For regular visitors, all three of you, may have noticed that the the biography “Contactee” has been removed as well as the subdomain, curvity. Sometime in the next year or two I plan to release the second edition of Fry’s … Continued
Thirtieth Anniversary of Daniel Fry’s Death – New Section with 500 Hours Free Audio
Fry died in 1992 which was thirty years ago and as a celebration of his passing, I have released a new audio section. The new section contains recordings of Understanding meetings done over a twenty year period from 1956 to … Continued
Moved to New Server including Curvity dot org
The old server was overloaded and resulted in constant 404 and 500 errors, which should now be alleviated. The site is also running faster with load times as low as 1 second! Fantastic. Sean.
Site Now Encrypted
Cloudflare, the upstream reverse DNS CDN through which the DFDC site passes through now provides free SSL certificates for all sites, including this one! Awesome! It means your login and transactions on this site are protected. It required going through … Continued
Top Content Keywords of DFDC
I have been doing a bunch of behind the scenes work on the site, including more server friendly settings for the caching plugin, better security and while cleaning out old URLs from Google’s search cache using the Google Webmaster Tools, … Continued
Moved to Faster Server & Other Fixes
HostGator, one of the hosts I use for my company recently upgraded their server to a 16 core with tons of memory and it is pretty fast. Here is a comparison between what I was getting on the Dreamhost VPS … Continued