Fry died in 1992 which was thirty years ago and as a celebration of his passing, I have released a new audio section. The new section contains recordings of Understanding meetings done over a twenty year period from 1956 to … Continued
Downloads of DVDs fixed | Faster Loading
Was having problems with the large downloads (1GB+) through Woocommerce failing because the PHP process was being memory limited by the host. The download would stop after 500megs! I transcoded the mp4 files into smaller avi files that are now … Continued
New audiobook of the Complete White Sands Incident
I have been enjoying a lot of other audiobooks these days and thought it would be great to be able to listen to the Complete White Sands Incident while on the go. Now you can, for a paltry $7US for … Continued
Readded the Flying Saucers Unlimited and 1964 Oregon Film DVD
I was unable to convert it to a straight MP4, but I just changed the iso to avi and it loads fine in Videolan. Only for $9US! Sean.
Readded the Ken Demary Interview and 1989 Mufon Convention
I used to sell the DVDs of the Ken Demary Interview and 1989 Mufon convention but burning the CDs, printing the label and shipping was too much work. Now you can download the videos for a fraction of the price. … Continued
Added another Long John Nebel taping
Randy pointed out in the Paracast forums that there was another Long John recording on Youtube and I have edited it, removed the noise and amplified it. The two hour plus recording is on the audio page. I capture these … Continued
Updated 1970s Video and DF on Wikipedia
On Daniel Fry’s Wikipedia entry, a link was added to a longer version of the 1970 interview Fry did in Finland. I updated the clip on the Multimedia page. Yahh! Maybe linking through to the Finland broadcasting company helped! They … Continued
Two New Free Audio Clips & New Picture
As I was working on my book, Contactee, I stumbled across two audio clips on the internet and have put them up under the audio section! More importantly, I edited the clips to remove all the places where the subject … Continued
An Interview on Ohio Exopolitics
Mark Snider who hosts Ohio Exopolitics interviews yours truly, Sean Donovan, about Daniel Fry. You can get the entire interview on the new audio page. The multimedia page was getting a bit slow to load with all the flash … Continued
Fixes and More Multimedia!
Added books and another CD and fixed a few broken bits, like the printing! Here are all the modifications to the website done over the past couple of days: Fixed the flash player for sound clips – you can now … Continued