September 1988


The coming peace with the Soviet Union is supposed to be one of complete understanding. The only problem with achieving that blissful state is that neither nation seems to know exactly what the word peace means.  It was once defined as – The hectic interval between two wars. when both sides are struggling to recover from the wounds of the last, and at the same time are working desperately to develop weapons that will make the next war even more destructive. This definition of the word was given only to show that most people think of peace only as the absence of war. Of course, this is the first definition that is given in most of our dictionaries, but there are many other aspects of the word which are also given: “public quiet,” order, security and freedom from disturbance. The synonyms are harmony, concord, amity, reconciliation, tranquility and serenity.

A careful consideration of the definitions and the synonyms will indicate that peace is not so much a state of the nation, as it is a state of mind.

Appeals to the world for peace are only as effective as their appeal to the individual mind and conscience of man, for it is within the mind and conscience of man that peace must be born.

Amity, tranquility and serenity can only be achieved through successful living, and successful living requires a continuing compromise between man and his fellowman, as well as between state and state. It must, however, be a true compromise and not a complete surrender by either party.

Surrender implies a victor and a vanquished. The vanquished is unlikely to feel either amity or serenity, and the victor will be incited to even greater demands.

Successful compromise results from true understanding, and so we see that Peace Through Understanding is more than a mere motto or a catch phrase.

The supreme issue in every age, in every place, is, always has been, and always has been, and forever will be, peace and understanding. What is peace? And what is understanding? The two are mutually inter-connected. There can be no peace without understanding, and there can be no understanding without peace.

Understanding is the very foundation of peace, both in the minds of men and in the state of the nation or of the world

Daniel W. Fry


This month your editor has the real privilege of sharing the newsletter with two energetic and dedicated men who have undertaken a difficult but most desirable task of getting the portrayal of tobacco smoking banned in children’s comic books. It is a project which should be almost universally applauded, because even those parents who themselves smoke usually do not wish their children to begin, and it is well known that the comic book hero is a role model for many a child, and so should live as clean a life as possible.

On the reverse side are shown a few people who agree with them. They have received many more letters of approval, but we have room for only a few. As you will see from the letters of approval, the names of the two campaigners are Mr. T. Casey Brennan, an ex writer of comic book scripts, who set out about six years ago to de-glamorize smoking by taking it out of the hands of the “good guys”.

The other man who is whole-heartedly assisting in the project is Mr. Neil Staebler, Room 308, 202 East Washington St, Ann Arbor, Mich.


August 6, 1987

Dear Mr. Staebler:

Thank you for the material on Mr. Brennan’s campaign to stop having smoking portrayed in children’s comic books. I will see what I can do to bring this to Harvard’s attention, and in the meantime wish Mr. Brennan all the best in his efforts.

Every good wish,

Best regards,

Henry A. Kissinger

The Honorable

Neil Staebler

Room 308

202 East Washington

Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104

SUITE 1021 • 1800 K STREET, N. W. • WASHINGTON, D. C. 20008 • (202) 872-0300

Telephone: 94266. 598730                                     ARTHUR C. CLARKE

Cable: UNDERSEA COLOMBO                            “LESLIE’S HOUSE”


94256, 698730

Neil Staebler,                                                 11 August 1987,

Room 308,

202 East Washington Street

Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 USA.

Dear Mr. Staebler

Thank you for your letter of July 29.

I wish Mr Brennan luck with his campaign – somewhere in one of my books I remarked that I sometimes think that the only crime that merits the death penalty is tobacco peddling; unfortunately I can’t find the reference.

Here’s an item that arrived in today’s mail which may also interest you!

All good wishes,