For regular visitors, all three of you, may have noticed that the the biography “Contactee” has been removed as well as the subdomain, curvity. Sometime in the next year or two I plan to release the second edition of Fry’s … Continued
Thirtieth Anniversary of Daniel Fry’s Death – New Section with 500 Hours Free Audio
Fry died in 1992 which was thirty years ago and as a celebration of his passing, I have released a new audio section. The new section contains recordings of Understanding meetings done over a twenty year period from 1956 to … Continued
Downloads of DVDs fixed | Faster Loading
Was having problems with the large downloads (1GB+) through Woocommerce failing because the PHP process was being memory limited by the host. The download would stop after 500megs! I transcoded the mp4 files into smaller avi files that are now … Continued
New Understanding literature Added
Thanks to Håkan Blomqvist of the AFU, who went to the trouble of scanning in the 1965 Handbook of Understanding and Meeting minutes from 1971, I have added both to DFDC. Cheers, Sean.
New Annual General Meeting Minutes for the 70s
Many thanks to Håkan Blomqvist of the Swedish AFU, I have posted the text from Understanding’s Annual general meeting for 1970, 1972, 1973 and 1975. You can find links to them on the Understanding page or under the “Understanding Related” … Continued
New audiobook of the Complete White Sands Incident
I have been enjoying a lot of other audiobooks these days and thought it would be great to be able to listen to the Complete White Sands Incident while on the go. Now you can, for a paltry $7US for … Continued
Readded the Flying Saucers Unlimited and 1964 Oregon Film DVD
I was unable to convert it to a straight MP4, but I just changed the iso to avi and it loads fine in Videolan. Only for $9US! Sean.
Readded the Ken Demary Interview and 1989 Mufon Convention
I used to sell the DVDs of the Ken Demary Interview and 1989 Mufon convention but burning the CDs, printing the label and shipping was too much work. Now you can download the videos for a fraction of the price. … Continued
Håkan Blomqvist on “The Rise and Fall Of Understanding, Inc.”
From the wonderful AFU in Sweden, Håkan Blomqvist wrote an article about Understanding, reprinted here with permission: In the 1950s and 60s a remarkable social phenomenon emerged, basically concentrated in the State of California. It was organizations founded by UFO … Continued
When In Cairo | Details Updated
Håkan Blomqvist from the wonderful Swedish AFU had some questions about “When in Cairo”, ostensibly the last book written by Fry. Fry wrote about the book in his last June 1989 newsletter and I added his description to “When in … Continued