red cylinders …

Dozens of Wabush and Labrador City residents spotted UFOs recently. Extra watch will be kept at sites of power transmission, especially Churchill Falls, where a multi-million KW power source is coming to completion. The Canadian Government is “not laughing” but hesitates to make any official statement unless and until the sightings are proven to be “true UFOs” and not illusions.

Sighting in West Australia

(Panorama, Vol. 8, No. 3, 22 Northcote St., Kilburn, S. A.)

PERTH, May 22, 1969-An oblong-shaped flying object followed and hovered above several trucks traveling between Esperance and Lake Grace, 250 miles south-east of Perth, early today.

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Mr. John Shanahan, 23, who was driving a newspaper truck, said the bright object followed him for about 120 miles. Three other transport drivers stopped him along the road between 3 A.M. and 4 A.M. They all claimed to have seen the object and estimated it to be 40 by 30 feet.

Sightings in Finland

(Vimana, Vol. 2, 1969, Helsinki, Finland)

It was 1967, on the 13th of November at 3:30-4:30 A.M. when Mrs. Arja Achren and her brother, Hannu Pelkonen, a student, were driving with their car on highway No. 20, leading to the town of Oulu.

Being about 30 kms from Oulu they observed a bright thing, which at first sight seemed stationary, but actually it was coming towards the car, flying from the forest side. It passed the car against the driving direction, and the witnesses stopped the car in order to see the thing better.

Later they had some difference in their description as to the form of the object. The object had on its side ovals with less brightness than the other parts of it.

The witnesses were afraid of what they saw and went on driving. But now the object returned and began following the car. Mrs. Achren remembered that the light of the object got brighter while following the car and so the ovals on its side disappeared. It followed the car for many kilometers before disappearing. Mrs. Achren said that the object made zig-zag movements while flying.

The second incident happened this year on the 17th of March in the middle of Finland, near Pihtipudas, when Mr. N. N., a student, was driving with his girl friend. It was evening time and first they saw before them, above the horizon, a bluish elongated stationary phenomenon, standing vertically. Suddenly it came nearer and moved above the car out of sight.  Mr. N.N. told that his first reaction was fright, that was increased by sudden uncertainties in the functioning of the engine. The phenomenon followed the car for about 45 kilometers and the engine was all the time near to stopping.

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You do not have to reject people in order to reject their ideas about life.

– Madge L. Wilkinson

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Moon Rock Studies

Christian Science Monitor, August 2, 1969

Next to American experts, British scientists will get the largest share of moon rock once the preliminary studies in Houston are over.

One reason for this is Britain’s early lead in atomic power. To tame the atom, British scientists had to develop a fine “nose” for impurities in their materials. The Harwell Atomic Research Establishment, especially, learned to analyze materials to pick up infinitesimal traces of impurities.

Over the years, Harwell has honed this capability to a sharp edge. It now has equipment and know-how that make it a world leader in analyzing complex unknown materials, including meteorites, and getting that analysis right-down to one part in a billion in some cases. A number of British laboratories will be getting bits of the moon.

But NASA looks to Harwell, in particular, for an overall analysis of moon rock.

Earthquake Control

Christian Science Monitor, August 2, 1969

Washington is trying to learn how to control earthquakes. Interior Department geologists believe they can cause minor earthquakes by changing the pressure on rock formations under the surface And they think it’s entirely possible to prevent major earthquakes like the one predicted far California sooner or later by creating minor ones to relieve the growing pressure in major faults such as San Andreas.

The geologists, based at the National Earthquake Center in Menlo Park, Calif., are preparing to make tests soon at non-functioning oil well sites in Colorado.

They’ll pump water into the wells under high pressure and then measure the intensity of the minor shocks against the pressure it took to create them.

The tests will cost about $250,000 over about five years. After they

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are completed the geologists will decide whether to make tests in the San Andreas fault itself.

Extension of Life Researched

Daily Courier, Grants Pass, Ore., Aug. 6, 1969-by Delos Smith

NEW YORK (UPI)-A more and more pressing need of mankind is a lengthening of the human life span by 25 to 50 years, according to Dr. Joseph W. Still.

The human environment expands-now the moon, and within grasp, the planets. But man’s span for making the most of it doesn’t expand. “The time required simply to gain a good orientation toward; the world around us and to prepare for a useful occupation grows longer,” he said. “The time required to reach a state of wisdom also grows longer.

“We are reaching the stage where most people will spend 25 to 30 years preparing for a work life that at most will be no longer than 30 to 35 years.”

Still is the author of the cybernetic theory of aging. It has the advantage of accounting for why the body is not immortal. Many of its some trillion cells-those which form most of the vital organs-are potentially immortal. They’re freely dividing and continually replace old and worn-out cells with new ones.

But nerve and muscle cells do not divide and so renew themselves. In the vegetative brain particularly, there is no chemical turnover, and it is the control center for the whole vast community of cells which makes up the individual.

It operates with information received from the sensory organs and through other channels and feeds back coordinating directives that keep all 30 trillion cells functioning as one organism.

The cybernetic theory holds that aging is primarily a matter of feedback slowly getting out of phase with incoming information. Still pleaded for more support of aging research in the journal of the American Geriatrics Society. His premise was that if something was done about “our present state of ignorance” ways could be found to keep feedback in harmony with stimulus.

“Hairy Creatures” in Jungles

Mail-Tribune, Medford, Ore., Aug. 7, 1969

KUALA LUMPUR (UPI)-The son of the sultan of Pahang will lead an expedition in search of the mysterious “hairy creatures” reported

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to have been sighted in the jungles of Pahang State 160 miles east of Kuala Lumpur.

Rattan cutters and loggers who claim to have seen the creatures say they look like a cross between apes and humans.

They were about four feet tall and the females were fairer and had longer hair than the males. They were nude.

Last November when the reports started coming in the state game warden, Jalil Bin Ahmad, visited the scene and found some strange footprints.

Earth Wobbles

Press, Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 14, 1969

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa-(UPI)-The world is off balance-and we’re not talking now about wars, poverty, overpopulation or anything of the like. The fact is earth’s tipsy condition probably was caused eons before mankind began to interfere.

According to Dr. Warren Hamiliton of Denver, Colo., the bump that set the world awry occurred in South Africa’s Pretoria, many millions of years ago. He theorizes that the big bump happened in the Transvaal Province, over a 10,000 square mile area, when the earth was shifted off its axis.

The American geologist told a Geological Society Congress here that the complex which spans the Transvaal was possibly the product of impacts formed when a huge missile split in four and struck the earth, causing an enormous explosion:

The pieces struck the surface of the earth, possibly within 15 seconds of each other at a speed of at least 20,000 miles an hour, Hamilton suggests.

The explosion was on such a scale, he theorizes; that it probably shifted the earth on its axis.

“The impact would have been felt all over the earth’s’ Surface,” Hamilton said. “It was an enormous catastrophe. Even the largest megaton nuclear explosives today do not come remotely close to the energy released in the explosion when the pieces of the comet struck the earth’s surface.”

Ancient Food Outdoes Wonder Drugs

Chicago Tribune, April 15, 1969-by Ronald Kotulak, Science Ed.

ATLANTIC CITY, April 14–A group of Illinois agricultural researchers have discovered that an ancient, oriental food has so

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many anti-bacterial agents in it that it outdoes many of today’s wonder drugs.

The food is called tempeh and it, has been used for centuries by Indonesians to maintain health. It is made from fermented soybeans and can be sliced, salted, and fried.

The anti-bacterial compounds in tempeh stimulate growth and increase resistance to disease, the Illinois scientists reported, suggesting that similar foods may be of benefit in improving health in areas where intestinal infections result in malnutrition.

The report was presented at the 53rd annual meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology by Dr. Hwa L. Wang, Doris I. Ruttle, and Clifford W. Hesseltine, of the United States agricultural department.:

The Illinois scientists said they have developed an even more nutritious form of tempeh by substituting wheat or rice for soybeans.

Analyzing the products of the fermentation, the scientists found possibly five anti-bacterial compounds. Testing the antibiotic agents against 25 species of bacteria, they found that they completely stopped the growth of nine species and slowed the growth of three others.

Dr. Wang said that the tempeh-like foods may be developed as a diet supplement in America and other countries.

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book reviews

Nature’s Medicines

(Richard Lucas. Paperback, 95c. University Publishers & Distributors)

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In Nature’s Medicines, the author, Richard Lucas, presents ancient and exotic natural cures obtained from everyday plants evaluated in the light of modern medical finding and found effective!

From Papyrus Ebers, 2nd Century B.C. considered the oldest medical literature, it was discovered that herbs (such as myrrh, cummin, peppermint, caraway) as well as olive oil and licorice were long used, and highly esteemed by the Egyptians. Other races were also familiar, with the uses of herbs for medicine, and many still use them for health and longevity today.

Among those I found particularly interesting were Guarana, Snakeroot, Ginsing and Fo-ti-tieng. Guarana was found by the Incas, and the South Americans use it today. This food resembles licorice, and helps them in enduring feats such as running 100 miles at a steady pace. The Snakeroot of India produces a calming effect on nerves and is helpful to high blood pressure. Ginsing is noted for its rejuvenating properties, and Fo-ti-tieng for promoting longevity.

In this book I found valuable information on health that could save tremendously on medical bills. It offers much information on foods, easily accessible to us, such as citrus fruits, garlic, and alfalfa. Nature’s Medicine is a useful paperback for your personal library.

-Beatrice Smith

Indian Use of Native Plants

(Edith Van Allen Murphey, Mendocino County Historical Society, 243 Bush St., Fort Bragg, Ca. 95431. $2.50)

Interest in the compilation of Indian Uses of Native Plants began at a Flower Show in Nevada at the Carson Indian School in 1935. The author gathered much information from the Paiutes of Pyramid Lake and other Nevada Indians. Information was also given by the Indians of Idaho, Arizona, and Warm Springs, Oregon. The state universities of Nevada, Idaho, Utah, Montana, Wyoming and Oregon gave valuable assistance, particularly in plant identification.

The Shoshone Indians were especially plant conscious and had a rough botany of their own. When it was made known to them that the plant information would not be lost but preserved they willingly and proudly cooperated.

Information is given on the use of plants for basketry, medicine, food, teas, toiletry, dyeing, tanning and ceremonial services. A dictionary

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of plants, with their common, Indian and Botanical names, is given and an index is provided for easy reference.

Among the medicines I found of particular interest were Yarrow for gas pains, juniper and valerian root for hiccoughs; leaves of California Poppy for toothache; and bits of Iris root for abscessed teeth. Other remedies mentioned are hot applications of Yarrow root and leaves for earache, and Oregon Grape, peppermint, sagebrush and valerian for stomach ache. Many other plants are mentioned for particular needs including False Hellebore for birth control, and powdered root of clematis for shampoo.

The Indians depended upon nature extensively for their existence and’ found a plant to fit most all their needs.

I found the book most interesting. It has only 80 pages.

-Beatrice Smith Not

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Poet’s corner


Not understood. We move along asunder:

Our paths grow wider, as the seasons creep

Along the years; We marvel and we wonder

Why life is life. And then we fall asleep
Not understood.

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Not understood. We gather false impressions

And hug them closer as the years go by,

Till virtues often seem to us transgressions.

And thus men rise and fall, and live and die
Not understood.

Not understood! Poor souls of stunted vision

Oft measured giants by their narrow gauge;

The poisoned shafts of falsehood and derision

Are oft impelled against those who mould the Age
Not understood!

Oh, God! that men would see a little clearer,

Or judge less harshly where they cannot see!

Oh, God! If men could draw a little nearer

One another, they’d be nearer Thee,
And understood!!

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Urban Living Defensive

Miami Herald, June 26, 1969-by Gary Blonston

Why does conversation stop at the elevator, door? Or at the edge of the backyard fence, or at the approach of someone who stands higher or lower or farther away?

Scientists looking for clues to human behavior by studying animals, believe that man is being crowded into defensiveness by urban living, and that his reaction is a remnant of how things used to be when life hung on a slender thread in a hostile world.

The scientists call the reaction territoriality, the need for man and many other animals to put some space between themselves and everyone else.

“We share the major animal solutions to spacing problems,” says Hans Kummer of Tulane University’s Center for Primate; Research. “Nations defend territories. Individuals may give an angry look to intruders on their premises.

“Approaching the center of another person’s private area reduces our self-confidence. An executive therefore meets an esteemed visitor

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at the door of his office, but awaits at his desk a subordinate whom he wishes to reduce in status. Relative position in space is used on the battlefield and to separate incompatible dinner guests.”

Among animals, the instinct to defend territory is still based largely on matters of raw survival.

Harvard zoologist Edward O. Wilson writes: “Well-fed honeybee colonies are very tolerant of intruding workers from nearby hives, letting them penetrate the nest and even take supplies without opposition. But when the same colonies are allowed to go without food for several days, they attack every intruder in the area.”

Researcher J. B. Calhoun and others have jammed white rats in laboratory overpopulation experiments and have found that many are inclined to stop breeding, become homosexual, engage in cannibalism or kill the young that are unlucky enough to be born into that environment.

“There are some clear similarities, for example, between the social life of Calhoun’s rats and that of people in concentration and prisoner of war camps,” writes Wilson.

As the cities have burgeoned, the new human question of harmful overpopulation has emerged. There have been very few rural riots, but there have been many urban ones. And the suburbanite’s grass fetish has become a modern cliché.

“Where civilized life shrinks the peripheral sphere (the space occupied by animals on the fringes of their group), the human male still tends a strip of lawn around his house,” Kummer says. That is pure territoriality.

And when that kind of tenacious territoriality is linked to a group like a bee colony, a teenage gang, a neighborhood clique or a whole community-the results can be profound. Identification with others can radically change the way man or animal views his world.

Cases of animals attaching themselves to others not their kind are legion in behavioral research.

If an animal-or presumably, man-is caught at the right time, its loyalties can be fixed to almost any object that it sees often enough. Repetition, not rational choice, is what makes the difference, research has shown.

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OCTOBER, 1969                        19

bulletin board


Through the dedicated efforts of Mrs. Esther Ellsworth another Understandorama is to be held on November 9th at the new American Legion Hall in Yucca Valley.

The program includes as speakers: Dr. Zipporah Dobyns (Ph.D. in Psychology), Dr. Bernard Jensen, George Van Tassel, Doris E. L. Deitemann, Col. Arthur J. Burks, and Riley H. Crabb.

The speakers will participate in a question and answer panel, and the Understandorama will close with a color-music concert presented by Riley Crabb.

For additional information write: Mrs. E. Ellsworth, P.O. Box 626, Morongo Valley, Ca. 92256.

Understanding, Annual Meeting

All officers, directors and members of Understanding, Inc., are invited to participate in the Annual Meeting to be held in Merlin, Ore., on November 1 and 2.

Your presence is desired and needed. Business will include consideration of the Federal Tax Exemption granted to Understanding, Inc., as well as the new International Cultural Center of Understanding being erected in Merlin.

Luncheon will be served at noon and the business meeting commence at 1 P.M. on Saturday the first.

A post card notice of your intention to attend would be much appreciated.

20                                                  UNDERSTANDING

Understanding-New Horizons

The series of ten Understanding-New Horizons Conventions, sponsored by Mrs. Angela Kilsby of San Francisco, which commenced in August, will continue through October in the Pacific Northwest, culminating in the Annual two day event at the Claremont Hotel, Berkeley, California.

As we go to press not all details are available so we ask, if you do not receive a program flyer, to contact your local representative for a time and place.

The Conventions are scheduled as follows:

Vancouver, B. C.                         October 16                                                  Call: (604) 327-033

Victoria, B. C.                              October 17                                                  Call: (604) 658-5662

Seattle, Wash.                             October 18                                                  Call: (206) 242-8810

Portland, Ore.                              October 21                                                  Call: (503) 281-1649

Grants Pass, Ore.                       October 22                                                  Call: (503) 476-4011

Berkeley, Calif.                            October 25-26                                            Call: (415) 654-4764

This is your opportunity to participate in an “adventure into Inner and Outer Mysteries.”

Giant Rock Convention

A reminder that George Van Tassel’s Giant Rock Convention will be held October 11 and 12 at the Giant Rock Airport, Yucca Valley, Cal.

——— ♦ ———


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——— ♦ ———


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——— ♦ ———


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