Officers and Directors of Understanding, Inc.

Dr. Daniel W. Fry                        Founder and President Emeritus

Dr. Lloyd G. Sellman                   President

Barbara L. Yates                         Executive Vice President

Jeffery Perry                                First Vice President

Tahahlita Wiese                          Second Vice President

Clarence R. Gahlbeck                Treasurer

Rev. Rita Sellman                       Recording Secretary and Corresponding Secretary

Membership Chairman              Rev. Marie Jean Cullen

Board of Directors

Dr. Lloyd G. Sellman                   President

Dr. Daniel W. Fry                        Alamogordo, N.Mex.

Hetty Miller                                   Phoenix, AZ

John W. Boushka                        New York City

Dr. Robert Reid                           Coleharbor, ND

Rev. Ben T. Cullen                      Spring Valley, CA

Rev. Audrey Gibson                    Deming, N.Mex.

Wilma E. Thompson                   Tonopah, AZ

Tahahlita B. Wiese                     Merlin, OR

Associate Directors

Gerry Bringle                               Bagdad, AZ

Virginia Perry            Woodland Hills, CA

International Honorary Directors

Per Axel Atterbom    Sweden

Herbert D. Clark        Canada

Edith Nicolaisen        Sweden Legal Compliance

“Understanding,” began with nine members in El Monte, California in 1954. It was incorporated as a non-profit organization in March of 1955 in California. It is presently licensed and recognized as a non-profit corporation in Oregon and Arizona.

The purposes and goals of the organization are too lengthy to reproduce fully. They have been condensed for this purpose. The full content of them is to be found in the Articles of Incorporation. The By-laws of the organization delimit the activities, administrative responsibilities and guide lines for organization of individual units.

Philosophy and Objectives         ii


Understanding, Incorporated

The basic philosophy of Understanding, Inc. is best expressed in the belief that there are more areas of agreement between all men than of disagreement and that finding those areas will bring about under-standing, cooperation and peace to all inhabitants of this planet.


1. To chart the areas of mutual agreement in the social science of today as postulates of behavior for man toward his fellow-man.

2. To chart in like manner the areas of worldwide agreement in the spiritual sciences by means of which rapid advance in the understanding of the true goal of life and in the practice of right relation-ships to the Creator of all men.

3. To engage in scientific and other research, study, analysis and investigation of any and all things which contribute toward the establishment of truth and the advancement of all mankind.

4. To acquire and hold such property, funds and facilities and to engage in any lawful business activity incidental to or necessary or desirable for, the accomplishment of the purposes set forth above.

5. To solicit the association, cooperation and assistance of individuals, organizations or corporate entities having similar aims and purposes.

6. To authorize, subject to the supervision of the directors of the corporation, units which shall function to carry out its purposes.

7. To operate exclusively for scientific, charitable, religious, literary or educational purposes.

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BUREAUCRACY VS THE PEOPLE   ……………             3

ABRACADABRA REVEALED   …………….             5

Poet’s corner   ………….             8

DISKS, D.J.s AND DISCOS   ……             9

UFO DEPARTMENT   ………             11

HEALTH DEPARTMENT   ……….             13

THE BOOK REVIEW   ………             14

SIGNS OF THE TIMES   …..             14

A HOUSEWIFE’S PRAYER   ……             20

OUR BRITISH HERITAGE:   ……             22

——— ♦ ———



Associate editor ……..  florence D. Fry




One year, six issues, $4.00 (Foreign, $5.50) Published

by ‘Understanding’, a non-profit organization

Contributions are U.S. Income Tax Deductible.

Address all correspondence to: Understanding, Inc.


Tel. 602-386-3832




Dedicated to the propagation of a better understanding among all the peoples of the earth, and of those who are not of earth.



Two articles, which appeared recently in the same edition of our local newspaper, so aptly illustrates the paradoxical position of the public with respect to its bureaucracy, that we could not resist the impulse to use them as parts of this editorial. The first one, a local event concerning the county bureaucracy, was by Paul Dean, and read as follows – PROPERTY GHOST RETURNS TO HAUNT A HOMEOWNER. All codes had been complied with, the property value was appraised and compared to loan, titles were searched and escrow was closed by the signature of the buyer, seller and parties of all parts.

This bale of paperwork done, Jack and Florence Sikorski moved cleanly into their $65,000 home at 4213 E. Sahuaro. That was a year ago.

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Last month a 45-year-old oversight surfaced. It arrived by grim letter on the stark stationery of the office of the Maricopa County treasurer over the full signature of George L. Phearson, holder of the frightening title of Office Manager – Collections.

“Dear Property Owner,” was the impersonal greeting. “Research in our office has revealed that certain delinquent taxes are owing on property in your name. The following information is for your consideration. Public notice is hereby given that I will offer at public sale, at the office of the Treasurer of Maricopa County, Arizona, on February 20, 1979, and on succeeding days, so much real property described hereon, upon which there are delinquent taxes, as shall be deemed necessary to pay the taxes hereinabove set down, together with the interest, penalties and charges, if any, that are then legally due thereon, Ref. ARZ 42-387.

Property may be redeemed … before the expiration of three years from the date of sale, or thereafter at any time before the delivery of a treasurer’s deed to the purchaser, his heirs or assigns, by payment to the County Treasurer of the amount for which the real property was sold, with interest. “

Taxes owed since 1933? And from the days when Paradise Valley was hot dust and lizards? Plus interest, penalties and charges?!!! Sikorski squeezed a peek at the bottom line, like a poker player in search of the fourth ace. The amount was there, in black and white, with decimal dot in place. The Sikorskis owe the county 82 cents!

By saving hard, Sikorski figures he can come up with the 82 cents before the payment deadline of Sept. 30.

In a more serious mood however, Sikorski intends to question the long arm, elephantine memory and super-efficiency of the office of County Treasurer Glen Stapley.

“Deducting the interest and penalties owed since 1933, I figure that the original amount couldn’t have been much more than a nickel,” he says. I wonder


though, just how many of the taxpayers dollars, My dollars that is. have been spent in the process of recovering that original nickel which now, after 45 years, has become 82 cents!”

(Editor’s note) Considering the fact that the stamp on the last collection letter cost 15 cents, three times the amount of the original delinquency, and allowing a cent or two for the cost of the tax blank and the envelope, (If they were purchased through any government purchasing agency, they would cost several times as much.), and assigning at least a dollar or two for the wages of the clerk who made out the tax delinquency notice, addressed and mailed the form, it becomes quite clear why the cost of our burgeoning bureaucracy constantly escalates.

The second item concerned our federal bureaucracy, under the title, U.S. (Meaning Us,) WILL PAY LEGAL BILLS FOR BREAK-IN SUITS.

WASHINGTON – The Justice Department has decided to pay, (with the taxpayer’s money, ed.) for the defense of F.B.I. agents sued by victims of break-ins conducted in the agency’s search for fugitives of the Weather Underground Terrorist Group, it was learned Tuesday. The decision is in line with the Attorney General Griffin Bell’s philosophy of not making those who merely followed orders shoulder all the blame. (It seems to us that it would be more just if those who Gave the illegal orders, were required to pay the costs than to pass them on to the public.)

As a result, the government will be in the seemingly conflicting position of disciplining some of the 68 agents identified as break-in operators, while it, (The Public) pays the legal bills for some of the same men who have been sued by break-in victims.

Ms. Babcock acknowledged the two positions, but said that to do otherwise, “Because of the notoriety, just didn’t seem fair.” Refusing to pay for the legal costs would be like saying, “we’re not only subjecting you to discipline, but we’re letting you face financial ruin,„ she said. (Those who commit burglary in the ordinary course of events, and are sent to prison for

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a term of years, usually face financial ruin, but no one insists that the public must defend or reimburse them, ed. )

Five or six suits have been filed in federal courts, against agents and higher-ups involved in the New York area break-ins, and more are expected. Additional suits may involve break-ins in Chicago and New Jersey, Ms. Babcock said. The suits seek hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages. Ms. Babcock said she could not estimate the eventual defense costs. “Many of these suits will be huge, complex cases that are going to take years in litigation. Ms. Babcock noted that the department, (the public) provided defense costs in civil suits brought against such Watergate figures as ex-attorney General John N. Mitchell and former White House Chief of Staff H.R. Haldeman. “We don’t want people to be afraid of government employment, ” she said. (It seems to your editor that anyone hired by the F.B.I. should be intelligent enough to know that burglary is a crime, whether or not it is committed by a public employee, and whether or not it is unlawfully suggested by “Higher-ups.”)

Ms. Babcock may succeed in allaying the fears of people concerning government employment, but she is certainly doing nothing to ease the mounting fears of the general public as to the manner in which their employees are spending their money. In the above case, those of the public who are suing the break-in artists are being forced to pay, from their own pocket, their share of the defense costs of the very people they are suing!

Ms. Babcock’s statement that the Justice Department would pay for the defense illustrates a great fallacy which seems to permeate all branches of government. That is the fallacy that government can or does pay for anything. Since government itself, produces nothing, it must be obvious that it can not possibly give anyone anything that it has not first taken from others, or mortgaged their futures to obtain. It is this growing realization among the citizens that stimulates the growth of tax resistance throughout the country.




Dr. Ron Anjard

You’re familiar with the word “ABRACADABRA”. Its origin was not for “magic”, but in very ancient times, it was used for healing and personal experiences. Here’s special information which may be amazing, interesting, and challenging.

ABRACADABRA was a monotonous prayer, set in the form of a triangle, of short and disconnected sentences, so arranged that it was without beginning or ending. A person might repeat it over and over to induce sleep or trance. Persons who practiced casting themselves in trance by this method were called ABRACADABRA. A sample prayer is provided at the end of this sharing.

When the prayer ABRACADABRA was given to a man, it was always verbally given and never written. The receiver was told on learning it that he should forever keep it a secret, and only reveal it to one person just before his death. He was told also that it had power to induce the trance state in himself. He usually believed this as it was universally effective. Persons who thus attained the self-trance state become oblivious to pain and to all knowledge of things around them for a period of time. This was generally determined initially. In this trance state, the person often worked “miracles”. When he applied himself he could heal the sick. He kept repeating the word “ABRAKADABRA”. This of course also had its faith effect on the sick one.

The word is pronounced ABRAKA, as if written AUB-RAU-KAU and D’ AUB, RAU, with the accents on KAU and on the final RAU; or, in the English language as if written OB RE KAW, DE OB RAW’ – the meaning of the word in the ancient tongue is: AB: something is, as the earth and sky. Things “move”: I AM and I “move”. Therefore life is primus; motion


came afterward. Life in me causing motion shows that life moves all the universe. It is the I AM, self existent everywhere. We now have Corpor, motion and life: three in one. This is the foundation of the problem, and is called ab-ra. Things “move” two ways – to life and from life. One is creating and coming together; the other is going away from, as destruction or death. This is ra, the second part of the problem. I cannot exist separate from thinking, nor can my life move even by hand without thinking. Therefore thinking is before life itself. I could not think if I had not inherited it from the I AM. Therefore He is the Knowledge pervading all life and all corporeal things. This thinking is Ka.

DAB is the fourth preposition coming out of the first and second. For as AB stands for general creation, life and coming together and motion – so D’ab signifies that which creates out of a “lesser creation”. Man made errors against creation, for example when he killed others. Thus man becomes a creator himself – but of Death. This is D’ab.

Ra: the fifth part of the problem, which is error in crossing conditions of earth. For example I may plan war and kill no one directly. But my soldiers do the actual killing. My thoughts, my life and my powers are directed to wrong creation. I am the D’ab ra, or creator of error. Ra alone is error, destruction and death. Thus he that stands behind as the inventive mind is the creator of error: D’ab ra.

At least this was the doctrine taught by the ancients. They held that the word, ABRACADABRA, was the digest of all things into fine, simple problems. Moreover, they taught that to repeat the word over and over put man in conjunction with the I AM.

An example of the prayer is provided.

O Mighty One! Devoured am I with sin. Immerse me in Thee, O my Father in Heaven! Hide me, that I be no more forever! Death I covert, O All one! Sweet

World in pain; Death in life! Mighty Creator! Blessed! Heavenly! Amen! Extinguish mine inequities! Make


me as nothing! I fain would be a saint. Talk to me, thou High Ruler, Who made me before I new it! O mighty, All perceiving! Holy, Holy, above all else! What am I that I should call upon thee? Thou knowest. I am not hidden. My flesh is dead even while I live. Remove all that is foul in me! Come thou near me, if only for once, O Mighty One! I could be destroyed by a stroke of thy hand, O All One! I am but a waste particle in Thy members. Give me the obliterating stroke! Purify me, O Father, or blot me out! O mighty One! Thou never seen, Glory be to Thee, on high, O Mighty One! How fearful modest thou me! Take out that which is dead in me, and to I am not! Take out that which is life in me, and to I am not! Hallowed by Thy works, O Father! All holy be thy hidden name! Mighty and everlasting! I dare not call thee by Thy name, O Father! Holiness is in the thought of Thee; but words blot thee. Take me into Thee, that I shall be lost forever! Now I am going! Hold me O Father! My vision is clouding. O Thou, All Creator! O Thou, All Creator! O Thou Mighty One! Swallow me up, that I be no more! Immerse me in Thy being! Make me all forgetfulness forever! I rest in thee, forever, Amen! O thou Mighty One! Thou all Holy! One and One only, forever! Amen! Blessed be Thy works! Blessed be all Thy Sons and Daughters, forever! Amen! O Thou Mighty One! Thou everlasting Creator! O Mighty One!

You may now better understand the original intent of “ABRACADABRA”. The meaning has changed obliquely over the centuries and has lost its value. There are many other ideas and legends which had important ramifications. But through the years, these have also been misinterpreted and misused.

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Poet’s corner



Ruth N. Ebberts

The hills of home are those that teach the heart

To take an upward path, leave vale and plain

That eager feet may come to know the art

Of holding fast to angular terrain.

Up, up, the trail until plateau’s are found

Where one can gain new vision and discern

The vastness of a world whose dreams are bound

To one great hearth where fires-of-love still burn.

The lanes of memory are often long –

But when hill-heights at last are spirit-gained,

We recognize the music and the song,

Rejoicing in the goals we have attained.

The hills of home are scored by daily press

Of feet that mark a trail for happiness….

Special Acknowledgement: The poem, ASTRONOUT, published in the September-October issue was written by Harry Koch.




Silvea Spreely

Bring me, dear Santa, a smile for the face

Of a little girl orphaned by war.

Bring back the twinkle for her big brown eyes,

Lost by the horror she saw.

Bring her the comfort of a mother’s arms.

So she won’t be crying at night,

Bring her, dear Santa, a father to love

To help her forget all her fright.

I know these requests are unusual for you,

Your bag does not carry such things,

But maybe some where on your travels you’ll find

Someone in search of Sue Ling.

Because she’s not white and her eyes have a slant,

She remains all alone in the world,

Oh Santa, please help me to find a new life

For this lost, little Vietnamese girl.


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David Stry, Ph.D.

DISCO is an abbreviation for discotheque – a French word literally meaning record library. Discos got their start in the early 1960s and were usually poor people’s nightclubs where records could replace live music. Sort of an underground movement; but it began to grow. The idea caught on. By the end of the 1960s there were an estimated 1,100 discos in the U.S.A. and today there are reportedly over 30,000 and, they’re all over the world, including Moscow.

It has become a mass form of leisure-time activity competing with movies, television and sports as the big attraction in today’s world. From an economic viewpoint it has become a five billion dollar business and some operators even have chains of them. How long this disco daffiness will last is anybody’s guess, but currently it’s the “in” thing.

It is enjoyed not only by kids, but by almost every age group and economic strata. And its popularity has really soared, especially after the film industry scored with their top-rated movie “Saturday Night Fever.”

One of the keys to successful Disco operation is the record spinner, the Deejay. He must be a master psychologist and set the mood and the pace of the dancers by his proper selection of music, the tempo, sound volume and combination of lights. And at no time does he allow the music to stop.

Disco dancing is an atmosphere of letting loose and a form of relaxed hypnotism; a non-rebellious type of dancing as was some of the previous forms of dance. And the participants look good; clean clothes, clean fingernails and careful hair-dos. The dancers are usually jammed together like twitching sardines and jerking like animated puppets; sort of tribal rites which send the participants into emotional jags on the dance


floor. Tension-releasing, with a lot of balletic arm-work, a bit of karate chopping, and some constricted wind-milling. You can feel the throbbing of the music which at first seems strange but tends to “grow on you” as you dance.

You can even interpret the body-language of the dancers, which reveals a great deal about their personalities and feelings: changes of expressions, abandonment, self-consciousness, smiling or serious, lost in the music and lights, etc.

Disco dancing is fun. It’s good physical exercise. It’s action – activity – going out on the town – being with friends – snacking and drinking – and a conversation piece for tomorrow. And the primitive beat of the music stays with you, apparently satisfying a basic need for rhythm.

Sound is measured in decibels. Normal, person-to-person conversation is about 80 decibels; disco music usually goes way above 100 decibels which is ear splitting and could have the long-range after-effects of resulting in impaired hearing and complete deafness. This loudness can also have a deleterious effect on the entire nervous system leading to a nervous breakdown. The insane asylums are filled now; what are we going to do with these people in the coming years?

Another bad thing about Discos is that the dancing areas are usually filled with tobacco smoke, which is not only cancer-producing for the smoker but harmful and nauseating to non-smokers. And, nearly all Discos serve liquors and beers; the owners are interested in profits and not the health of their customers.

The usual Disco begins about 10 P.M. and the disco maniacs continue until 4 or 5 A.M. Such hours are completely out of harmony with the cosmic forces. Man is not a nocturnal animal; his biological relatives, the primates, all retire when it gets dark and awaken when it gets light. Edison figured out the modern electric lighting. Modern Cinderella doesn’t go home at midnight anymore; she goes to a Disco.

Dr. John Diamond, psychiatrist and president of

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the Academy of Preventive Medicine claims that the continuous sound is contrary to Nature and will ultimately cause loss of muscle strength and disorientation. Benny Goodman of the big-band era refers to this modern disco music as “Amplified noise.”

A breath of fresh air and sanity is to be found at a certain Vegetarian Health Retreat in Cuernavaca, Mexico with a Disco Hall featuring modulated music, change of rhythm pace, modulated sound, rest periods, no smoking, no alcohol, and only freshly-made fruit juices served at their bar. And the hours are from 8 to 10 P.M. so that the dancers can get a healthful night’s rest. Their Disco is called LA SANAHORIA (sane & carrot juice).

Where’s the nearest travel agency? I’m heading for Mexico.

Anyhow, it’s the birth of a new industry. And poetically speaking: That day is strange/From New York to Frisco/When nobody opens/Another Disco.



Navy Reports U.F.O. Tracking


John Latta of The Star

A U.F.O. sighting and tracking at one of America’s key weapons research base, may be the most scientifically significant observation ever made.

An official military document obtained by THE STAR, now confirms that some of the most sophisticated radar in the country actually locked on to the U.F.O., and its activity was recorded on a computer, the first time this has happened in the history of U.F.O. research!

“The incident was first reported in THE STAR shortly after it occurred several weeks ago, over the Pinecastle Electronic Warfare Range, near Astor, Fla.

“Spokesman for the nearby Jacksonville Naval Air Station Nick Young told THE STAR: ‘This object was held visually by some 10 military people at the range, and we did lock on to it with the radar, and that hasn’t been done before to our knowledge.

“‘I’m talking about an object that was circular in shape, with red, green and white lights. It maneuvered in such a manner, and at speeds, that it could not have been a helicopter,” he said.

“After the two hour ordeal of fighting to lock onto the UFO, radar operator Timothy Collins said: ‘I’ve never seen anything like it and I don’t want to see anything like it again.’

“The UFO was first sighted by civilians, whose calls to the remote weapons base were recorded in the duty officer’s report of the incident of the Commander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic Fleet.

“‘A female caller wanted to know whether the navy was dropping parachute flares and when told the range was closed, she said she was looking at strange red, green and white lights,’ said the report.

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“These early sightings indicate that the object had come over land from the east, from the air space over the deadly Bermuda Triangle, an offshore grave yard for planes and ships that have disappeared without trace.

“‘The duty officer followed normal procedure,’ said Young, ‘because his first thought was that a civilian aircraft might have crashed in the area. He located it visually and called his radar operator.

“‘The craft was then followed visually, and on radar, for about two hours as it made passes over the area of the weapons base,’ he said.

“The report of the first visual contact, and two hour battle to keep in touch with the UFO, was described as ‘vital’ by the director of the International UFO Investigative Bureau, Mr. Charles Tucker, who told THE STAR: ‘If the Air Force will release more of these documents it would enable researchers to put together a pattern and to make greater advances in their general research.’

“According to the report, duty officer Robert Clark called in his radar operator after receiving official word that no commercial aircraft were in the vicinity.

“‘After a twenty minute warm-up, radar operator Collins locked on to a known target in the area – the civil defense tower – in an automatic track mode. His scan then indicated one stationary target (the tower) and one unidentified blip, fluttering over the target.’ “But Collins could not ‘lock’ the radar on the unidentified object and had difficulty pinpointing the exact bearing of it from his radar scanner.

“He had observed the target for perhaps an hour when it began moving across the radar scope from north-west to south, at about 400-500 knots. Collins tried to ‘train’ the radar on the object, but it accelerated rapidly, evading his efforts to lock on and track it.

“‘When he caught up with the object it reversed direction and started back towards Pinecastle. Collins finally locked on the object after it had practically stopped moving. The computer indicated then two


knots ground velocity.

“‘ We could never determine finally which direction the object left the area in,’ said Young, who later went with two trained naval researchers to check the records of the incident and talk to Clark and Collins.

“The two navy researchers who confirmed the ‘UFO’ status of the incident were described by Young as ‘long-term navy people whose command considers them to be excellent career people and who are mature, dedicated professionals.’

“Collins described his ‘flight’ to track the UFO: ‘First it was heading south, then it was heading north,’ he said from the weapon’s range H.Q. And he revealed how he had struggled to estimate the speed of the craft as his radar, capable of easily locking on to a jet fighter at 500 knots, could not hold the UFO.”


Another View

From Dr. Robert W. Reid, homeopathic physician we have another view of how to keep bodies in good health. There are cell salts for every month of the year, according to Dr. Reid and he has given us a list of those for the months of November and December. (You’ll have to write Dr. Reid to get the names of the salts.) The numbers of these salts for November are 3,2, and 12. For December they are 2,9 and 12.

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He has given specific instructions for taking them. You should take a total of six each ( 18 in all) after each meal. Wait fifteen minutes after eating, place them under the tongue to dissolve. Do not drink or eat for another fifteen minutes.

If you are enthusiastic and faithful about this Dr. Reid states you are working with Mother Nature. By learning the cell salt number in conjunction with the Zodiac sign, when the moon is in that sign for two or three days—–as for example November 2, 12 Sagittarius; November 4 & 5th, # 2, Capricorn—–you can mark your own 1979 calendar when you receive it. These can also be ordered from Dr. Reid.

Sun signs remain through the entire month, while the Moon sign changes every two to three days. By taking the cell salts in conjunction with the sun and moon signs you enhance their action greatly.

Children of course should take only half the adult portion. A very interesting bit of information from our homeopathic friend is that your birthright deficiency cell salts remain the same throughout your entire life. These can be learned also by writing Dr. Reid. Give the birthdates of your father and mother—not the year, just the month and day. Some of the cell salts are driers, some are solvents in the body and they work opposite each other, so of course they should be taken at separate times.

If this sounds a bit complicated, just drop Dr. Reid a note about it. He is a shining example of his own medical advise. He and Caroline Reid spend a lot of their time traveling from city to city, lecturing, counseling and looking a lot younger then they say they are. The address is Coleharbor, North Dakota, 58531.



Two books which came our way this past month are: Intellectual Mysticism by Ben Sheiner and Visionary Appropriation by John Derrickson McCurdy. Mr Sheiner is concerned generally with the finest of details in our ability to see, hear, touch, smell and taste and in particular with our sense of Sight. The Philosophical Library, Inc. 15 E. 40th St. N.Y.C.    10016 publishes both.

The index contains such headings as Synergetic Perception, Synergy, Apparitional Reality, The Sensory Media, Tactile Routes, Visionary Recompression and finally, Enclosure from Within. The vocabulary is scientific and sophisticated. This is a book for serious study by serious students.

Intellectual Mysticism is a book of many drawings and much about sex. All chapter headings begin with “Song of—–“. Besides Song of Sex, the other chapter headings deal with Communication, Creation, Immortal-ity, Trust, Pleasure, Identity, Honesty and finally Imagination.

There is much of optimistic hope for a better life in the book. It is good to learn that Dr. Sheiner who is an MD has such a positive outlook. Many of our younger medical men are so oriented these days.

 ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦ 

If you are interested in having a volume with all (or most all) the new age organizations listed as well as the resources for education, ecology and environment data and a host of others, this is a book for you. The introduction is by Buckminster Fuller. The publisher is Spiritual Community Publications/Nam, Box 1080, San Rafael, CA 94902. Price $5.95. The volume is produced annually. It will be a great help to any seeking information about spiritual growth and development that is difficult to locate elsewhere.

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The theme of the last convention– Sept.29-Oct 1st was “Understanding our Changing World.” And there have been some notable changes at the International Cultural Center of Understanding, Inc. There is a new president of Understanding and a new Board of Directors. ( See the roster on the inside front page.) New plans for the activity of Understanding in the future have been made. There will be a new dining-room, kitchen and dormitory to replace the one destroyed by fire.

The fire itself marked a tremendous change. How it began we weren’t quite sure though we thought it might have been an over-loaded electric circuit. There were a couple RVs hooked up to it as well as refrigerators. The fire started when all were sleeping —- 2:30AM . But fortunately all persons were wakened, all RVs moved out of danger but the kitchen we had worked very hard to complete before the convention burned itself out. It burned all the food purchased for the convention too, and all the coffee makers, electrical equipment belonging to the Frys used for mixing and salad-making!

However, on Monday following the convention when the second building burned, we knew we had been hosting an arsonist in our midst. The arsonist came in the guise of one who said he wanted “to work for Understanding. ” He said he had several years experience working with organizations and named two of unquestionable repute. But on Monday when he was the only person in the large building formerly housing the library, it suddenly burst into flame and he was seen running from the site even as two of our neighbors on the property called to him to help. He jumped into his car and roared off. Apparently the man belonged to the dark forces and he had come to hurt, not to help.

How do people on the Path react to such terrible mischief? With forgiveness? With beholding the Christ in the man? By knowing he is one in Christ with you?

That’s not easy. But it was done by the two people who lived in that building with their two dogs and three


cats. They were both at work and everything they owned was on their back. But here is their letter to the Frys. May we all be able to achieve the same state of consciousness..

Dear Dan and Florence:

We were completely shocked and quite devastated when we left Tonopah after the fire, but we want you to know how much we appreciate you and the chance we had to meet and share your warmth.

Up till now (Oct. 28th) we’ve had many different reflections and points of light on the events which befell us in Arizona. It was difficult to accept as a matter of course, the fire itself and the almost certainty of traumatic deaths for our animals. But we were not forsaken in our tragedy. All people in Tonopah and here in the valley were and are completely wonderful, and under-standing. Michael was being so generous with his really nice clothes I had to act unappreciative to get him to stop!

I was able to get a good job painting for a prior employer the first day I looked and I’ve been able even to find part time work evenings at a higher wage than I’m making regularly. Also we found a good apartment

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where Cream (drinda’s dog that Dan saved from the fire by breaking down the back door.) is allowed, at a reason-able price and with no delay. We have now gotten most of the basics we need to operate with and have started a savings account.

Now our feelings on the fire are these: It was of course meant to be because it happened. It hasn’t been simple to deal with, so maybe we needed the experience. Whether John Doe deliberately set the fire, we don’t know. He’s been caught in a lot of lies but it is entirely possible he fell asleep with a cigarette and rather than take the blame at all, decided to add one more lie to his string of indecencies, (Including verbal insults to Understanding!). If J. D. did set the fire, it is my personal wish that Jesus Christ decide the fate of his soul and I want this man to see and fully comprehend everything and everybody he destroyed that day. My faith in the ultimate love and wonder of God make me believe the three animals we lost are keeping safe as He would have it. And I hope, not pray, that somewhere the rare, unique and one-of-a-kind items destroyed in that fire are in fact preserved intact for the enjoyment of someone.


The reality of our drama was extremely consuming, but we hope your own matters and concerns are going well and prospering. We were enriched by all our dealings with you. Enjoy the weather and be in good health. We wish you good Frys the best.

With love,       Thomas L and Drinda Roseberry.

With such a letter for an example, Understanding members and subscribers cannot react otherwise! And the challenge to us now is the rebuilding of the kitchen. And the erection of another building for a dormitory to replace the second building destroyed.

The Building Fund was begun by conventioneers and now has some $350.00 dollars. Not large, but it is the seed which will grow into the thousands—–with your help!

Please use the enclosed envelope to forward your contribution to our new president, Dr. Lloyd G. Sellman, Star Route Box 588F, Tonopah, AZ 85354.

We must not let the negative forces win out!


For nearly a quarter of a century, Understanding, Inc. has had the same president; the man who founded it, Daniel W. Fry. Now the responsibility and the challenge has been passed on to a new president. He is Dr. Lloyd G. Sellman, ordained minister of the Unity Science Church and licensed chiropractor in the state of California. Daniel Fry has become president Emeritus, just as much a part of Understanding as ever, but in the role of counselor and elder statesman.

Dr. Sellman was elected president at the annual meeting of the Board in October following the convent-ion. He and his wife Rita, also an ordained minister of the Unity Science Church, have moved into the home formerly occupied by the Frys. The Frys have a new address; 1606 Mountain View Drive, Alamogordo, New Mexico, 88310.

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Dr. Sellman and his wife have been loyal supporters of Understanding since 1977 and are enthusiastically planning on an active work in the organization. The Sellmans have traveled extensively and expect to travel more in the future in contacting units of Understanding all over the country. The have lectured the past seven years on the UFO sightings and Rita, who has been a medium for the past 23 years, receives channeled messages from the Space people. They have been her friend and constant counsellor in her ministerial work in the past.

Dr. Sellman, like his predecessor, is a man of many talents. He is a licensed contractor, the work he followed after serving in the Air Force for 19 years as an instructor in flight training. He retired as a captain. He then studied for the Chiropractic profession at the Cleveland College in Los Angeles and worked with Dr. Lohman in Palm Springs until he gave up professional work to devote full time to the Ministry.

The magazine, Understanding, will be a joint effort of the Frys and the Sellmans; Magazine composition and editing will take place in Alamogordo, the mailing will continue to be from Tonopah. Magazine subscript-ions should be sent to Tonopah, contributions to Alamogordo, New Mexico.



Greetings Fellow Members of Understanding, Inc., those of this planet and those not of this planet and to all my Brothers and Sisters in God who are One with us although not presently members of Understanding, Inc. It is a great privilege and honor to follow Dr. Daniel W. Fry as president of this international organization. I do not presume to be able to walk in his steps but to carry on the work of Understanding in the best possible way. Dr. Fry had the privilege of meeting with one of the extraterrestrial population and of being instrumental in placing that person here. Because of his efforts and possibly the efforts of many others like him , we have a planet… yet.

While we have not had such distinction, we, my beloved wife, Rita and I do have our Beloved Elder Brother, Jesus the Christed One of Nazareth as One in whose footsteps we would endeavor to walk. In addition to Jesus as the One at the helm, we have the members of the Saturn Command Headquarters, and all the other Light Workers who are engaged in this transition period of the ages.

Our hope, Rita’s and mine, is to disseminate the Light of Truth and Understanding to all who will listen for to try to Understand is to seek the Truth that sets us free. Solomon asked for an understanding heart and counselled others to do so also. For to understand ourselves we come to know and understand God and that we are all One in Him or in the Great Divine Principle.

We, Rita and I understand that each and every person has his own divine right to seek as he chooses and none of us has the right to force our will on another. We can reach out a hand to help a brother if he asks. If he takes that hand, fine, but it must be his choice. Also we each must be the example of the way we would pass on to others for JESUS SAID, “Another name for teacher is example.”

We have studied and followed for many years the teachings given in The Life and Teachings of the Masters, by Baird T. Spalding. Having had the privilege of

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sitting in on one meeting where Baird Spalding spoke, I know that every word in his books are true. And in these volumes, Jesus gives a great amount of beautiful teachings which when applied in our daily life we will attain as the Masters have and that is the attainment of eternal life in an eternally youthful body through which to ex-press, the greater things Jesus said we were to express.

Another individual who has had great influence in my life is Walter Russell. Through him I gained my first real concept of who and what God is, and my relationship to him and to man and to the universe.

If I as president of the international organization of Understanding, Inc., may make a plea to all members and subscribers, let it be that we all work together as a Unit to promote Understanding in our daily living and thereby become an example that others may follow. Sincerely yours in the Light of Truth and Love, Rev. Dr. Lloyd G. Sellman, DC


To all those friends and members of Understanding, Inc. who have so patiently put up with Dan Fry as president of the organization for the past twenty-two years, Greetings! It has been a long pull, but don’t celebrate too soon. Although Dan has relinquished the gavel, he has no intention of either dying or just fading away. On the contrary, having been relieved of some of the more time-consuming chores of leadership, you may be hearing from him oftener and with greater vigor than ever before.

In spite of the hopeful rumors that have been circulating in some quarters Dan has not resigned from Understanding, nor has his enthusiasm abated in any way.

Dr. Lloyd G. Sellman, our new president will need all the help we can give him, moral, spiritual and financial, to carry out the long term goals of the organization and we must see that he gets it.

Daniel W. Fry, President Emeritus



Aleta Lister

Dear Lord, help me to need what I have. I don’t ask for “this day our daily bread,”, because I already have it and am likely to wake up to it and a lot more in the morn ing. I don’t ask for anything else — just to need what I have. Because, O Lord, I know that only the people who can need what they have are happy.

Help me to need my husband with his overgrown football-player’s physique and appetites. Help me, so that I will not be a fair-weather wife — because I know that, at heart, he is tender and enduring. Help me to need him more than that type I didn’t leave him for ten years ago.

Help me to need my teen-age son, even when he is a brilliant oaf — because he does act like an oaf when he falls short of the perfectionist standards he sets for him self. Either that, or he bugs out. Help me, for I would not be a fair-weather mother.

Help me, O Lord, to need the faultiness of things and people. Help me to need the tears in the nature of things. Because I know they are always going to be there, help me to need them.

Help me to need human imperfection, because I know that I am not always at my best; yet loved ones accept me and the world goes on.

Help me to need the El Paso Times, dear Lord, when I would have the New York Times, a mountain when I’d like a skyscraper, a backyard barbecue when I’d throb to a Hawaiian guitar and luau.

Help me to need to plan a vacation on a shoestring in Mexico, when I would sun on the Riviera on fifty dollars a day.

Help me to need a Spanish-style house and furnishings, when I would redecorate with Scandinavian modern. Help me to need a $30,000 house, when down the street is one that cost $60,000.

Help me to need a mid-morning coffee break in the kitchen, when I wouldn’t mind sipping a lemonade in Barcelona. Help me to look kindly on the honeysuckle at the window when its Bougainvillea I adore.

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Help me to need desert landscaping, when I would love to look at any Virginia tree. Dear Lord, help me to need to water Bermuda grass, when anywhere else we would weed it out like an intruder.

Help me to vote in elections where either candidate makes me want to shut my eyes and hold my nose. Help me to need a size twelve dress, when it’s size six on the classy chassis next door that I really have in mind.

Help me to need television about twelve hours a day, when I can’t abide pastimes for spectators and would prefer cycling through the tulips in Holland. Help me, because my husband and son seem to need the television, and You know they wouldn’t miss the Dallas Cowboys if we had free tickets for FIDDLER ON THE ROOF.

Help me to need my misadventures, so I can grow on them and rise above them.

Help me, dear Lord, to need the positive in me, the good in me, because You, if anybody, should know how much of the negative there is lurking in us all, just waiting to get the upper hand. Help me to need the balance point between the good and the evil and to know where it is, so that I can survive.

Help me to need joy, to need to hear the joy bells, and to help them ring.

But help me at the same time, O Lord, to need to remain vulnerable to the pain and the sadness of the world. If nobody identified with the pain and the sadness of the moment, if nobody recognized it and felt it, that would be the worst of all.

Help me, O Lord, to make my peace with the facts. Between the two of us, dear Lord, I’m past forty, and not too much is going to be different from what it is now.

Help me, dear Lord, to remember that a famous philosopher told me that when I actually arrive to talk with You, You will not ask me `why weren’t you Joan of Arc?” but rather, ‘why weren’t you Aleta?”

In short, dear Lord, help me to need my character, because it is my fate. Help me to need to be me –because nobody else can.




Juliana Lewis

Part of the beauty of Billericay, a small village in Essex County, England, lies in the character of its outstanding, quaint old buildings, but even more is found in the character of the outstanding citizens it has produced. Poignant memories housed in these old, timbered buildings tell us of its many courageous Christians, some of whom gave their lives for their faith. Included among them was Christopher Martin, a little known but true hero of the Mayflower, and one to whom America should be grateful. It was he who found the supplies for this pilgrim voyage.

The streets of this village that reared Christopher remain much as they were in his own day. The bell of his church, with its medieval brick tower and galleries all around, which has rung for six hundred years, still rings. The thatched-roof bungalows, one of which served as his home, still stand, and a barn of upright logs can be seen near the old mill where he and his friends ground the flour to provision the Mayflower. And opposite the chapel is Mayflower Hall with its tablet which commerates Christopher’s gallantry, and that of his wife Marie, her brother-in-law Solomon Prower, and their servant John Langerman.

When Christopher was still a boy in these surroundings, Elizabeth was queen and men were free to believe in God and worship him as they pleased. But many villagers recalled with bitterness the days of Mary Tudor’s reign of terror. For example, the aged Widow Watts told little Christopher of how her husband had died at Chelmsford rather than deny his faith, and of how her boys had been willing to be burned with their father. He was told, too, of the three young girls of Billericay, Elizabeth Thackwell, Margaret Ellis, and


Joan Hornes, who suffered the same fate. Joan bravely faced her oppressors, telling them she began to learn the faith at eleven years of age, and that she would continue in it, God helping her. Then, like another Joan more than a hundred years before her, she walked into the fire.

The stories of these heroes and heroines from among his own village people, known by his own friends, greatly influenced young Christopher’s thinking, and his own faith grew deeper every day. In due time he married the widow Prower and they crossed over to Holland to join William Brewster and his friends at Leyden, where John Robinson was their Minister. But the fear of a Dutch war with Spain, the temptations before their children and an increasing desire to spread the gospel in distant lands stirred a spirit of unrest in them, and they thought of America , the new-found world, and at length decided to make it their home.

Christopher and two others went to England to make arrangements for the voyage which would carry them across the Atlantic:. There they chartered a ship suited to their needs, the Mayflower, and set about providing it with supplies.

One summer evening in 1620, Christopher and Marie, Solomon and John walked for the last time down the hill at Billericay. They boarded the ship at Leigh and Christopher continued as one of the most helpful and trusted men of this devoted band. Having served as supplier, he now served as treasurer.

When the terrible sickness came which was to carry off one-third of the Mayflower’s pilgrims that first winter off the Massachusetts coast, Christopher numbered among the victims. Neither he nor his wife nor any one of his group who had put so much effort into the making of this historic voyage survived to make their names in the new world. But they are remembered with pride in Billericay as the diligent and courageous people of faith who served their country and our country well. And let us remember them as the beautiful citizens of Billericay who had a dream for us to carry out and make come true in America.



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Are you on The Path? Do you know where you are going on your Path? Do you know where you are going on your path? Do you know how to reach your highest goal? All these questions are answered scientifically and clearly in The Curve of Development by Dr. Daniel W. Fry.

Send for it TODAY. $2.50, postage included in price.

You can’t afford to be without it.

The Curve of Development by Daniel W. Fry. $2.50 postpd.


Join the work of rebuilding the Center Facilities!


It will take several thousand dollars to replace the two structures Understanding needs to complete the work of educating for survival those who will be directed to the desert in the coming months.

Your money, your prayers and your physical presence to work on the project are needed.

Address Contributions to

Dr. Lloyd G. Sellman, President, Understanding, Inc

 Star Route Box 588F

Tonopah, Arizona 85354



 ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦ 


Would you like to be able to have an Understanding convention in your own home? Would you like to present all of the lectures to your friends and acquaintances? They are available NOW!

AVAILABLE NOW – Cassette Tape of the ‘Man in Space’ convention lectures.

AL WRIGHT, (Project Director for the ‘Space Shuttle’) – “The Age of Aero-Space Transportation.”

PAT CODY, (Director of Aero-Space Education, Pacific Region, U.S.A.F.) – “Our Aero-Space Heritage.”

DR. RAY BROWN, (H.M.D., Ph.D.) – “Your Health In Space.”

DR. DANIEL W. FRY – (President of Understanding, Inc.) – “Preparing to Live in Space.”

DR. MERVIN STRICKLER, (Chief of Aviation Education Programs Div., F.A.A.) – “Russian Aero-Space Education Training.”

All tapes – $5.25 ea. (Postpaid). Send orders to ‘Tapes’, c/o Understanding, Inc., Star Route Box 588F, Tonopah, Arizona 85354.



by Dr. Daniel W. Fry

To Men of Earth &

White Sands Incident

(softbound)     $3.00

Atoms, Galaxies and Understanding

(hardbound)   $3.00

(softbound)     $2.00

Steps to the Stars

(softbound)     $2.00

Atlantean Fire Crystals &

Physical Basis of ESP

(Cassette Tape-90 min.) $4.00

Merlin Publishing Company

Star Rte #588F, Tonopah, AZ 85354

Please include postage-20c a volume




Advertise Your Books,

Activities, etc.,

In Understanding Magazine


$8 per quarter page per month

Three months: $16.50

Six months: $33.00

These rates are for additional insert of the same copy. The charge for a change is $3.00 per quarter page. other rates, please write.

Copy limit, 20 lines to quarter




10 Issues        $4.00

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Sustaining      — $25.00

Contributing   – $10.00

Associate       – $2.00

Magazine Subscription comes

with both Sustaining and

Contributing Memberships.



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